Date:                    31/01/2011
Issue:                                4.2

Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
JAVA Libraries. Release Notes - Version 4.2


This note describes the changes introduced in the current release of the Earth Observation CFI software JAVA libraries. This note consists of the following sections:


The current release of the Earth Observation CFI consist of the following items:

The libraries have been created with the following computer systems:

Machine OS
Sun under Solaris 64-Bits Solaris 5.9
PC under Linux 32-Bits Linux 2.6.16 (RedHat)
PC under Linux 64-Bits Linux 2.6.16 (RedHat)
Macintosh under MacOS X 32-Bits Mac OS X 10.4.6
Macintosh with Intel processor under MacOS X 32-Bits Mac OS X 10.4.9
Macintosh with Intel processor under MacOS X 64-Bits Mac OS X 10.5.7
PC under Windows XP Microsoft Windows XP


The following table shows for every OS the list of additional libraries that are needed in order to link an application with the Earth Observation CFI libraries.

OS Compiler External libraries
Solaris 64-Bits Java SE 5 libxml2 version 2.4.23 or later (POSIX thread library)
Linux 32-Bits Java SE 5 libxml2 version 2.6.23 or later POSIX thread library
glibc 2.4
Linux 64-Bits Java SE 5 libxml2 version 2.6.23 or later POSIX thread library
glibc 2.4
Mac OS X 32-Bits Java 1.5.0_26 libxml2 version 2.6.22. POSIX thread library
Mac OS X Intel 32-Bits Java 1.5.0_19 libxml2 version 2.6.16 POSIX thread library
Mac OS X Intel 64-Bits Java 1.5.0_16 libxml2 version 2.6.22. POSIX thread library
MS Windows(*) Java SE 5 libxml2 version 2.6.20 or later (including iconv-1.9.1 and zlib-1.2.3)
pthread.lib: POSIX thread library

(*) When linking an application for Windows using the CFI dynamic libraries, the linking with the LIBC.LIB or LIBCM.LIB should be avoided. The library MSVCRT.DLL should be used instead. This library is not provided with the CFI installation package, as it is included with the Windows OS (It also can be downloaded from:;en-us;259403).


CFI Packages and Installation

The CFI software and documents can be downloaded from the ESA EOP System Support Division Web Server: (main page)
From there, just follow the links until you reach the Earth Observation CFI page: Follow the instructions given on the page and you will be able to save the distribution file(s) on your local disk.

The CFI libraries are provided in different formats depending on the platform:

Upon completion the installation procedure, the following items will be on your computer:

Finally, the validation program should be compiled and run to check that the installation has been sucsessful.

How to build the validation

For every library the CFI installation contains a directory called "validation". This directory contains the validation program ( and associated validation script (validate.bat for WINDOWS and for the rest of the systems). This program should be run to verify the proper installation of the CFI Library. The procedure is the following:

  1. Go to directory validation
  2. Edit the validation script and configure it to your installation if necessary.
  3. Note in particular that if the CFI requires to link with other CFIs, you will have to specify the location of those other CFI libraries. If, when installing those other CFIs, you always followed the advice given below, this will be easier.
  4. Run the validation program using:
    • For all OS except Windows: ./ OS where OS stands for the different allowed operative systems.
    • For Windows: validate.bat

The validation program is created, executed and a validation status message printed. The message should look like:




In the latter case, check again your installation, and run the validation program again if necessary. If the message persists, report the problem.
During the execution of the validation program a log file LibraryNameValid.OS.out (OS stands for the different allowed operative systems) is also created. It can be consulted for a detailed listing of the validation run.

How to build the example

For every library the CFI installation contains a directory called "example".

This directory contains example program (LibraryNameExample.cpp), the associated compilation script (runExample.bat for WINDOWS and for the rest of the operating systems) and the data files (under the data directory). The example program is provided to illustrate how the interface with the CFI functions works, and in particular how to handle the returned errors through exceptions.

The examples should be self-explanatory. To use them, use the same procedure as for the validation program.
In an user application, the same conventions to compile and link as in the example compilation script should be followed.
Note that native libraries are dynamic and, when using dynamic linking libraries, proper setting of the environment must be performed at run-time. This means:


New Funcionalities

The following new features/requirements have been implemented:







Software problems

The following Software problems have been fixed:

ANR Nr. Description
418 The CFI algorithm for SAR modes produces wrong results when pointing to the left of the boresight direction (i.e. when target azimuth = 270.0 deg). In particular the left and right points are incorrectly geo-located.
419 DEM target computation fails when using ray tracing model.
432 Wrong error message returned by TimeCorrelation file constructor when called with a time interval outside the validity time of the input orbit file.
434 Empty list of station visibility segments when using OSF.
435 Error in Attitude::changeFrame when attitude frame contains offsets.
436 OrbitId::osvComputeExtra does not compute the osculating elements when used in combination with the precise orbit propagator.
437 OEF Format is obsolete, however is still described in the SUMs (e.g. Data Handling)
440 Instrument offsets not taken into account in target computation functions.
441 Yaw Steering Attitude Mode: Earth Fixed velocity should be computed at the spacecraft instead of nadir.
442 Failure in thread safety: some low level function mutexes cannot prevent simultaneous access to Id lists.
443 OrbitId file constructor fails with ROF (ANX not found).
444 For some missions, files are generated without Mission ID in the name
446 Memory leak in Attitude::changeFrame
451 Nodal period and seconds since ANX are computed incorrectly when using TLE
458 Typo in nominal eccentricity for Sentinel1B

New features

The following new features have been implemented:

ANR Nr. Description
220 Check on normalization of input vectors, matrices and quaternions.
347 MLST non linear drift supported (Linear, Quadratic and Harmonic terms).
383 New DEM dataset (ACE2 9SECS resolution) supported.
384 DEM Data source extraction supported.
402 Visibility computations supported with TLE and precise propagators.
406 Partial (regional) DEM datasets supported.
414 Cryosat-2, GOCE, SMOS supported with TLE propagator.
416 OrbitId file constructor: Re-computation of OSV times in case of discrepancy with time correlations defined in TimeCorrelation.
459 Support for File Format Standard version 2.0.

Known Problems

The following precautions shall be taken into account when using the CFI software libraries:

CFI library Problem Work around solution
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Generated on Fri Jun 10 2011 09:30:57 for by  doxygen 1.7.1