Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
FileHandlling Software User Manual

Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
Code EO-MA-DMS-GS-011
Issue 4.23
Date 23/06/22
  Name Function Signature
Prepared by: EOCFI Team Project Engineers  
Checked by: Inês Estrela Project Manager  
Approved by: Antonio Gutierrez Division Head  


Contract Data Classification
Contract Number: 4000102614/1O/NL/FF/ef Internal  
Contract Issuer: ESA / ESTEC Industry X
External Distribution
Name Organization Copies
Electronic handling
Document generator: Doxygen 1.7.1
Electronic file name: eo-ma-dms-gs-011-10

Document Status Log

Issue Change Description Date Approval
1.0 These libraries corresponds to version 4.0 of C libraries. 27/03/09  
4.1 These libraries corresponds to version 4.1 of C libraries. 07/05/10  
4.2 These libraries corresponds to version 4.2 of C libraries. 31/01/11  
4.3 These libraries corresponds to version 4.3 of C libraries. 06/02/12  
4.4 These libraries corresponds to version 4.4 of C libraries. 05/07/12  
4.5 These libraries corresponds to version 4.5 of C libraries. 01/03/13  
4.6 These libraries corresponds to version 4.6 of C libraries. 03/10/13  
4.7 These libraries corresponds to version 4.7 of C libraries. 28/03/14  
4.8 These libraries corresponds to version 4.8 of C libraries. 29/10/14  
4.9 These libraries corresponds to version 4.9 of C libraries. 23/04/15  
4.10 These libraries corresponds to version 4.10 of C libraries. 29/10/15  
4.11 These libraries corresponds to version 4.11 of C libraries. 15/04/16  
4.12 These libraries corresponds to version 4.12 of C libraries. 03/11/16  
4.13 These libraries corresponds to version 4.13 of C libraries. 05/04/17  
4.14 These libraries corresponds to version 4.14 of C libraries. 16/11/17  
4.15 These libraries corresponds to version 4.15 of C libraries. 20/04/18  
4.16 These libraries corresponds to version 4.16 of C libraries. 09/11/18  
4.17 These libraries corresponds to version 4.17 of C libraries. 10/05/19  
4.18 These libraries corresponds to version 4.18 of C libraries. 08/11/19  
4.19 These libraries corresponds to version 4.19 of C libraries. 29/05/20  
4.20 These libraries corresponds to version 4.20 of C libraries. 30/11/20  
4.21 These libraries corresponds to version 4.21 of C libraries. 23/06/21  
4.22 These libraries corresponds to version 4.22 of C libraries. 22/12/21  
4.23 These libraries corresponds to version 4.23 of C libraries. 23/06/22




ANX Ascending Node Crossing
AOCS Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BOM Beginning Of Mission
CFI Customer Furnished Item
EOM End Of Mission
ESA European Space Agency
ESTEC European Space Technology and Research Centre
GPL GNU Public License
GPS Global Positioning System
IERS International Earth Rotation Service
I/F Interface
LS Leap Second
OBT On-board Binary Time
OSF Orbit Scenario File
SRAR Satellite Relative Actual Reference
SUM Software User Manual
TAI International Atomic Time
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
UT1 Universal Time UT1
WGS[84 World Geodetic System 1984


CFI A group of CFI functions, and related software and documentation. that will be distributed by ESA to the users as an independent unit
CFI function A single function within a CFI that can be called by the user
Library A software library containing all the CFI functions included within a CFI plus the supporting functions used by those CFI functions (transparently to the user)

Notes in Terminology

In order to keep compatibility with legacy CFI libraries, the Earth Observation Mission CFI Software makes use of terms that are linked with missions already or soon in the operational phase like the Earth Explorers. This may be reflected in the rest of the document when examples of Mission CFI Software usage are proposed or description of Mission Files is given.


Applicable Documents

[GEN_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. General Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-017. Issue 4.23 23/06/22

Reference Documents

[MCD] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. Conventions Document. EO-MA-DMS-GS-0001. Issue 4.23 23/06/22.
[MSC] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. Mission Specific Customizations. EO-MA-DMS-GS-0018. Issue 4.23 23/06/22.
[EE_COMMON_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. EECommon Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-010. Issue 4.23 23/06/22.


The File Handling Library provides a simple programming interface for creating, modifying, writing and reading XML files tailored to the XML usage needs of the Earth Observation Missions Ground Segment files.

It is built on top of the GNOME libxml2 library but it hides most of the details associated to file parsing, in-memory representation and file writing.

Programming Usage Guide

The interface to an XML file represented as a tree

Any well-formed XML file may be viewed as a hierarchy of elements, attributes and values that can be represented as a tree. In fact this is the in-memory representation used by libxml when an XML file is read into memory.

Although the FILE_HANDLING library hides all these details to the programmer, a few basic concepts need to be presented here to understand how to use the library functions in order to achieve a given goal. We assume that the user has some basic knowledge of XML and understands the concepts of XML elements, attributes and text nodes.

The FILE_HANDLING library uses iterators for traversing the in-memory representation of an XML file as built by libxml. An iterator is an abstraction of a pointer to a specific element within a collection. The FILE_HANDLING library uses an iterator to XML elements since elements are the basic building blocks of XML files. All the operations related with xml files are grouped in the class XmlFile.

