Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
General Software User Manual

Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
Internal Code: P/SUM/DMS/01/026-077
Project code EO-MA-DMS-GS-017
Issue 4.10
Date 29/10/15
  Name Function Signature
Prepared by: Carlos Villanueva Muñoz Project Manager  
Checked by: Carlos Villanueva Muñoz Project Manager  
Approved by: José Antonio González Abeytua Division Head  


Contract Data Classification
Contract Number: 4000102614/10/NL/FF/ef Internal  
Contract Issuer: ESA / ESTEC Industry X
External Distribution
Name Organization Copies
Electronic handling
Document generator: Doxygen 1.7.1
Electronic file name: eo-ma-dms-gs-0002-21

Document Status Log

Issue Change Description Date Approval
1.0 New document 27/03/09  
4.1 Second release 07/05/10  
4.2 Third release 31/01/11  
4.3 Fourth release 06/02/12  
4.4 Fifth release 05/07/12  
4.5 Sixth release 01/03/13  
4.6 Seventh release 03/10/13  
4.7 Eighth release 28/03/14  
4.8 Ninth release 29/10/14  
4.9 Tenth release 23/04/15  
4.10 Eleventh release 29/10/15  


The Software User Manual (SUM) of the Earth Observation Mission CFI Software is composed of:

This document is the General Software User Manual. It provides an overview of the CFI libraries and describes the software aspects that are common to all those libraries.
The following specific SUM‘s are also available:



ANX Ascending Node Crossing
CFI Customer Furnished Item
ESA European Space Agency
ESTEC European Space Technology and Research Centre
RAM Random Access Memory
SUM Software User Manual


CFI A group of CFI classes, and related software and documentation. that will be distributed by ESA to the users as an independent unit
CFI Class A single class within a CFI that can be called by the user
Library A software library containing all the CFI classes included within a CFI plus the supporting functions used by those CFI functions (transparently to the user)

Notes in Terminology

In order to keep compatibility with legacy CFI libraries, the Earth Observation Mission CFI Software makes use of terms that are linked with missions already or soon in the operational phase like the Earth Explorers. This may be reflected in the rest of the document when examples of Mission CFI Software usage are proposed or description of Mission Files is given.


Reference Documents

[MCD] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. Conventions Document. EO-MA-DMS-GS-0001. Issue 4.10 29/10/15.
[MSC] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. Mission Specific Customizations. EO-MA-DMS-GS-0018. Issue 4.10 29/10/15.
[EE_COMMON_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. EE Common Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-0003. Issue 4.10 29/10/15.
[F_H_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. FileHandling Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-0008. Issue 4.10 29/10/15.
[D_H_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. DataHandling Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-0007. Issue 4.10 29/10/15.
[LIB_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. Lib Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-0003. Issue 4.10 29/10/15.
[ORBIT_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. Orbit Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-0004. Issue 4.10 29/10/15.
[POINT_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. Pointing Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-0005. Issue 4.10 29/10/15.
[VISIB_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. Visibility Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-0006. Issue 4.10 29/10/15.


This General Software User Manual consists of the following sections:

The specific Software User Manual of each CFI software library ([EE_COMMON_SUM], [F_H_SUM], [D_H_SUM], [LIB_SUM], [ORBIT_SUM], [POINT_SUM], [VISIB_SUM]) describes in detail the use of each of the CFI functions included within that library, as well as refine the description regarding how to use that library.
In addition to the general and specific SUM for a CFI library, the user must refer to the Mission Conventions Document ([MCD]) for details on the time references and formats, reference frames, parameters and models used in all these software user manuals.


The Earth Observation Mission CFI Software is a collection of classes and methods performing accurate computations of mission related parameters for Earth Observation missions.
Those classes are delivered in the form of software libraries gathering together the classes and methods that share similar functionalities.
An overview of the complete CFI software collection is presented in next figure.

Earth Observation CFI software libraries

The CFI software libraries are to be seen as several layers, each layer being directly accessible to a user‘s program. Lower layers are more generic classes which are likely to be used by most application software, whereas higher level layers are more specialized classes which are to be used for more specific tasks.
Next shows the software dependencies between the CFI software libraries, where each row between libraries indicates that the higher level library requires the lower level one to operate.

Earth Observation CFI Software libraries dependencies

Furthermore, the high level data flow between those CFI libraries are shown in next figure:



This section describes the procedures to get, install and validate the installation of a CFI software library. It also describes the directory structure and available files resulting from a successful installation.
These procedures and structures are the same for each of the available CFI software libraries and so, they will be described in this document for a generic CFI, namely cfi_name. To perform an actual installation, please follow the procedures while replacing cfi_name with the appropriate name, i.e. one of:

Usage Requirements

Each CFI software library is distributed as a dynamic library callable C++. The object code is completely system dependent. In this sense, different computer platforms are supported:

Note: For Windows, a set of static libraries is also available.

PC under Linux 32-Bits (Legacy)

The source code has been compiled on a PC under Linux 2.6.24 and using the free software gcc compiler. In summary, the software requirements are:

The hardware requirements are:

PC under Linux 64-Bits (Legacy)

The source code has been compiled on a PC under Linux 2.6.24 and using the free software gcc compiler. In summary, the software requirements are:

The hardware requirements are:

PC under Linux 64-Bits

The source code has been compiled on a PC under Linux 2.6.35 and using the free software gcc compiler. In summary, the software requirements are:

The hardware requirements are:

Macintosh with Intel processor under MacOS X 64-Bits

The source code has been compiled on a Macintosh (MacMini) with an Intel processor under MacOS X and using the gcc compiler provided with Xcode 5.1, that is a front-end for clang compiler. The version of the operating system is 10.9, but the libraries have been compiled with compatibility from version 10.8 onwards. In summary, the software requirements for C users are:

The hardware requirements are:

PC under Windows 7

Two sets of libraries are available: static and dynamic (DLL). The source code has been compiled on a PC under Microsoft Windows 2000 and using the software Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0 compiler. In summary, the software requirements are:

The hardware requirements are:

How to get the Software

The CFI software can be downloaded from the ESA EOP System Support Division Web Server (registration is required): (main page) (download page for branch 4.x)
The Earth Observation CFI Software (EOCFI SW) and additional third-party support libraries are provided under the terms and conditions stated in the file TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS.TXT include in the distribution packages.

