========================================== Earth Observation CFI Release 4.2 README ========================================== The CFI libraries are available fro download at the following URL (registration required): http://eop-cfi.esa.int/eo_cfi_distribution/CURRENT/4.2 The documentation is available for download at the following URL: http://eop-cfi.esa.int/CFI/EO_CFI_DOCS/4.2 DEM datasets are distributed separately and are available for download at the following URL: http://eop-cfi.esa.int/eo_cfi_distribution/DEM More information can be found at: http://eop-cfi.esa.int/eo_cfi_distribution The CFI libraries are provided in different packages depending on the platform: --------------- SOLARIS & LINUX --------------- The CFI libraries are distributed as compressed (gzip) files: 32-bit: * EOCFI_4_2_LINUX32.tar.gz 64-bit: * EOCFI_4_2_SOLARIS64.tar.gz * EOCFI_4_2_LINUX64.tar.gz In order to install the libraries is necessary to follow these steps: 1. Copy the required files (from the zipped files listed above) in the directory where the user wants to install, say (CFI_INSTALL). 2. Uncompress (gzip) and untar (tar xvf) the files. 3. Create the directories "include" and "lib/LINUX" in (CFI_INSTALL), for instance, if the user is installing the LINUX libraries. (The folder name must be "lib/SOLARIS" or "lib/LINUX") 4. Create symbolic links in "(CFI_INSTALL)/include" (or copy there the corresponding files): ln -s ../explorer_file_handling/include/explorer_file_handling.h ln -s ../explorer_data_handling/include/explorer_data_handling.h ln -s ../explorer_lib/include/explorer_lib.h ln -s ../explorer_orbit/include/explorer_orbit.h ln -s ../explorer_pointing/include/explorer_pointing.h ln -s ../explorer_visibility/include/explorer_visibility.h 5. Create symbolic links in "(CFI_INSTALL)/lib/SOLARIS". For example, is the user is installing all the SOLARIS libraries: ln -s ../../explorer_file_handling/lib/LINUX/libexplorer_file_handling.a ln -s ../../explorer_data_handling/lib/LINUX/libexplorer_data_handling.a ln -s ../../explorer_data_handling/lib/LINUX/xml_validate ln -s ../../explorer_lib/lib/LINUX/libexplorer_lib.a ln -s ../../explorer_lib/lib/LINUX/time_conv ln -s ../../explorer_orbit/lib/LINUX/libexplorer_orbit.a ln -s ../../explorer_orbit/lib/LINUX/gen_dnf ln -s ../../explorer_orbit/lib/LINUX/gen_osf_add_drift_cycle ln -s ../../explorer_orbit/lib/LINUX/gen_osf_append_orbit_change ln -s ../../explorer_orbit/lib/LINUX/gen_osf_change_repeat_cycle ln -s ../../explorer_orbit/lib/LINUX/gen_osf_create ln -s ../../explorer_orbit/lib/LINUX/gen_pof ln -s ../../explorer_orbit/lib/LINUX/gen_rof ln -s ../../explorer_orbit/lib/LINUX/orbit_to_time ln -s ../../explorer_orbit/lib/LINUX/time_to_orbit ln -s ../../explorer_pointing/lib/LINUX/libexplorer_pointing.a ln -s ../../explorer_visibility/lib/LINUX/libexplorer_visibility.a ln -s ../../explorer_visibility/lib/LINUX/gen_swath 6. Install the libxml libraries associated to each platform: - LINUX32: In the directory "(CFI_INSTALL)/aux_tools" uncompress and untar the file libxml2-2.6.22_LINUX.tar.gz - SOLARIS 64-bit: It is using the 64-bit libxml2 library located in /usr/lib/sparcv9/ - LINUX 64-bit: It is using the 64-bit libxml2 library located in /usr/lib/ 7. In order to be able to use the XML validation function in the explorer_data_handling example it is necessary to install the xerces libraries and the SAX2Count binary: - LINUX32: In the directory "(CFI_INSTALL)/aux_tools" uncompress and untar the file xercesc-2.7.0_LINUX.tar.gz - SOLARIS 64-bit: In the directory "(CFI_INSTALL)/aux_tools" uncompress and untar the file xercesc-2.7.0_SOLARIS64.tar.gz - LINUX 64-bit: In the directory "(CFI_INSTALL)/aux_tools" uncompress and untar the file xercesc-2.7.0_LINUX64.tar.gz 8. Define the following environment variables: In a tcsh shell, for instance: #!