Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
DataHandling Software User Manual
for JAVA

EECFI.OemFile Class Reference

Class for reading OEM files. More...

Inheritance diagram for EECFI.OemFile:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 OemFile ()
 OemFile (String fileNam)
 Constructor with file name.
void read () throws CfiError
 Read the whole file data block.
native void read (OsvListReadConfiguration osvListReadConfig) throws CfiError
 Read the file data block (base method, called by the other methods).

Public Attributes

String ccsdsOemVers
 Format version in the form of 'x.y'.
String commentHeader
 Comments (header section).
String creationDate
 File creation date and time in UTC.
String originator
 Creating agency or operator.
String commentMetadata
 Comments (metadata section).
String objectName
 The name of the object for which the ephemeris is provided.
String objectId
 Object identifier of the object for which the ephemeris is provided.
String centerName
 Origin of reference frame, which may be a natural solar system body (planets, asteroids, comets, and natural satellites), including any planet barycenter or the solar system barycenter, or another spacecraft (in this case the value for CENTER_NAME is subject to the same rules as for OBJECT_NAME).
String refFrame
 Name of the reference frame in which the ephemeris data are given.
String refFrameEpoch
 Epoch of reference frame, if not intrinsic to the definition of the reference frame.
String timeSystem
 Time system used for metadata, ephemeris data, and covariance data.
String startTime
 Start of TOTAL time span covered by ephemeris data and covariance data immediately following this metadata block.
String useableStartTime
 Optional start and end of USEABLE time span covered by ephemeris data immediately following this metadata block.
String useableStopTime
 Optional start and end of USEABLE time span covered by ephemeris data immediately following this metadata block.
String stopTime
 End of TOTAL time span covered by ephemeris data and covariance data immediately following this metadata block.
String interpolation
 This keyword may be used to specify the recommended interpolation method for ephemeris data in the immediately following set of ephemeris lines.
String interpolationDegree
 Recommended interpolation degree for ephemeris data in the immediately following set of ephemeris lines.
Vector< OsvRecosvRec
 Ephemeris data lines.

Detailed Description

Class for reading OEM files.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EECFI.OemFile.OemFile (  ) 


EECFI.OemFile.OemFile ( String  fileNam  ) 

Constructor with file name.

Member Function Documentation

void EECFI.OemFile::read ( OsvListReadConfiguration  osvListReadConfig  )  throws CfiError

Read the file data block (base method, called by the other methods).

osvListReadConfig Configuration for reading OSV state vectors.
void (  )  throws CfiError

Read the whole file data block.

Member Data Documentation

Format version in the form of 'x.y'.

Origin of reference frame, which may be a natural solar system body (planets, asteroids, comets, and natural satellites), including any planet barycenter or the solar system barycenter, or another spacecraft (in this case the value for CENTER_NAME is subject to the same rules as for OBJECT_NAME).

Comments (header section).

Comments (metadata section).

File creation date and time in UTC.

This keyword may be used to specify the recommended interpolation method for ephemeris data in the immediately following set of ephemeris lines.

Recommended interpolation degree for ephemeris data in the immediately following set of ephemeris lines.

Object identifier of the object for which the ephemeris is provided.

The name of the object for which the ephemeris is provided.

Creating agency or operator.

Ephemeris data lines.

Name of the reference frame in which the ephemeris data are given.

Epoch of reference frame, if not intrinsic to the definition of the reference frame.

Start of TOTAL time span covered by ephemeris data and covariance data immediately following this metadata block.

End of TOTAL time span covered by ephemeris data and covariance data immediately following this metadata block.

Time system used for metadata, ephemeris data, and covariance data.

Optional start and end of USEABLE time span covered by ephemeris data immediately following this metadata block.

Optional start and end of USEABLE time span covered by ephemeris data immediately following this metadata block.

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