Class containing common util methods for the EO Orbit/Attitude adapter classes.
static long | getTimeRef (string auxVal) throw (EoAdapterError) |
| Get CFI enumeration value for the input time reference name. More...
static long | getCsRef (string auxVal) throw (EoAdapterError) |
| Get CFI enumeration value for the input CS reference name. More...
static long | getTargetFrame (string auxVal) throw (EoAdapterError) |
| Get CFI enumeration value for the input attitude target reference name. More...
static long | getSatellite (string satelliteName) |
| Get satellite CFI ID. More...
static string | getMonth (string monthNumber) |
| Get moth according to DFDL4S UTC-TAI history table. More...
static void | getRotationMatrix (Time t, long csOut, long csIn, double matrix[3][3]) throw (EoAdapterError) |
| It returns the matrix that transforms the the vectors in csIn to csOut. More...
Class containing common util methods for the EO Orbit/Attitude adapter classes.