How to install the Software

The CFI libraries can be installed by expanding the installation package in any directory.
For specific hints related to the usage of the libraries, please consult the section CFI LIBRARIES INSTALLATION of the General SUM (this manual) and Section LIBRARY USAGE of each Library User Manual.

Overview of Files and Directory Structure

Upon completion the installation procedure, the following directory structure will be created (OS: LINUX32_LEGACY, LINUX64_LEGACY, LINUX64, MACIN64, WINDOWS) (LibraryName: FileHandling, DataHandling, Lib, Orbit, Pointing, Visibility)


The following subsections describe the content of the directories.

Directory: Documents

Documents are delivered as separate packages not contained in the installation package. The following documents are available:

Directory: Installation directory

This is the directory where the CFI will be installed. The directory has to be created by the user. It contain scripts to compile and run the validation and example programs. The name of the scripts can be:


Directory: libraries

This directory contains the CFI dynamic libraries for one computer platform.

Directory: include

This directory contains the header files of the classes of each library.

Directory: validation

This directory contains the validation program and associated makefile:

Depending on the CFI, input data files used by the validation program may be included. In such a case they can be found in the directory example/data. After running the validation procedure, other files appear.

Directory: example

This directory contains example programs and associated makefiles.

Depending on the CFI, example data files to be used with the CFI may be included in a separate data subdirectory.

Validation Procedure

This procedure should be run to verify the proper installation of the CFI library. Two different procedures can be followed:
A) Run the validation programs for every library:

  1. Go to directory validation
  2. Edit the makefile for your platform and configure it to your installation. The configuration parameters are all located at the top of the Makefile, with instructions on how to use them.
  3. Note in particular that if the CFI requires to link with other CFIs, you will have to specify the location of those other CFI libraries. If, when installing those other CFIs, you always followed the advice given below, this will be easier.
  4. Run the validation program using:
    • For all OS except Windows: make -f make.OS where OS stands for the different allowed operative systems.
    • For Windows: nmake /f make.WINDOWS_DLL (To link with the dynamic libraries)
      nmake /f make.WINDOWS_STA (To link with the static libraries)

The validation program is created, executed and a validation status message printed. The message should look like:




In the latter case, check again your installation, and run the validation program again if necessary. If the message persists, report the problem.
During the execution of the validation program a log file LibraryNameValid.OS.out (OS stands for the different allowed operative systems) is also created. It can be consulted for a detailed listing of the validation run.
B) Run all the validation programs with the validation script:

  1. Go to installation directory (Installation_Directory).
  2. Run the validation program using the script
    (xxx = sh for Linux and Mac Os, xxx= bat for Windows)

The validation programs for all libraries will be created and executed. At the end of the execution, a log file validation_OS_log.txt is created (at the level of Installation_Directory) with the result of the validation for every library.


An example is provided to illustrate how the interface with the CFI functions contained in the CFI software library works, and in particular how to handle the returned errors through exceptions.
The example is called LibraryNameExample.cpp. The makefile used to compile the example is:

where OS stands for the different allowed operative systems (For Windows it could be WINDOWS_DLL or WINDOWS_STA depending on the kind of libraries that are used: dynamic or static).
The examples should be self-explanatory. To use them, use the same procedure as for the validation program.
In an user application, the same conventions to compile and link as in the example makefiles should be followed.
Note that CFI libraries are dynamic and, when using dynamic linking libraries, proper setting of the environment must be performed at run-time. This means:

It is advised to consult your manuals for proper usage of dynamic linking libraries.
Alternatively all the example programs can be compiled and executed using a single script:

  1. Go to installation directory (Installation_Directory).
  2. Run the example program using the script (xxx = sh for Linux and Mac Os, xxx= bat for Windows)

The example programs for all libraries will be created and executed. At the end of the execution, a log file example_OS_log.txt is created (at the level of Installation_Directory) with the result of the example execution for every library.

Problems Reporting

For any problems or questions, please send an e-mail to:


Using CFI’s in an user application

To use CFIs in an application, the user must:

To avoid any naming conflicts with the user application all the classes in the CFI libraries are set within EECFI namespace, so the user must take this into account, and choose one of the following options:

Note that CFI libraries are dynamic, so variables where system looks for dynamic libraries must be set properly (see example section).

General enumerations

It is possible to use enumeration values rather than integer values for some of the input arguments of the CFI routines, as shown in the table below. The XXCFI prefix is generic, that is, it must be replaced by the corresponding library prefix, e. g., XLCFI for Lib, XOCFI for Orbit, and so on.

