Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
Pointing Software User Manual
for JAVA

EECFI.Attitude Class Reference

Attitude data and configuration. More...

Inheritance diagram for EECFI.Attitude:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Attitude () throws CfiError
 Empty Class constructor.
 Attitude (final TimeCorrelation timeId, final SatNomTransId satNomTrId, final SatTransId satTrId, final InstrTransId instTrId) throws CfiError
 Constructor with satellite frame ids.
void setTransformations (final TimeCorrelation timeId, final SatNomTransId satNomTrId, final SatTransId satTrId, final InstrTransId instTrId) throws CfiError
 Set the transformations in the attitutde Id.
native void compute (final ModelId modelId, final StateVector stateVector, long targetFrame) throws CfiError
 Compute attitude matrix.
native void userSet (final ModelId modelId, final StateVector stateVector, long targetFrame, final double[][] matrix, final double[][] matrixRate, final double[][] matrixRateRate, final double[] offset) throws CfiError
 Assign user-defined attitude frame.
native AttRec getAttitudeData (long dataType, long sourceRefType, long sourceRef) throws CfiError
 Compute quaternions/angles equivalent to the transformation from sourceRef to the attitude target frame.
native AttitudeData getData () throws CfiError
 Get attitude id data.
native void setData (final AttitudeData attitudeData) throws CfiError
 Set attitude id data.
native Coord changeFrame (final SatId satId, final ModelId modelId, long modeFlag, long frameFlagIn, long frameIdIn, long frameFlagOut, long frameIdOut, final StateVector satStateVec, final Coord statVecIn) throws CfiError
 Change the input vector/direction from a coordinate system to another ( including attitude frames ).
native void eq (final Attitude att)
 Copy operator. It overwrites the one in CfiId, since this one makes an independent copy.

Detailed Description

Attitude data and configuration.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EECFI.Attitude.Attitude (  )  throws CfiError

Empty Class constructor.

EECFI.Attitude::Attitude ( final TimeCorrelation  timeId,
final SatNomTransId  satNomTrId,
final SatTransId  satTrId,
final InstrTransId  instTrId 
) throws CfiError

Constructor with satellite frame ids.

timeId Time correlations.
satNomTrId Satellite nominal attitude.
satTrId Satellite attitude.
instTrId Instrument attitude.

Member Function Documentation

Coord EECFI.Attitude::changeFrame ( final SatId  satId,
final ModelId  modelId,
long  modeFlag,
long  frameFlagIn,
long  frameIdIn,
long  frameFlagOut,
long  frameIdOut,
final StateVector  satStateVec,
final Coord  statVecIn 
) throws CfiError

Change the input vector/direction from a coordinate system to another ( including attitude frames ).

This method changes the coordinate or attitude frame of a location or direction by keeping the location or direction in inertial space identical.

Both all coordinate frames and all attitude frames are supported. When changing the frame for a location, the difference in origin of the frames is taken into account. While when changing the frame for a direction, the target is assumed to be at infinity.

satId Satellite id.
modelId Model id.
modeFlag Selection of location or direction calculus (ModeFlagPointingEnum).
frameFlagIn Selection of coordinate or Attitude frame on input (FrameFlagEnum).
frameIdIn Coordinate frame id or attitude frame id on input (AttFrEnum or CsRlEnum).
frameFlagOut Selection of coordinate or Attitude frame on output (FrameFlagEnum).
frameIdOut Coordinate frame id or attitude frame id on output (AttFrEnum or CsRlEnum).
satStateVec State vector with time, time reference, position, velocity and acceleration of satellite (Earth fixed CS).
statVecIn Coordinates to be transformed in input frame (deriv indicates if pos, pos and vel or pos, vel and acc is to be calculated).
Tranformed coordinates in ouput frame.
void EECFI.Attitude::compute ( final ModelId  modelId,
final StateVector  stateVector,
long  targetFrame 
) throws CfiError

Compute attitude matrix.

This method calculates the Attitude Frame for a given S/C state vector.

Note: it can be internally applied a correction to computations in order to compensate for the travel time of light from the Sun to the Earth and the satellites orbiting it. To activate this compensation, the Sun model in xl_model_id must be initialized with the enum XL_MODEL_SUN_TRAVEL_TIME using the function xl_model_init (see [LIBSUM]).

modelId Model Id.
stateVector State vector which contains time reference, time, position, velocity and acceleration needed for computation. Coordinates must be in Earth Fixed reference frame.
targetFrame Attitude frame (AttFrEnum).
Attitude void EECFI.Attitude::eq ( final Attitude  att  ) 

Copy operator. It overwrites the one in CfiId, since this one makes an independent copy.

att Attitude object to be copied.
Attitude object copy of the input object; the new object is completely independent from the input one.
AttRec EECFI.Attitude::getAttitudeData ( long  dataType,
long  sourceRefType,
long  sourceRef 
) throws CfiError

Compute quaternions/angles equivalent to the transformation from sourceRef to the attitude target frame.

This method computes the quaternions or Euler angles that returns the transformation between the sourceRef frame and the target frame defined in the attitude object.

dataType,: requested data type: quaternions or angles
sourceRefType Source reference frame type: external or satellite
sourceRef,: Source reference frame
Attitude record with the time and quaternions or angles.
AttitudeData EECFI.Attitude::getData (  )  throws CfiError

Get attitude id data.

Attitude data.
void EECFI.Attitude::setData ( final AttitudeData  attitudeData  )  throws CfiError

Set attitude id data.

attitudeData Attitude data.
void EECFI.Attitude::setTransformations ( final TimeCorrelation  timeId,
final SatNomTransId  satNomTrId,
final SatTransId  satTrId,
final InstrTransId  instTrId 
) throws CfiError

Set the transformations in the attitutde Id.

timeId Time correlations.
satNomTrId Satellite nominal attitude.
satTrId Satellite attitude.
instTrId Instrument attitude.
void EECFI.Attitude::userSet ( final ModelId  modelId,
final StateVector  stateVector,
long  targetFrame,
final double  matrix[][],
final double  matrixRate[][],
final double  matrixRateRate[][],
final double[]  offset 
) throws CfiError

Assign user-defined attitude frame.

modelId Model Id.
stateVector State vector with time, time reference, position, velocity and acceleration needed for computation.
targetFrame Attitude frame ID (AttFrEnum).
matrix Matrix represeting the transformation from ToD to targetFrame.
matrixRate Matrix represeting the transformation rate from ToD to targetFrame.
matrixRateRate Matrix represeting the transformation rate rate from ToD to targetFrame.
offset Offset in the reference frame origin.

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