Earth Explorer Mission CFI Software
Orbit Software User Manual

EECFI::OrbitalInfo Class Reference

Orbital information. More...

List of all members.

Public Attributes

long absOrbit
 Absolute orbit.
long repCycle
 Repeat cycle.
long cycLength
 Cycle length.
double mlstDrift
 MLST drift [seconds/day].
double mlst
 Mean Local Solar Time [hours].
double phasing
 Longitude at ascending node [deg].
double utcAnx
 UTC time at ascending node [days, processing format].
double posAnx [3]
 Position at ascending node [m].
double velAnx [3]
 Velocity at Ascending node [m/s].
double meanKep [6]
 Mean keplerian elements.
double oscKep [6]
 Osculating keplerian elements.
double nodalPeriod
 Nodal period of orbit [s].

Detailed Description

Orbital information.

Member Data Documentation

Mean keplerian elements.

Referenced by EECFI::OrbitId::getOrbitInfo(), and EECFI::ANXTime::getOrbitInfo().

Osculating keplerian elements.

Referenced by EECFI::OrbitId::getOrbitInfo(), and EECFI::ANXTime::getOrbitInfo().

Longitude at ascending node [deg].

Referenced by EECFI::OrbitId::getOrbitInfo(), and EECFI::ANXTime::getOrbitInfo().

Position at ascending node [m].

Referenced by EECFI::OrbitId::getOrbitInfo(), and EECFI::ANXTime::getOrbitInfo().

UTC time at ascending node [days, processing format].

Referenced by EECFI::OrbitId::getOrbitInfo(), and EECFI::ANXTime::getOrbitInfo().

Velocity at Ascending node [m/s].

Referenced by EECFI::OrbitId::getOrbitInfo(), and EECFI::ANXTime::getOrbitInfo().

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