Input/Output Description Enumeration value long
Satellite ID Default Satellite XXCFI_SAT_DEFAULT 0
Default Satellite 1 XXCFI_SAT_DEFAULT1 1
Default Satellite 2 XXCFI_SAT_DEFAULT2 2
Default Satellite 3 XXCFI_SAT_DEFAULT3 3
Default Satellite 4 XXCFI_SAT_DEFAULT4 4
Default Satellite 5 XXCFI_SAT_DEFAULT5 5
Default Satellite 6 XXCFI_SAT_DEFAULT6 6
Default Satellite 7 XXCFI_SAT_DEFAULT7 7
Default Satellite 8 XXCFI_SAT_DEFAULT8 8
Default Satellite 9 XXCFI_SAT_DEFAULT9 9
Sentinel-2 XXCFI_SAT_SENTINEL_2 112
Sentinel-3 XXCFI_SAT_SENTINEL_3 113
Sentinel-5P XX_SAT_SENTINEL_5P 140
Generic satellite XXCFI_SAT_GENERIC 200
Geostationary Generic satellite XXCFI_SAT_GENERIC_GEO 300
Geostationary metheorological satellite XXCFI_SAT_MTG 301
Generic Medium orbit satellite XXCFI_SAT_GENERIC_MEO 400
Time reference Undefined time reference XXCFI_TIME_UNDEF -1
TAI time reference XXCFI_TIME_TAI 0
UTC time reference XXCFI_TIME_UTC 1
UT1 time reference XXCFI_TIME_UT1 2
GPS time reference XXCFI_TIME_GPS 3
Time window initialisation Initialisation from file XXCFI_SEL_FILE 0
Initialisation from time XXCFI_SEL_TIME 1
Initialisation from absolute orbit number XXCFI_SEL_ORBIT 2
Default initialisation XXCFI_SEL_DEFAULT 3

available it is strongly recommended to use enumeration values rather than integer values.


Error handling in CFI classes is made through exceptions. Every time a method of a CFI class produces an error, an exception of type CfiError (defined in [EE_COMMON_SUM] library documentation) is thrown. To handle exceptions, user code must be placed within a try-catch block. Example follows:

CfiClass cfiClass; // Object creation
... // Operations
catch( CfiError cfiError )
// Handle exception

CfiError class has methods to print error messages and get error codes:

By default, when a warning is produced in a method of a CFI class, it is not handled. To handle the warnings, every CFI class has two methods (inherited from CfiClass):

For more details, refer to the class documentation.


The following precautions shall be taken into account when using the CFI software libraries:

CFI library Problem Work around solution
- - -

APPENDIX: Traceability with Earth Observation CFI C-functions

The C++ version of the Earth Observation CFI is a wrapper that uses the C functions in the class methods. In this appendix the equivalence between the C functions and the corresponding classes and methods is provided, for users that are adapting from C to C++.

Traceability C-functions - Object Oriented methods

C Function Method Class
xf_tree_init_parser create
xf_tree_cleanup_parser clean
xf_tree_get_current_element_name currentElementName
xf_tree_read_integer_element_value getElementValueAsInt
xf_tree_read_integer_element_array getElementArrayAsInt
xf_tree_read_real_element_value getElementValueAsReal
xf_tree_read_real_element_array getElementArrayAsReal
xf_tree_read_string_element_value getElementValueAsString
xf_tree_read_string_element_array getElementArrayAsString
xf_tree_read_string_attribute getAttributeValueAsString
xf_tree_read_integer_attribute getAttributeValueAsInt
xf_tree_read_real_attribute getAttributeValueAsReal
xf_tree_path_read_string_node_value getPathValueAsString
xf_tree_path_read_integer_node_value getPathValueAsInt
xf_tree_path_read_real_node_value getPathValueAsReal
xf_tree_path_read_string_node_array getPathArrayAsString
xf_tree_path_read_integer_node_array getPathArrayAsInt
xf_tree_path_read_real_node_array getPathArrayAsReal
xf_tree_rewind root
xf_tree_go_to_path_node toPath
xf_tree_go_to_element_node toElement
xf_tree_go_to_next_element_node next
xf_tree_get_path currentPathName
xf_tree_create createRoot
xf_tree_create_root createRoot
xf_tree_add_child addChild
xf_tree_add_next_sibling addNext
xf_tree_add_previous_sibling addPrevious
xf_tree_add_attribute addAttribute
xf_tree_remove_node remove
xf_tree_set_integer_node_value setValue
xf_tree_set_real_node_value setValue
xf_tree_set_string_node_value setValue
xf_tree_write write
xf_set_schema setSchema
xf_tree_find_string_value_element findValueInElement
xf_tree_find_string_value_path findValueInPath
xf_basic_error_msg -
xf_tree_create_header createHeader
xf_tree_set_fixed_header_item setFixedHeaderItem
xf_tree_set_fixed_header_items setFixedHeaderItems
xf_tree_get_fixed_header_item getFixedHeaderItem
xf_tree_get_fixed_header_items (in Data Handling)
xf_create_filename createFileName
xf_read_filename_items getFileNameItems
xf_copy_node copyNode
xd_silent silent CfiError
xd_verbose verbose
xd_print_msg -
xd_get_msg getMsg
xd_get_code getCodes
xd_read_fhr readHeader EEFile
xd_xml_validate validate
xd_read_bulletin_2 read IersBulletinFile
xd_free_bulletin ~IersBulletinFile
xd_read_orbit_file read OrbitFile
xd_free_orbit_file ~OrbitFile
xd_write_orbit_file write
xd_orbit_file_decimate decimate
xd_read_doris read DorisFile
xd_free_doris ~DorisFile
xd_read_doris_header readHeader
xd_write_doris write
xd_read_osf read OsfFile
xd_free_osf ~OsfFile
xd_write_osf write
xd_read_sdf read SdfFile
xd_free_sdf ~SdfFile
xd_read_stf read StfFile
xd_read_stf_vhr readVhr
xd_free_stf ~StfFile
xd_free_stf_vhr ~StfFile
xd_write_stf write
xd_read_att read AttFile
xd_free_att ~ AttFile
xd_write_att write
xd_attitude_file_decimate decimate
xd_read_star_tracker read StarTrackerFile
xd_free_star_tracker ~ StarTrackerFile
xd_read_star_tracker_conf_file read StarTrackerConfFile
xd_read_dem_config_file read DemConfFile
xd_free_dem_config_file ~DemConfFile
xd_read_dem read DemFile
xd_free_dem ~DemFile
xd_read_star read StarFile
xd_read_star_file read
xd_free_star_file ~ StarFile
xd_read_star_id readIds
xd_free_star_id ~StarFile
xd_read_station read StationFile
xd_read_station_file read
xd_free_station_file ~ StationFile
xd_read_station_id readIds
xd_free_station_id ~StationFile
xd_read_zone read ZoneFile
xd_free_zone ~ZoneFile
xd_read_zone_file read
xd_free_zone_file ~ZoneFile
xd_read_zone_id readIds
xd_free_zone_id ~ZoneFile
xd_read_tle read TleFile


