Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
Usage Guide for Object Oriented Software


Getting orbital information and OSV computation

The Earth Observation CFI software contain clases to do computations related to orbits. Before doing any computation, the orbital information has to be stored in an object of the OrbitId class (See [ORBIT_SUM]).

After creating the OrbitId object, it allows the following operations:

The strategy to follow for initialising the orbit and the afterward usage can be summarize in the following steps:

Among the funcionalities provided by the OrbitId, one of the most important is the computation of state vectors at a given time (OrbitId::osvCompute). This computation depends on the way that the OrbitId was constructed. Please, refer to the documentation of this function for further info ([ORBIT_SUM]).

Other orbital operations

The Orbit library contais a class called ANXTime. This class consist on an orbit number and a time that represents the elapsed time since the satellite passed the ascending node (ANX). This class has the following characteristics:

Another useful class within the Orbit library, is the TimeSegment class. This class consist on a pair of ANXTime objects that represent the start and stop of an interval of time. This class is important as the Visibility functions in the Visibility library return lists of TimeSegment objects.



// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                           JAVA Example Program.
//                           ORBIT COMPUTATIONS
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

import EECFI.*;
import static EECFI.EnumLib.*;
import static EECFI.EnumOrbit.*;

import java.util.Vector;
import java.lang.String;
import java.lang.Long;