/bin/tcsh setenv EXPCFI_DEV /home/UserId/(CFI_INSTALL) setenv EXPCFI_DIR /home/UserId/(CFI_INSTALL) setenv EXPCFI_TOOLS /home/UserId/(CFI_INSTALL)/aux_tools setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $EXPCFI_TOOLS/libxml/LINUX/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH Due to 7), it is necessary to define the following variables as well: setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $EXPCFI_TOOLS/xercesc/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH setenv PATH $EXPCFI_TOOLS/xerces-c/bin:$PATH 9. Run the corresponding "validation" programs (for each of the libraries), using the command: make -f make.LINUX (use the makefile corresponding to the platform) ------------------------------------ MACOS X (Power PC & Intel) & WINDOWS ------------------------------------ The CFI libraries are distributed using an installation program: 32-bit: * EOCFI_4_2_WINDOWS.exe * EOCFI_4_2_MACOS32.dmg * EOCFI_4_2_MACIN32.dmg 64-bit: * EOCFI_4_2_MACIN64.dmg In order to install the libraries is necessary to follow these steps: 1. Expand the archive (if necessary) by double clicking. 2. Double click on the application, in order to start up the installation program. 3. Follow the instruccions displayed by the installation application. 4. Install the libxml libraries associated to each platform: - MACOS: The archive combo-2005-11-06.dmg.gz is available in the distribution area. Once unzipped and installed, copy the resulting folder to "/Library/Frameworks". - MACIN: It is using the libxml2 library located in /usr/lib/ - WINDOWS: The executable program installes by default the libxml library. - MACIN 64-bit: In the directory "(CFI_INSTALL)/aux_tools" uncompress and untar the file libxml2-2.6.22_MACIN64.tar.gz Note: Installation of MAC OS X disk images a) From GUI: a1. Expand the .dmg archive by double clicking. a2. Follow the instructions displayed by the installation application. b) From terminal: b1. Type the command: hdid EXPLORERCFI_4_1_MACOS32.dmg Now the disk image is mounted under the /Volumes directory. The name of the package is shown (e.g. EE_CFI_Installation.mpkg) b2. Run the command line version of the Mac OS X installer. sudo /usr/sbin/installer -verbose -pkg EE_CFI_Installation.mpkg -target / b3. Copy the directory created to the (CFI_INSTALL) folder b4. Unmount the *.dmg disk image First you need to execute the mount command to determine which virtual disk device the dmg is mounted as (e.g. /dev/disk1s2). Then we use 'hdiutil detach' to unmount it. hdiutil detach /dev/disk1s2 -force 5. In order to be able to use the XML validation function in the explorer_data_handling example it is necessary to install the xerces libraries and the SAX2Count binary: - WINDOWS: The executable program installes by default the xerces library and the SAX2Count binary. - MACOS 32-bit: In the directory "(CFI_INSTALL)/aux_tools" uncompress and untar the file xercesc-2.7.0_MACOS.tar.gz - MACIN 32-bit: In the directory "(CFI_INSTALL)/aux_tools" uncompress and untar the file xercesc-2.7.0_MACIN.tar.gz - MACIN 64-bit: In the directory "(CFI_INSTALL)/aux_tools" uncompress and untar the file xercesc-2.7.0_MACIN64.tar.gz 6. Define the following environment variables, depending on the platform: - MACOS 32-bit: In a tcsh shell, for instance: #!/bin/tcsh setenv EXPCFI_TOOLS /home/UserId/(CFI_INSTALL)/aux_tools setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $EXPCFI_TOOLS/xerces-c/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH setenv PATH $EXPCFI_TOOLS/xerces-c/bin:$PATH - MACIN 32-bit: In a tcsh shell, for instance: #!/bin/tcsh setenv EXPCFI_TOOLS /home/UserId/(CFI_INSTALL)/aux_tools setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $EXPCFI_TOOLS/xerces-c/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH setenv PATH $EXPCFI_TOOLS/xerces-c/bin:$PATH - MACIN 64-bit: In a tcsh shell, for instance: #!/bin/tcsh setenv EXPCFI_TOOLS /home/UserId/(CFI_INSTALL)/aux_tools setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH $EXPCFI_TOOLS/libxml/MACOS64/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH $EXPCFI_TOOLS/xerces-c/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH setenv PATH $EXPCFI_TOOLS/xerces-c/bin:$PATH - WINDOWS: The installation program already defines the environment variables. Please check that the environment variable PATH correctly includes the path to the libxml2 library and to the xerces library and SAX2Count binary 7. Run the corresponding "validation" programs (for each of the libraries), using the command: make -f make.MACOS (use the makefile corresponding to the platform)