xd_write_tle write
xd_read_precise_propag_file read PropagPreciseConf
xd_read_att_def read AttitudeDefinitionData
xd_free_att_def ~AttitudeDefinitionData
xd_write_att_def write
xd_read_sp3 read SP3File
xd_free_sp3 ~SP3File
xd_xslt_add xsltAdd


xl_silent silent CfiError
xl_verbose verbose
xl_print_msg -
xl_get_msg getMsg
xl_get_code getCodes
xl_model_init init ModelId
xl_model_get_data ~ModelId
xl_time_init_status status TimeCorrelation
xl_time_get_mode mode
xl_time_get_sat_id -
xl_time_get_id_data getData
xl_time_set_id_data setData
xl_time_ref_init_file TimeCorrelation (constructor)
xl_time_ref_init TimeCorrelation (constructor)
xl_time_id_init TimeCorrelation (constructor)
xl_time_get_leap_second_info getLeapSecondInfo
xl_time_close ~TimeCorrelation
xl_time_transport_to_ascii get Time
xl_time_transport_to_transport get
xl_time_transport_to_processing get
xl_time_processing_to_ascii get
xl_time_processing_to_transport get
xl_time_processing_to_processing get
xl_time_ascii_to_ascii get
xl_time_ascii_to_processing get
xl_time_ascii_to_transport get
xl_time_add operator+
xl_time_diff operator-
xl_time_obt_to_time ObtTime (constructor)
xl_time_time_to_obt getTime
xl_change_cart_cs change Coord
xl_sun sun
xl_moon moon
xl_planet planet
xl_cart_to_geod getGeodetic
xl_geod_to_cart setGeodetic
xl_kepl_to_cart getKepler
xl_cart_to_kepl setKepler
xl_cart_to_radec getRadec
xl_topocentric_to_ef topocentricToEf
xl_ef_to_topocentric EfToTopocentric
xl_position_on_orbit positionOnOrbit
xl_radec_to_cart getCart StarData
xl_star_radec getRaDec
xl_star_catalog changeCatalog
xl_geod_distance GeodDistance Geodetic
xl_euler_to_matrix eulerToMatrix LibFunc
xl_matrix_to_euler matrixToEuler
xl_get_rotation_angles getRotationAngles
xl_get_rotated_vectors getRotatedVector
xl_quaternions_to_vectors quaternionsToVectors
xl_vectors_to_quaternions vectorsToQuaternions
xl_quaternions_interpol quaternionsInterpol
xl_default_sat_init SatId SatId
xl_default_sat_close ~SatId
xl_geoid_calc GeoidCalcInputs geoidCalc
xo_silent silent CfiError
xo_verbose verbose
xo_print_msg -
xo_get_msg getMsg
xo_get_code getCodes
xo_orbit_init_def OrbitId OrbitId
xo_orbit_init_def_2 OrbitId
xo_orbit_cart_init OrbitId
xo_orbit_cart_init_precise OrbitId
xo_orbit_init_file OrbitId
xo_orbit_init_file_precise OrbitId
xo_orbit_id_init OrbitId
xo_orbit_init_geo OrbitId
xo_orbit_close ~OrbitId
xo_orbit_init_status status
xo_orbit_get_sat_id satId
xo_orbit_get_mode mode
xo_orbit_get_osv getOsv
xo_orbit_set_osv setOsv
xo_orbit_get_anx getAnx
xo_orbit_set_anx setAnx
xo_orbit_get_osf_rec getOsfRec
xo_orbit_set_osf_rec setOsfRec
xo_orbit_get_val_time getValTime
xo_orbit_set_val_time setValTime
xo_orbit_get_time_id -
xo_orbit_set_precise_propag_config setPrecisePropagConfig
xo_orbit_get_precise_propag_config getPrecisePropagConfig
xo_orbit_set_geo_orbit_info setGeoOrbitInfo