// Main program
public class Example
  public static void main(String[] args)
    // Accessors data
    Vector<OsvRec> osvRecords = new Vector<OsvRec>();
    Vector<OsfRecords> osfRecords = new Vector<OsfRecords>();
    ValidityTime valTime = new ValidityTime();
    Vector<ANXExtra> extraInfo = new Vector<ANXExtra>();
    String orbitFile = new String();
    // common variables
    long satId = XLCFI_SAT_CRYOSAT;
    double time0 = 0., time1 = 0.;
    long orbit0=0, orbit1=0;
    // xo_timeTo_orbit & xo_orbito_time variables
    long orbit, seconds, microseconds;
    double timeT;
    long timeRef;
    long absOrbit;
    double[] pos = new double[3];
    double[] vel = new double[3];
    // orbit initilization
    long timeMode, orbit_mode, orbitMode;
    Vector<String> filesVector = new Vector<String>();
    long status;
    // Put all the code inside try-catch statements
    // so, if something fails, an exception is thrown
      ModelId  modelId = new ModelId();
      // Initializing Time Reference: Used for the first and second example     
      double[] coorTime = new double[4];
      coorTime[0]   = -1100.1000000000000;   // TAI time [days]
      coorTime[1]   = -1100.0995949074074;   // UTC time [days] (= TAI + 35.0 s)
      coorTime[2]   = -1100.0995914351852;   // UT1 time [days] (= TAI + 35.3 s)
      coorTime[3]   = -1100.099780092;       // GPS time [days] (= TAI + 19.0 s)
      TimeCorrelation timeCorr = new TimeCorrelation(coorTime);
      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Orbit initialization. Example1: One state Vector 
      // Initialize OrbitId with 
      timeT    = 3460.;
      timeRef  = XLCFI_TIME_UT1;
      pos[0]   = 6500000.;
      pos[1]   = 2000000.;
      pos[2]   = 0.;
      vel[0]   = 463.;
      vel[1]   = -1600.;
      vel[2]   = 7300.;
      absOrbit = 2;
      OrbitId orbitId1 = new OrbitId( new SatId(satId), modelId, timeCorr, timeRef, timeT, pos, vel, absOrbit );
      // Get OSV records
      osvRecords = orbitId1.getOsv();
      System.out.println( "OrbitId::getOsv: Number of OSV records = " + osvRecords.size() );
      for (int jj = 0 ; jj < osvRecords.size() ; jj++)
        System.out.println( "\tOSV record " + jj + ": Tai time = " + osvRecords.elementAt(jj).taiTime );
        System.out.println( "\tOSV record " + jj + ": Utc time = " + osvRecords.elementAt(jj).utcTime );
        System.out.println( "\tOSV record " + jj + ": Ut1 time = " + osvRecords.elementAt(jj).ut1Time );
        System.out.println( "\tOSV record " + jj + ": Abs orbit = " + osvRecords.elementAt(jj).absOrbit );
        System.out.println( "\tOSV record " + jj + ": Ref frame = " + osvRecords.elementAt(jj).refFrame );
        System.out.println( "\tOSV record " + jj + ": Position = ( " + osvRecords.elementAt(jj).position[0] 
        + ", " + osvRecords.elementAt(jj).position[1] + ", " + osvRecords.elementAt(jj).position[2] 
        + " )" );
        System.out.println( "\tOSV record " + jj + ": Velocity = ( " + osvRecords.elementAt(jj).velocity[0]
        + ", " + osvRecords.elementAt(jj).velocity[1] + ", " + osvRecords.elementAt(jj).velocity[2] 
        + " )" );
        System.out.println( "\tOSV record " + jj + ": Quality = " + osvRecords.elementAt(jj).quality );
      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Orbit initialization. Example2: Orbit Scenario File
      // Set input values
      orbitFile = new String("./osf.xml");
      satId      = XLCFI_SAT_CRYOSAT;
      timeRef    = XLCFI_TIME_UT1;
      orbit_mode = XOCFI_ORBIT_INIT_OSF_MODE;
      timeMode   = XOCFI_SEL_FILE;
      // Create Vector with input files
      filesVector.addElement( orbitFile );
      OrbitId  orbitId2 = new OrbitId( new SatId(satId), modelId, timeCorr, timeRef, orbit_mode, filesVector, 
        timeMode, time0, time1, orbit0, orbit1 );
      // Get status of OrbitId 
      status = orbitId2.status();
      System.out.println( "OrbitId->status: Status = " + status );
      // Get Satellite Id 
      SatId satId2 = orbitId2.satId();
      System.out.println( "OrbitId->satId: satellite = " + satId2.getSatellite() );
      // Get Mode
      orbitMode  = orbitId2.mode();
      System.out.println( "OrbitId->orbitId: mode = " + orbitMode );
      // Get OSF records
      osfRecords = orbitId2.getOsf();
      System.out.println( "OrbitId->getOsf: Number of records = " + osfRecords.size() );
      for (int jj = 0 ; jj < osfRecords.size() ; jj++)
        System.out.println( "\tOSF record " + jj + ": Mission info - abs orbit = " + osfRecords.elementAt(jj).missionInfo.absOrbit );
        System.out.println( "\tOSF record " + jj + ": Mission info - rel orbit = " + osfRecords.elementAt(jj).missionInfo.relOrbit );
        System.out.println( "\tOSF record " + jj + ": Mission info - cycle = " + osfRecords.elementAt(jj).missionInfo.cycle );
        System.out.println( "\tOSF record " + jj + ": Mission info - phase = " + osfRecords.elementAt(jj).missionInfo.phase );
        System.out.println( "\tOSF record " + jj + ": Reference orbit info - drift mode = " + osfRecords.elementAt(jj).refOrbitinfo.driftMode );
        System.out.println( "\tOSF record " + jj + ": Reference orbit info - inclination = " + osfRecords.elementAt(jj).refOrbitinfo.inclination );
        System.out.println( "\tOSF record " + jj + ": Reference orbit info - rep cycle = " + osfRecords.elementAt(jj).refOrbitinfo.repCycle );
