Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
DataHandling Software User Manual

EECFI::PropagPreciseConf Class Reference

Class to store the data for numerical propagator configuration. More...

Inheritance diagram for EECFI::PropagPreciseConf:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PropagPreciseConf ()
 Default constructor.
 PropagPreciseConf (const PropagPreciseConf &other)
 ~PropagPreciseConf () NOEXCEPT
PropagPreciseConfoperator= (const PropagPreciseConf &other)
void read (const std::string &preciseConfFile)
 Read precise propag configuration file data block.

Public Attributes

bool userFlag
std::string modelsPath
 Path where files neccesary for models are looked for.
bool gravityFlag
 Gravity perturbation used (1) or not (0).
bool thirdbodyFlag
 Third bodies perturbation used (1) or not (0).
bool atmosFlag
 Atmosphere perturbation used (1) or not (0).
bool srpFlag
 Solar radiation pressure perturbation used (1) or not (0).
double step
 Simulation step [s].
std::string gravFile
 File with data of gravitational model.
long gravDegree
 Degree used gravity model.
long gravOrder
 Order used in gravity model.
bool sgaFlag
 Parameters used (0) or data read from file (1).
std::string sgaApFile
 File with Geomagnetic Activity index values.
std::string sgaF107File
 File with F10.7 Solar Activity index values.
double ap
 Geomagnetic Activity Index (daily value).
double f107
 F10.7 Index Solar Activy Index (daily value).
double f107a
 F10.7 Index Solar Activy Index (value averaged over 3 months).
double scMass
 S/C mass [kg].
double scDragArea
 S/C effective drag area [m^2].
double scDragCoeff
 S/C drag coefficient [adim].
double scSrpArea
 S/C effective SRP area [m^2].
double scSrpCoeff
 S/C SRP coefficient [adim].

Detailed Description

Class to store the data for numerical propagator configuration.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EECFI::PropagPreciseConf::PropagPreciseConf (  ) 

Default constructor.

EECFI::PropagPreciseConf::PropagPreciseConf ( const PropagPreciseConf other  ) 

Copy constructor.

other The PropagPreciseConf to copy from
EECFI::PropagPreciseConf::~PropagPreciseConf (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

PropagPreciseConf & EECFI::PropagPreciseConf::operator= ( const PropagPreciseConf other  ) 

Copy assigment operator.

other The PropagPreciseConf to copy/assign from

References ap, atmosFlag, f107, f107a, gravDegree, gravFile, gravityFlag, gravOrder, modelsPath, scDragArea, scDragCoeff, scMass, scSrpArea, scSrpCoeff, sgaApFile, sgaF107File, sgaFlag, srpFlag, step, thirdbodyFlag, and userFlag.

void EECFI::PropagPreciseConf::read ( const std::string &  preciseConfFile  ) 

Read precise propag configuration file data block.

Member Data Documentation

Geomagnetic Activity Index (daily value).

Referenced by operator=().

Atmosphere perturbation used (1) or not (0).

Referenced by operator=().

F10.7 Index Solar Activy Index (daily value).

Referenced by operator=().

F10.7 Index Solar Activy Index (value averaged over 3 months).

Referenced by operator=().

Degree used gravity model.

Referenced by operator=().

File with data of gravitational model.

Referenced by operator=().

Gravity perturbation used (1) or not (0).

Referenced by operator=().

Order used in gravity model.

Referenced by operator=().

Path where files neccesary for models are looked for.

Referenced by operator=().

S/C effective drag area [m^2].

Referenced by operator=().

S/C drag coefficient [adim].

Referenced by operator=().

S/C mass [kg].

Referenced by operator=().

S/C effective SRP area [m^2].

Referenced by operator=().

S/C SRP coefficient [adim].

Referenced by operator=().

File with Geomagnetic Activity index values.

Referenced by operator=().

File with F10.7 Solar Activity index values.

Referenced by operator=().

Parameters used (0) or data read from file (1).

Referenced by operator=().

Solar radiation pressure perturbation used (1) or not (0).

Referenced by operator=().

Simulation step [s].

Referenced by operator=().

Third bodies perturbation used (1) or not (0).

Referenced by operator=().

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