xo_osv_compute osvCompute
xo_osv_compute_extra osvComputeExtra
xo_orbit_info getOrbitInfo
xo_orbit_abs_from_rel getOrbitNumbersfromRel
xo_orbit_abs_from_phase getOrbitNumbersfromPhase
xo_orbit_rel_from_abs getOrbitNumbersfromAbs
xo_osv_to_tle osvToTle
xo_orbit_info_configure orbitInfoConfigure
xo_position_on_orbit_to_time positionOnOrbitToTime
xo_orbit_id_change change
xo_orbit_to_time orbitToTime ANXTime
xo_time_to_orbit TimeToOrbit
xo_orbit_info getOrbitInfo
xo_orbit_info_configure orbitInfoConfigure
xo_gen_oef genOef OrbitFunc
xo_gen_osf_create genOsf
xo_gen_osf_create_2 genOsf
xo_gen_osf_append_orbit_change genOsfAppendOrbitChange
xo_gen_osf_append_orbit_change_2 genOsfAppendOrbitChange
xo_gen_osf_change_repeat_cycle genOsfChangeRepeatCycle
xo_gen_osf_change_repeat_cycle_2 genOsfChangeRepeatCycle
xo_gen_osf_add_drift_cycle genOsfAddDriftCycle
xo_gen_pof genPof
xo_gen_rof genRof
xo_gen_rof_prototype genRopPrototype
xo_gen_dnf genDnf
xo_check_osf checkOsf
xo_check_oef checkOef
xo_gen_tle genTle
xo_orbit_data_filter orbitDataFilter
xp_silent silent CfiError
xp_verbose verbose
xp_print_msg -
xp_get_msg getMsg
xp_get_code getCodes
xp_sat_nominal_att_init init SatNomTransId
xp_sat_nominal_att_init_model init
xp_sat_nominal_att_init_harmonic init
xp_sat_nominal_att_init_file init
xp_sat_nominal_att_close ~ SatNomTransId
xp_sat_nominal_att_init_status status
xp_sat_nominal_att_get_sat_id satId
xp_sat_nominal_att_get_mode mode
xp_sat_nominal_att_get_aocs getAOCS
xp_sat_nominal_att_set_aocs setAOCS
xp_sat_nominal_att_get_param getParam
xp_sat_nominal_att_set_param setParam
xp_sat_nominal_att_get_harmonic getHarmonic
xp_sat_nominal_att_set_harmonic setHarmonic
xp_sat_nominal_att_get_file getFile
xp_sat_nominal_att_set_file setFile
xp_set_az_el_definition setAzElDefinition
xp_sat_att_angle_init init SatTransId
xp_sat_att_matrix_init init
xp_sat_att_init_harmonic init
xp_sat_att_init_file init
xp_sat_att_quat_plus_angle_init init
xp_sat_att_quat_plus_matrix_init init
xp_sat_att_close ~SatTransId
xp_sat_att_init_status status
xp_sat_att_get_sat_id satId
xp_sat_att_get_mode mode
xp_sat_att_get_angles getAngles
xp_sat_att_set_angles setAngles
xp_sat_att_get_matrix getMatrix
xp_sat_att_set_matrix setMatrix
xp_sat_att_get_harmonic getHarmonic
xp_sat_att_set_harmonic setHarmonic
xp_sat_att_get_file getFile
xp_sat_att_set_file setFile
xp_sat_att_get_quat_plus_angle getQuatPlusAngles
xp_sat_att_set_quat_plus_angle setQuatPlusAngles
xp_set_az_el_definition setAzElDefinition
xp_instr_att_angle_init init InstrTransId
xp_instr_att_matrix_init init
xp_instr_att_init_harmonic init
xp_instr_att_init_file init
xp_instr_att_close ~InstrTransId
xp_instr_att_init_status status
xp_instr_att_get_sat_id satId
xp_instr_att_get_mode mode
xp_instr_att_get_angles getAngles
xp_instr_att_set_angles setAngles
xp_instr_att_get_matrix getMatrix
xp_instr_att_set_matrix setMatrix
xp_instr_att_get_harmonic getHarmonic
xp_instr_att_set_harmonic setHarmonic
xp_instr_att_get_file getFile
xp_instr_att_set_file setFile
xp_instr_att_get_offset getOffset
xp_instr_att_set_offset setOffset
xp_set_az_el_definition setAzElDefinition
xp_change_frame changeFrame Attitude
xp_attitude_init Attitude
xp_attitude_compute compute
xp_attitude_user_set userSet
xp_attitude_close ~Attitude
xp_attitude_init_status status
xp_attitude_get_sat_id satId
xp_attitude_get_mode mode
xp_attitude_get_id_data getData
xp_attitude_set_id_data setData
xp_atmos_init init AtmosId
xp_atmos_close ~AtmosId
xp_atmos_init_status status
xp_atmos_get_sat_id satId
xp_atmos_get_mode mode
xp_atmos_get_id_data getData
xp_dem_init init DemId
xp_dem_compute compute
xp_dem_get_info getInfo
xp_dem_close ~DemId
xp_dem_init_status status
xp_dem_get_sat_id satId
xp_dem_get_mode mode
xp_dem_get_id_data getData
xp_target_inter targetInter Target
xp_target_list_inter targetListInter
xp_target_travel_time targetTravelTime
xp_target_ground_range targetGroundRange
xp_target_incidence_angle targetIncidenceAngle
xp_target_range targetRange
xp_target_range_rate targetRangeRate
xp_target_tangent targetTangent
xp_target_altitude targetAltitude
xp_target_star targetStar
xp_target_tangent_sun targetTangentSun
xp_target_tangent_moon targetTangentMoon
xp_target_station targetStation
xp_target_drs targetDRS
xp_target_generic targetGeneric
xp_target_reflected targetReflected
xp_target_sc targetSc
xp_multi_target_inter multiTargetInter
xp_multi_target_travel_time multiTargetTravelTime
xp_target_extra_vector extraVector
xp_target_extra_main extraMain
xp_target_extra_aux extraAux
xp_target_extra_target_to_sun extraTargetToSun
xp_target_extra_target_to_moon extraTargetToMoon
xp_target_extra_ef_target extraEfTarget
xp_target_extra_specular_reflection extraSpecularReflection
xp_target_list_extra_vector extraListVector
xp_target_list_extra_main extraListMain
xp_target_list_extra_aux extraListAux
xp_target_list_extra_target_to_sun extraListTargetToSun
xp_target_list_extra_target_to_moon extraListTargetToMoon
xp_target_list_extra_ef_target extraListEfTarget
xp_target_list_extra_specular_reflection extraListSpecularReflection
xp_target_close ~Target
xp_target_status status
xp_target_get_sat_id -
xp_target_get_mode mode
xp_target_get_id_data getData
xp_attitude_define attitudeDefine PointingFunc
xp_gen_dem_max_altitude_file genMaxAltFile
xp_gen_dem_altitudes_from_ellipsoid genDemAltitudesFromEllipsoid
xp_attitude_transform attitudeTransform AttitudeDef
xv_silent silent CfiError
xv_verbose verbose
xv_print_msg -
xv_get_msg getMsg
xv_get_code getCodes
xv_swath_pos swathPos Swath
xv_zonevistime_compute zoneVisTimeCompute
xv_zone_vis_time zoneVisTime
xv_zone_vis_time_no_file zoneVisTime
xv_stationvistime_compute stationVisTimeCompute
xv_station_vis_time stationVisTime
xv_station_vis_time_no_file stationVisTime
xv_sc_vis_time scVisTime
xv_multizones_vis_time multiZonesVisTime
xv_multistations_vis_time multiStationsVisTime
xv_time_segments_mapping mapping


