Earth Observation Software
Orbit and Attitude Adapater Tool

Earth Observation Software
Orbit and Attitude Adapter Tool (C++)
Issue 1.4
Date 31/08/2023
  Name Function Signature
Prepared by: Juan José Borrego Project Engineer  
Checked by: Inês Estrela Project Manager  
Approved by: Inês Estrela Project Manager  


Contract Data Classification
Contract Number: 15583/01/NL/GS Internal  
Contract Issuer: ESA / ESTEC Industry X
External Distribution
Name Organization Copies
Electronic handling
Document generator: Doxygen 1.8.12
Electronic file name:

Document Status Log

Issue Change Description Date Approval
1.0 First release
This library is linked to EOCFI version 4.25




ANX Ascending Node Crossing
AOCS Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem
EOCFI Earth Observation Customer Furnished Item
EOM End Of Mission
ESA European Space Agency
ESTEC European Space Technology and Research Centre
GPL GNU Public License
IERS International Earth Rotation Service
OSF Orbit Scenario File
SUM Software User Manual
TAI International Atomic Time
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
UT1 Universal Time UT1


CFI A group of CFI functions, and related software and documentation. that will be distributed by ESA to the users as an independent unit
CFI function A single function within a CFI that can be called by the user
Library A software library containing all the CFI functions included within a CFI plus the supporting functions used by those CFI functions (transparently to the user)


Applicable Documents

Reference Documents

[RD 1] EOCFI documentation main page
[RD 2] “Earth Observation Mission CFI Software – Data Handling User Manual”, v4.12
[RD 3] Earth Observation Ground Segment File Format Standard
[RD 4] Wikipedia: “Data Format Description Language"
[RD 5] DFDL4S Project



The Earth Observation Mission Software (EOCFI SW) is a set of multiplatform software libraries which are made available free of charge to any user involved in supporting the Earth Observation missions preparation and exploitation. The EOCFI SW is typically used in Ground Segment operational facilities and in tools developed by ESA and their partners for Earth Observation Missions. The EOCFI SW libraries provide functionalities for a wide range of high-level computations: orbit (e.g. interpolation, propagation using different models); attitude (e.g. interpolation, attitude law); target pointing (e.g. direct/inverse geo-location with DEM); geometric properties of calculated targets; instrument swath computation and zone intersection; zone/station visibility events; observation opportunities for instruments (time segments and coverage). Low level functions are also provided, for example to support for several file formats read/write; co-ordinates / time transformations. The main inputs to the above functions are related to the satellite state. This information can be originated from different sources i.e.: models (e.g. propagators) implemented within the EOCFI SW itself; simulations or dedicated services (e.g. POD); S/C telemetry.


Data required to initialise the satellite state is typically:

Such inputs can be passed to EOCFI functions via dedicated data structures or files. The EOCFI SW supports several types of files (see [RD 2]) and, in particular, orbit and attitude files compliant with the EO GS File Format Standard (see [RD 3]). However, very often such inputs may be made available using formats that are not directly supported by the EOCFI SW. For example, downlinked OSVs and quaternions are received within Instrument Source Packets (ISPs) whose format is mission dependent. Normally, for each specific format, a dedicated decoder needs to be implemented. The Orbit Attitude adapter tool preforms the translation between formats. The Orbit Attitude adapter tool / API receives as input:

The Orbit Attitude Adapter Tool

The Orbit Attitude Adapter tool consists in:

The executable program allows parsing input data files using a predefined parser that is already implemented in the tool. The JAVA library allows parsing the input data files using either a predefined parser or a “CUSTOM” parser that has to be implemented by the user. The current version allows the following predefined parsers:



Software requirements:

Installation instructions

To install the library simply unzip the distribution archive for the proper platform (OS) ( into an installation directory. The folder structure resultant of this action is as follows:


In order to decode a data file using the C++ library, the user can create its own parser (CUSTOM). The configuration file has to specify that the the parser to be used is the “CUSTOM” one.

The custom parser has to be implemented with the following C++ classes:

For an example of a custom parser configuration, see the class MyParserConfiguration in Example 1.

Once the custom parser is defined, the following steps should be given:

  1. Import the tool package:
    include <EoOrbAttAdapter.h>;
  2. Set the adapter main configuration with a file:
    2.1. Create the custom parser configuration
    UserParserConfiguration parserConfig;
    2.2. Create the custom parser and set the configuration
    UserParser myTextParser;
    2.3. Create the adapter and set parser and configuration with an input file:
    EoOrbAttAdapter myAdapter;
  3. Parse the data files. The data file can be given as an input parameter or if it is not specified, the data file will be the given in the AdpMainConfiguration object. Note that several data files can be parsed so that all data will be joined together to be returned afterwards as a single file:
    myAdapter.parse(); // parse the file in the AdpMainConfiguration object
  4. Get the orbit/attitude data and/or write the files to disk.
    OrbitFile myOrbitFile = myAdapter.getOrbitData();
    AttFile myAttFile = myAdapter.getAttitudeData();
    if the filename is not provided in the writing methods, the file name is taken from the AdpMainConfiguration object. If the file name is not yet in the configuration, then an automatic name is given following the file format standard.

For an example of a predefined parser see Example 1.


An example is provided in installation_folder/examples/example_1

Example 1

This example consists in parsing a text file using a parser implemented by the user (Custom Parser). It is implemented in three classes:

More details about the implementation of the parser can be seen in the source code files. For instructions to compile and run the example, see the README file provided in the example directory.


Operations of the adapter are controlled by a main configuration file. This configuration file is compliant with Earth Observation file format standard. The following defines the sections enclosed in the Data Block relevant to the adapter configuration (i.e. header information is omitted).

<Data_Block type="xml">
<Parser_Configuration type=”DFDL4S” version=”1.3”>...</Parser_Configuration>

The file is composed by a node named Orbit_Attitude_Adapter_Configuration that contains Input_Configuration and Output_Configuration nodes:

Input Configuration

The <Input_Configuration> tag contains the following data:

<Model type=”...”\>
<Time_Correlations type="...">
<UTC_UT1 unit="s">...</UTC_UT1>
<UTC_TAI unit="s">...</UTC_TAI>
<UTC_GPS unit="s">...</UTC_GPS>

DFDL4S Parser configuration (not available for C++ library)

As described above, the parser configuration tag contains three sections: the <Schema_Filename>, the <Orbit> and the <Attitude>, being the <Orbit> and the <Attitude> the specifics parts. For the DFDL4S are as follows:

<Parser_Configuration type=”DFDL4S” version=”1.4”>
<Orbit status=”enabled”>...</Orbit>
<Mapping type="OSV">
<X correction_factor="..">...</X>
<Y correction_factor="..">...</Y>
<Z correction_factor="..">...</Z>
<VX correction_factor="..">...</VX>
<VY correction_factor="..">...</VY>
<VZ correction_factor="..">...</VZ>
<Orbit_number default="true">...</Orbit_number>
<Quality default="true">...</Quality>
<Orbit_Number type="OSF">
<Attitude status=”enabled”>
<Mapping type="Quaternions">
<Q1 correction_factor="..">...</Q1>
<Q2 correction_factor="..">...</Q2>
<Q3 correction_factor="..">...</Q3>
<Q4 correction_factor="..">...</Q4>
</Parser_Configuration >

The Orbit section in the input configuration contains:

The Attitude section has a structure similar to the Orbit section:

Output Configuration

The <Output_Configuration> tag has the following tags (see example below):

The <Orbit> and <Attitude> tags are have a similar structure. The content is as follows:

<Orbit type=”EO_FILE”>
<Attitude type=”EO_FILE”>

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