Opening a file for reading and/or modification

The first operation a user must perform in order to use an existing XML file for reading and/or modifying it is loading the file content into memory. This operation is performed by the method XmlFile::read. This method takes as an input the file name. The FILE_HANDLING library may handle in parallel up to XFCFI_MAX_FILES_NUMBER. When a file is read, XmlFile::read assigns a unique number (stored in XmlFile object). This unique number is used, thereon in order to access the in-memory representation of that file, in a transparent way for the user.

Reading a file sequentially

The in-memory representation of an XML file used by libxml allows an optimum traversal using a first-child-next-sibling algorithm. This algorithm ensures that all elements within the tree are visited only once using recursively the following rules:

Starting with an iterator pointing to the root element, all elements are visited once and only once until the iterator returns to the root element.

A file may be read sequentially using the family of methods XmlFile::getElementValueAs*.These methods will return the value of the first element found whose name matches exactly the element name provided as input typed as requested in the function name.

The FILE_HANDLING library uses a global iterator for each file (do not mistake the concept of global iterator with that of a global variable). When a file is read using the XmlFile::read function, this global iterator points automatically to the root element. Each function uses a local iterator for searching the requested element.

The global iterator behaves as follows:

Sometimes, it is desirable to have a function that reads all elements with a given name and creates a vector of values. This functionality is achieved by the XmlFile::getElementArrayAs* family of methods. A call to any of these functions will first set the iterator pointing to the root element, then will traverse the file looking for the requested elements and will return the vector of values leaving the iterator pointing to the last element read.

Attributes can be read with the family of methods XmlFile::getAttributeValueAs* specifying the attribute name as well as the name of the element that contains it. If the global iterator is pointing to an element name different from the specified one, this element is first looked for, the iterator is moved to it and then the requested attribute is looked for within that element. If the iterator is already pointing to an element whose name matches the specified one, the attribute is directly searched for within that element.

Reading a file using path expressions

Traversing a file sequentially may not always be the optimum way of accessing information if we just need to read a few values. Random access to the in-memory representation of an XML file is achieved using XPath expressions. XPath expressions allow addressing XML elements and attributes using a syntax that resembles the one used for addressing files and directories in a hierarchical file system and is based on the following rules:

The XmlFile::getPathValueAs* family of methods implement random access file reading using XPath expressions. The global iterator has the same behaviour as in the XmlFile::getElementValueAs* familliy of methods.

Searching for elements with a given value

The FILE_HANDLING library provides two functions for searching the XPath expression of an element with a given value.

The search functions set the file iterator pointing to the found element and return its absolute XPath. If the search operation returns an error, the iterator is not moved.

Creating new elements or removing existing elements

A file can be created in memory from scratch using the XmlFile::create function. Like the XmlFile::read that reads an existing XML file from disk, it returns a unique integer value that is stored in the XmlFile object.

When a file is created in memory, the first operation that must be performed is the creation of the root element, which is done by the XmlFile::createRoot function.

From that point, elements may be added using as input a reference element to which they are attached and the created element name. The element to which the new element is attached is referenced using an XPath expression. The following possibilities are available.

After a new element has been added to the in-memory representation of the XML file, the global iterator is pointing to the last added element. Therefore, relative XPath expressions used just after an element insertion are relative to the inserted element.

Existing elements are removed using the XmlFile::removeNode function with an XPath expression addressing them. If the requested element has children, all of them will be removed recursively.

Setting and/or modifying element values

When elements and attributes are created, they have no value. Element and attribute values may be set and/or modified with the XmlFile::setValue overcharged methods using an XPath expression for addressing the requested element or attribute. Format information as in the C standard library printf family of functions must be provided when setting an element or attribute value.

Writing an XML file to disk

An in-memory representation of an XML file can be written to a file on disk with the XmlFile::write function. Note that if the in-memory representation is loaded from a file, it may be written under a different file name.

Releasing memory

The in-memory representation of an XML file normally takes a significant amount of memory space, typically between 7 and 10 times the size of the file on disk. For this reason it is important to provide the means for releasing the memory allocated after being used. This can be done using the XmlFile::clean, or it is done when the object XmlFile is destroyed.


For a detailed description of the installation of any CFI library, please refer to [GEN_SUM].


To use the FILE_HANDLING software library in a user application, that application must include in its source code the necessary header files for the concrete application:

Third party libraries:

To link correctly this application, the user must include in his linking command flags like (assuming cfi_lib_dir and cfi_include_dir are the directories where respectively all CFI libraries and include files have been installed, see [GEN_SUM] for installation procedures):

Note that, as Earth Observation CFI libraries are dynamic, cfi_lib_dir must be included in the path where the system looks for dynamic libraries (LD_LIBRARY_PATH in LINUX, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH in MacOs). For WINDOWS sytem, the executable will look for .dll libraries, not the .lib ones that are used to create the executable, so they must be in the path described by PATH variable.
All the classes described in this document are defined in EECFI namespace, to avoid any possible conflict with classes of other libraries, so the user must choose one of the following two options in order to use the classes:


The error management in C++ FILE_HANDLING is made throw exceptions, that is, if any error is produced, an exception of type CfiError is thrown and it must be catched putting the code in a try-catch block.

See [GEN_SUM] to know more about how to handle the CFI errors. For a descripton about the CfiError class and its methods, see [EE_COMMON_SUM].

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