xv_swath_pos getPos
xv_gen_swath genSwath


xv_star_vis_time starVisTime SwathStar
xv_orbit_extra orbitExtra OrbitExtra
xv_swath_id_init swathPos SwathId
xv_swath_id_close ~SwathId
xv_swath_set_id_data setData
xv_swath_get_id_data getData



Traceability Object Oriented methods - C-functions

Class Method C Function
XmlFile create
currentElementName xf_tree_get_current_element_name
getElementValueAsInt xf_tree_read_integer_element_value
getElementArrayAsInt xf_tree_read_integer_element_array
getElementValueAsReal xf_tree_read_real_element_value
getElementArrayAsReal xf_tree_read_real_element_array
getElementValueAsString xf_tree_read_string_element_value
getElementArrayAsString xf_tree_read_string_element_array
getAttributeValueAsString xf_tree_read_string_attribute
getAttributeValueAsInt xf_tree_read_integer_attribute
getAttributeValueAsReal xf_tree_read_real_attribute
getPathValueAsString xf_tree_path_read_string_node_value
getPathValueAsInt xf_tree_path_read_integer_node_value
getPathValueAsReal xf_tree_path_read_real_node_value
getPathArrayAsString xf_tree_path_read_string_node_array
getPathArrayAsInt xf_tree_path_read_integer_node_array
getPathArrayAsReal xf_tree_path_read_real_node_array
root xf_tree_rewind
toPath xf_tree_go_to_path_node
toElement xf_tree_go_to_element_node
currentPathName xf_tree_get_path
createRoot xf_tree_create
createRoot xf_tree_create_root
addChild xf_tree_add_child
addNext xf_tree_add_next_sibling
addPrevious xf_tree_add_previous_sibling
addAttribute xf_tree_add_attribute
remove xf_tree_remove_node
setValue xf_tree_set_integer_node_value
setValue xf_tree_set_real_node_value
setValue xf_tree_set_string_node_value
write xf_tree_write
setSchema xf_set_schema
findValueInElement xf_tree_find_string_value_element
findValueInPath xf_tree_find_string_value_path
createHeader xf_tree_create_header
setFixedHeaderItem xf_tree_set_fixed_header_item
setFixedHeaderItems xf_tree_set_fixed_header_items
getFixedHeaderItem xf_tree_get_fixed_header_item
(in Data Handling) xf_tree_get_fixed_header_items
createFileName xf_create_filename
getFileNameItems xf_read_filename_items
copyNode xf_copy_node
CfiError silent xd_silent
verbose xd_verbose
getMsg xd_get_msg
getCodes xd_get_code
EEFile readHeader xd_read_fhr
validate xd_xml_validate
IersBulletinFile read xd_read_bulletin_2
~IersBulletinFile xd_free_bulletin
OrbitFile read xd_read_orbit_file
~OrbitFile xo_orbit_close
write xd_write_orbit_file
decimate xd_orbit_file_decimate
DorisFile read xd_read_doris
~DorisFile xd_free_doris
readHeader xd_read_doris_header
write xd_write_doris
OsfFile read xd_read_osf
~OsfFile xd_free_osf
write xd_write_osf
SdfFile read xd_read_sdf
~SdfFile xd_free_sdf
StfFile read xd_read_stf
readVhr xd_read_stf_vhr
~StfFile xd_free_stf
~StfFile xd_free_stf_vhr
write xd_write_stf
AttFile read xd_read_att
~ AttFile xd_free_att
write xd_write_att
decimate xd_attitude_file_decimate
StarTrackerFile read xd_read_star_tracker
~ StarTrackerFile xd_free_star_tracker
StarTrackerConfFile read xd_read_star_tracker_conf_file
DemConfFile read xd_read_dem_config_file
~DemConfFile xd_free_dem_config_file
DemFile read xd_read_dem
~DemFile xd_free_dem
StarFile read xd_read_star
read xd_read_star_file
~ StarFile xd_free_star_file
readIds xd_read_star_id
~StarFile xd_free_star_id
StationFile read xd_read_station
read xd_read_station_file
~ StationFile xd_free_station_file
readIds xd_read_station_id
~StationFile xd_free_station_id
ZoneFile read xd_read_zone
~ZoneFile xd_free_zone
read xd_write_zone
~ZoneFile xd_free_zone_file
readIds xd_read_zone_id
~ZoneFile xd_free_zone_id
TleFile read xd_read_tle
write xd_write_tle
~TleFile xd_free_tle
PropagPreciseConf read


AttitudeDefinitionData read xd_read_att_def
~AttitudeDefinitionData xd_free_att_def
write xd_write_att_def
SP3File read xd_read_sp3
~SP3File xd_free_sp3
XsltUtil xsltAdd


