NAVatt synthetIc generatATOR (NAVIGATOR) is a command line tool developed in C++ to create NAVATT files based on EOCFI Orbit and Attitude. Using DFDL4S to create the L0 RAW packets, NAVIGATOR is a generic tool able to:

  • support multiple orbit file formats
  • support multiple attitude definitions
  • support multiple missions
  • configure values and fields of the packets based on a DFDL4S schema 
  • introduce a bias between GNSS/AOCS and Packet Generation time stamps
  • allows configuration of Source Sequence Counter of 1st generated ISP
  • allows segmentation of output into multiple files

The tool is available for MacOS 64bit and Linux 64bit.

For a description of the command line options, run the tool with the --help option:

    $ navigator --help

The tool makes use of the Mission Schema Files for S2G / DFDL4S, which can be found here. The schemas need to be extracted from the Jar files in order to be used by NAVIGATOR.


Filter file list:  
File name