ISP Annotate
The ISP AnnotateCRCFix (isp_annotate
) adds an annotation to each ISP of an
ISP stream. The annotation is defined as an hexadecimal pattern (e.g.
‘FF00FF00’) as a command line. Using the size argument allows to repeat the
annotation; for example, given the annotation ‘FF00’ and size 9 bytes, the
effective annotation would be ‘FF00FF00FF00FF00FF’.
ISP Annotate Options
-h [ –help ] : Displays options help
-v [ –version ] : Displays version information
–verbose : Display progress bar while processing the file
–schema arg : Schema of the ISP [REQUIRED]
–isp arg : ISP(s) file to be displayed [REQUIRED, MULTIPLE]
–annotation arg (=00) : The byte pattern (in hex) to be used as annotation [OPTIONAL]
–size arg : The size of the annotation (in bytes) [OPTIONAL]
-o [ –output ] arg : Output file to store the annotated ISPs [REQUIRED]