CfiError silent xl_silent
verbose xl_verbose
xl_get_msg getMsg
xl_get_code getCodes
ModelId init xl_model_init
~ModelId xl_model_get_data
TimeCorrelation status xl_time_init_status
mode xl_time_get_mode
getData xl_time_get_id_data
setData xl_time_set_id_data
TimeCorrelation (constructor) xl_time_ref_init_file
TimeCorrelation (constructor) xl_time_ref_init
TimeCorrelation (constructor) xl_time_id_init
getLeapSecondInfo xl_time_get_leap_second_info
~TimeCorrelation xl_time_close
Time get xl_time_transport_to_ascii
get xl_time_transport_to_transport
get xl_time_transport_to_processing
get xl_time_processing_to_ascii
get xl_time_processing_to_transport
get xl_time_processing_to_processing
get xl_time_ascii_to_ascii
get xl_time_ascii_to_processing
get xl_time_ascii_to_transport
operator+ xl_time_add
operator- xl_time_diff
ObtTime ObtTime (constructor)
getTime xl_time_time_to_obt
Coord change xl_change_cart_cs
sun xl_sun
moon xl_moon
planet xl_planet
getGeodetic xl_cart_to_geod
setGeodetic xl_geod_to_cart
getKepler xl_kepl_to_cart
setKepler xl_cart_to_kepl
getRadec xl_cart_to_radec
topocentricToEf xl_topocentric_to_ef
EfToTopocentric xl_ef_to_topocentric
positionOnOrbit xl_position_on_orbit
StarData getCart xl_radec_to_cart
getRaDec xl_star_radec
changeCatalog xl_star_catalog
Geodetic GeodDistance xl_geod_distance
LibFunc eulerToMatrix xl_euler_to_matrix
matrixToEuler xl_matrix_to_euler
getRotationAngles xl_get_rotation_angles
getRotatedVector xl_get_rotated_vectors
quaternionsToVectors xl_quaternions_to_vectors
vectorsToQuaternions xl_vectors_to_quaternions
quaternionsInterpol xl_quaternions_interpol
SatId satInit xl_default_sat_init
~SatId xl_default_sat_close
GeoidCalcInputs geoidCalc xl_geoid_calc
CfiError silent xo_silent
verbose xo_verbose
getMsg xo_get_msg
getCodes xo_get_code
OrbitId OrbitId xo_orbit_init_def
OrbitId xo_orbit_init_def_2
OrbitId xo_orbit_cart_init
OrbitId xo_orbit_cart_init_precise
OrbitId xo_orbit_init_file
OrbitId xo_orbit_init_file_precise
OrbitId xo_orbit_id_init
OrbitId xo_orbit_init_geo
~OrbitId xo_orbit_close
status xo_orbit_init_status
satId xo_orbit_get_sat_id
mode xo_orbit_get_mode
getOsv xo_orbit_get_osv
setOsv xo_orbit_set_osv
getAnx xo_orbit_get_anx
setAnx xo_orbit_set_anx
getOsfRec xo_orbit_get_osf_rec
setOsfRec xo_orbit_set_osf_rec
getValTime xo_orbit_get_val_time
setValTime xo_orbit_set_val_time
setPrecisePropagConfig xo_orbit_set_precise_propag_config
getPrecisePropagConfig xo_orbit_get_precise_propag_config
setGeoOrbitInfo xo_orbit_set_geo_orbit_info
getGeoOrbitInfo xo_orbit_get_geo_orbit_info
osvCompute xo_osv_compute
osvComputeExtra xo_osv_compute_extra
getOrbitInfo xo_orbit_info
getOrbitNumbersfromRel xo_orbit_abs_from_rel
getOrbitNumbersfromPhase xo_orbit_abs_from_phase
getOrbitNumbersfromAbs xo_orbit_rel_from_abs
osvToTle xo_osv_to_tle
orbitInfoConfigure xo_orbit_info_configure
positionOnOrbitToTime xo_position_on_orbit_to_time
change xo_orbit_id_change
ANXTime orbitToTime xo_orbit_to_time
TimeToOrbit xo_time_to_orbit
getOrbitInfo xo_orbit_info
orbitInfoConfigure xo_orbit_info_configure
OrbitFunc genOef xo_gen_oef
genOsf xo_gen_osf_create
genOsf xo_gen_osf_create_2
genOsfAppendOrbitChange xo_gen_osf_append_orbit_change
genOsfAppendOrbitChange xo_gen_osf_append_orbit_change_2
genOsfChangeRepeatCycle xo_gen_osf_change_repeat_cycle
genOsfChangeRepeatCycle xo_gen_osf_change_repeat_cycle_2
genOsfAddDriftCycle xo_gen_osf_add_drift_cycle
genPof xo_gen_pof
genRof xo_gen_rof
genRopPrototype xo_gen_rof_prototype
genDnf xo_gen_dnf
checkOsf xo_check_osf
checkOef xo_check_oef
genTle xo_gen_tle
orbitDataFilter xo_orbit_data_filter
CfiError silent xp_silent
verbose xp_verbose
getMsg xp_get_msg
getCodes xp_get_code
SatNomTransId init xp_sat_nominal_att_init
init xp_sat_nominal_att_init_model
init xp_sat_nominal_att_init_harmonic
init xp_sat_nominal_att_init_file
~ SatNomTransId xp_sat_nominal_att_close
status xp_sat_nominal_att_init_status
satId xp_sat_nominal_att_get_sat_id
mode xp_sat_nominal_att_get_mode
getAOCS xp_sat_nominal_att_get_aocs
setAOCS xp_sat_nominal_att_set_aocs
getParam xp_sat_nominal_att_get_param
setParam xp_sat_nominal_att_set_param
getHarmonic xp_sat_nominal_att_get_harmonic
setHarmonic xp_sat_nominal_att_set_harmonic
getFile xp_sat_nominal_att_get_file
setFile xp_sat_nominal_att_set_file
setAzElDefinition xp_set_az_el_definition
SatTransId init xp_sat_att_angle_init
init xp_sat_att_matrix_init
init xp_sat_att_init_harmonic
