OSFI 3.9.3 release notes (2024-06-11)
Issue: 1.0 (2024-06-11)
New featires
- A new build option OSFI_Matlab_toolbox is available for the build to generate a Matlab toolbox package. The option works similarly to the existing wheel package for Python: it depends on the corresponding OSFI library being enabled, and it is off by default.
- In the C++ and Python versions of the library respectively, Logger.getDebugStream now works correctly when debugging is turned off.
Deprecated and removed features
- The minimum required version of CMake is now 3.22, mirroring the version in the Linux target platform (now Ubuntu 22.04 LTS).
- OSFI-Python now targets Python 3.8, after 3.7 reached end-of-life in June 2023.