        System.out.println( "\tOSF record " + jj + ": Reference orbit info - cycle length = " + osfRecords.elementAt(jj).refOrbitinfo.cycleLength );
        System.out.println( "\tOSF record " + jj + ": Reference orbit info - ANX long = " + osfRecords.elementAt(jj).refOrbitinfo.AnxLong );
        System.out.println( "\tOSF record " + jj + ": Reference orbit info - MLST = " + osfRecords.elementAt(jj).refOrbitinfo.mlst );
        System.out.println( "\tOSF record " + jj + ": Reference orbit info - MLST drift = " + osfRecords.elementAt(jj).refOrbitinfo.mlstDrift );
        // [...]  
      // Get validity time
      valTime = orbitId2.getValTime();
      System.out.println( "OrbitId::getValTime : validity start = " + valTime.start );
      System.out.println( "OrbitId::getValTime : validity stop = " + valTime.stop );
      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Getting info from the OrbitId.
      long         relOrbit, cycle, phase;
      OrbitalInfo  orbitalInfo = new OrbitalInfo();
      OrbitInfo    orbitInfo1 = new OrbitInfo();
      OrbitInfo    orbitInfo2 = new OrbitInfo();
      OrbitInfo    orbitInfo3 = new OrbitInfo();
      // 1. Get orbital info
      absOrbit = 300;
      orbitalInfo = orbitId2.getOrbitInfo( absOrbit );
      System.out.println( "ANX longitude = " + orbitalInfo.phasing     + " deg" );
      System.out.println( "UTC at ANX = "    + orbitalInfo.utcAnx      );
      System.out.println( "Nodal period  = " + orbitalInfo.nodalPeriod + " s" );
      // [...]
      // 2. Get relative orbit and phase from the absolute orbit number
      absOrbit = 2800;
      orbitInfo1 = orbitId2.getOrbitNumbersFromAbs( absOrbit );
      System.out.println( "Absolute orbit = " + orbitInfo1.absOrbit );
      System.out.println( "Relative orbit = " + orbitInfo1.relOrbit );
      System.out.println( "Cycle = "          + orbitInfo1.cycle    );
      System.out.println( "Phase = "          + orbitInfo1.phase    );
      // 3. Get absolute orbit from relative 
      relOrbit = orbitInfo1.relOrbit;
      cycle    = orbitInfo1.cycle;
      orbitInfo2 = orbitId2.getOrbitNumbersFromRel( relOrbit, cycle );
      System.out.println( "Absolute orbit = " + orbitInfo2.absOrbit );
      System.out.println( "Relative orbit = " + orbitInfo2.relOrbit );
      System.out.println( "Cycle = "          + orbitInfo2.cycle    );
      System.out.println( "Phase = "          + orbitInfo2.phase    );
      // 4. Get absolute orbit from phase 
      phase = orbitInfo2.phase;
      orbitInfo3 = orbitId2.getOrbitNumbersFromPhase( phase );
      System.out.println( "Absolute orbit = " + orbitInfo3.absOrbit );
      System.out.println( "Relative orbit = " + orbitInfo3.relOrbit );
      System.out.println( "Cycle = "          + orbitInfo3.cycle    );
      System.out.println( "Phase = "          + orbitInfo3.phase    );
      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Propagate the orbit: osvCompute
      long                 mode = 0; // dummy
      double               time;
      StateVector          sv;
      StateVectorExtraInfo svExtra;
      // Computing the satellite position for the 01-01-2000 00:00:00
      time = 0;
      sv = orbitId2.osvCompute( mode, timeRef, time);
      System.out.println( "Input time   = " + time );
      System.out.println( "Position     = ( " + sv.coord.pos[0] + ", " + sv.coord.pos[1] + ", " + sv.coord.pos[2] + " )" );
      System.out.println( "Velocity     = ( " + sv.coord.vel[0] + ", " + sv.coord.vel[1] + ", " + sv.coord.vel[2] + " )" );
      System.out.println( "Acceleration = ( " + sv.coord.acc[0] + ", " + sv.coord.acc[1] + ", " + sv.coord.acc[2] + " )" );
      // Get orbital info related to the propagated time
      svExtra = orbitId2.osvComputeExtra( mode );
      System.out.println( "Satellite geocentric position" );
      System.out.println( "   Longitude   = " + svExtra.modelIndep[(int)XOCFI_ORBIT_EXTRA_GEOC_LONG] );
      System.out.println( "   Latitude   = "  + svExtra.modelIndep[(int)XOCFI_ORBIT_EXTRA_GEOD_LAT] );
      System.out.println( "   Altitude   = "  + svExtra.modelIndep[(int)XOCFI_ORBIT_EXTRA_GEOD_ALT] );
      // [...]
      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Using ANXTime objects
      orbit        = 500;
      seconds      = 0;
      microseconds = 0;
      timeRef      = XLCFI_TIME_UT1;
      // ANXTime constructor
      ANXTime  anxTime = new ANXTime(orbitId2, 500, 0, 0);
      // Get equivalent time
      timeT = anxTime.orbitToTime( timeRef );
      System.out.println( "ANXTime::orbitToTime : orbit = " + orbit + " seconds = " + seconds
      + " microseconds = " + microseconds + " => time = " + timeT );
      timeT += 1; // adding 1 day
      // ANXTime constructor
      anxTime.timeToOrbit( timeRef, timeT );
      System.out.println( "ANXTime::orbitToTime : time = " + timeT + " => orbit = " 
      + anxTime.orbit + " seconds = " + anxTime.seconds 
      + " microseconds = " + anxTime.microseconds );
    }//end try
    catch (CfiError cfiError)
      //If an exception is thrown, there have been errors during execution
      Vector<String> errorMessages = new Vector<String>();
      // Get error messages
      errorMessages = cfiError.getMsg(errorMessages);
      // Pring Error messages
      for (int i = 0; i < errorMessages.size(); i++)
        System.out.println( errorMessages.elementAt(i) );

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