init xp_sat_att_init_file
init xp_sat_att_quat_plus_angle_init
init xp_sat_att_quat_plus_matrix_init
~SatTransId xp_sat_att_close
status xp_sat_att_init_status
satId xp_sat_att_get_sat_id
mode xp_sat_att_get_mode
getAngles xp_sat_att_get_angles
setAngles xp_sat_att_set_angles
getMatrix xp_sat_att_get_matrix
setMatrix xp_sat_att_set_matrix
getHarmonic xp_sat_att_get_harmonic
setHarmonic xp_sat_att_set_harmonic
getFile xp_sat_att_get_file
setFile xp_sat_att_set_file
getQuatPlusAngles xp_sat_att_get_quat_plus_angle
setQuatPlusAngles xp_sat_att_set_quat_plus_angle
setAzElDefinition xp_set_az_el_definition
InstrTransId init xp_instr_att_angle_init
init xp_instr_att_matrix_init
init xp_instr_att_init_harmonic
init xp_instr_att_init_file
~InstrTransId xp_instr_att_close
status xp_instr_att_init_status
satId xp_instr_att_get_sat_id
mode xp_instr_att_get_mode
getAngles xp_instr_att_get_angles
setAngles xp_instr_att_set_angles
getMatrix xp_instr_att_get_matrix
setMatrix xp_instr_att_set_matrix
getHarmonic xp_instr_att_get_harmonic
setHarmonic xp_instr_att_set_harmonic
getFile xp_instr_att_get_file
setFile xp_instr_att_set_file
getOffset xp_instr_att_get_offset
setOffset xp_instr_att_set_offset
setAzElDefinition xp_set_az_el_definition
Attitude changeFrame xp_change_frame
Attitude xp_attitude_init
compute xp_attitude_compute
userSet xp_attitude_user_set
~Attitude xp_attitude_close
status xp_attitude_init_status
satId xp_attitude_get_sat_id
mode xp_attitude_get_mode
getData xp_attitude_get_id_data
setData xp_attitude_set_id_data
AtmosId init xp_atmos_init
~AtmosId xp_atmos_close
status xp_atmos_init_status
satId xp_atmos_get_sat_id
mode xp_atmos_get_mode
getData xp_atmos_get_id_data
DemId init xp_dem_init
compute xp_dem_compute
getInfo xp_dem_get_info
~DemId xp_dem_close
status xp_dem_init_status
satId xp_dem_get_sat_id
mode xp_dem_get_mode
getData xp_dem_get_id_data
Target targetInter xp_target_inter
targetListInter xp_target_list_inter
targetTravelTime xp_target_travel_time
targetGroundRange xp_target_ground_range
targetIncidenceAngle xp_target_incidence_angle
targetRange xp_target_range
targetRangeRate xp_target_range_rate
targetTangent xp_target_tangent
targetAltitude xp_target_altitude
targetStar xp_target_star
targetTangentSun xp_target_tangent_sun
targetTangentMoon xp_target_tangent_moon
targetStation xp_target_station
targetDRS xp_target_drs
targetGeneric xp_target_generic
targetReflected xp_target_reflected
targetSc xp_target_sc
multiTargetInter xp_multi_target_inter
multiTargetTravelTime xp_multi_target_travel_time
extraVector xp_target_extra_vector
extraMain xp_target_extra_main
extraAux xp_target_extra_aux
extraTargetToSun xp_target_extra_target_to_sun
extraTargetToMoon xp_target_extra_target_to_moon
extraEfTarget xp_target_extra_ef_target
extraSpecularReflection xp_target_extra_specular_reflection
extraListVector xp_target_list_extra_vector
extraListMain xp_target_list_extra_main
extraListAux xp_target_list_extra_aux
extraListTargetToSun xp_target_list_extra_target_to_sun
extraListTargetToMoon xp_target_list_extra_target_to_moon
extraListEfTarget xp_target_list_extra_ef_target
extraListSpecularReflection xp_target_list_extra_specular_reflection
~Target xp_target_close
status xp_target_status
satId xp_target_get_sat_id
mode xp_target_get_mode
getData xp_target_get_id_data
PointingFunc attitudeDefine xp_attitude_define
genMaxAltFile xp_gen_dem_max_altitude_file
genDemAltitudesFromEllipsoid xp_gen_dem_altitudes_from_ellipsoid
AttitudeDef attitudeTransform xp_attitude_transform
CfiError silent xv_silent
verbose xv_verbose
getMsg xv_get_msg
getCodes xv_get_code
Swath zoneVisTimeCompute xv_zonevistime_compute
zoneVisTime xv_zone_vis_time
zoneVisTime xv_zone_vis_time_no_file
stationVisTimeCompute xv_stationvistime_compute
stationVisTime xv_station_vis_time
stationVisTime xv_station_vis_time_no_file
scVisTime xv_sc_vis_time
multiZonesVisTime xv_multizones_vis_time
multiStationsVisTime xv_multistations_vis_time
mapping xv_time_segments_mapping
getPosCompute xv_swathpos_compute
getPos xv_swath_pos
genSwath xv_gen_swath_no_file
genSwath xv_gen_swath
genScf xv_gen_scf
SwathStar starVisTime xv_star_vis_time
OrbitExtra orbitExtra xv_orbit_extra
SwathId swathPos xv_swath_id_init
~SwathId xv_swath_id_close
setData xv_swath_set_id_data
getData xv_swath_get_id_data
zoneVisTimeCoverage xv_zonevistime_coverage

Generated on Fri Oct 30 2015 07:35:27 for by doxygen 1.7.1