Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
Visibility Software User Manual

EECFI::Swath Class Reference

Class to make operations involving a swath for zone and station visibility. More...

Inheritance diagram for EECFI::Swath:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Swath ()
 Default constructor.
 Swath (const OrbitId &orbitId, const std::string &swathFileName)
 Class constructor with parameters for STF file.
 Swath (const OrbitId &orbitId, long orbitNum, const std::string &swathFileName)
 Class constructor with parameters for SDF file.
void set (const OrbitId &orbitId, const std::string &swathFileName)
 Set values of parameters with STF file.
void set (const OrbitId &orbitId, long orbitNum, const std::string &swathFileName)
 Set values of parameterswith SDF file.
void set (const AtmosId &atmosId)
 Set Atmosphere Id, necessary for swath generation.
VisibilityList zoneVisTime (long startOrbit, long stopOrbit, const std::string &zoneId, const std::string &zoneDBFile, long projection, double minDuration) const
 Calculate zone visibility segments using a zone database.
VisibilityList zoneVisTime (long startOrbit, long stopOrbit, long projection, const ZoneRec &zoneRec, double minDuration) const
 Calculate zone visibility segments using a zone rec.
VisibilityList zoneVisTime (long startOrbit, long stopOrbit, long projection, const StfFile &stfFile, const ZoneRec &zoneRec, double minDuration) const
 Calculate zone visibility segments using a STF object and ZoneRec.
VisibilityList stationVisTime (long startOrbit, long stopOrbit, const std::string &staId, const std::string &staDBFile, long mask, double aosElevation, double losElevation, double minDuration) const
 Calculate the visibility segments for which a satellite is visible from a ground station.
VisibilityList stationVisTime (long startOrbit, long stopOrbit, const StfFile &stfFile, const StationRec &staRec, long mask, double aosElevation, double losElevation, double minDuration) const
 Calculate the visibility segments for which a satellite is visible from a ground station.
VisibilityList scVisTime (const SatNomTransId &satNomTransId1, const SatTransId &satTransId1, const InstrTransId &instrTransId1, long startOrbit, long stopOrbit, const OrbitId &orbitId2, const SatNomTransId &satNomTransId2, const SatTransId &satTransId2, const InstrTransId &instrTransId2, LinkData &linkData, double minDuration) const
void setScVisTimeStep (double timeStep)
 Update the time step used internally in the scVisTime function algorithm.
VisibilityList celestialBodyVisTime (const SatNomTransId &satNomTransId1, const SatTransId &satTransId1, const InstrTransId &instrTransId1, long startOrbit, long stopOrbit, long celestialBody_type, const LinkData &linkData, double minDuration) const
VisibilityList multiZonesVisTime (long startOrbit, long stopOrbit, const std::vector< std::string > &zoneId, const std::string &zoneDBFile, const std::vector< long > &projection, const std::vector< ZoneRec > &zoneRec, double minDuration, bool extraInfoFlag) const
 Calculates visibility segments for which the swath intersects a set of zones on the Earth ellipsoid.
VisibilityList multiStationsVisTime (long startOrbit, long stopOrbit, const std::vector< std::string > &staId, const std::string &staDBFile, const std::vector< double > &aosElevation, const std::vector< double > &losElevation, const std::vector< long > &mask, double minDuration, bool extraInfoFlag) const
 Calculates visibility segments for which a satellite is visible from a set of ground stations.
std::vector< VisibilityList > mapping (long startOrbit, long stopOrbit, const std::string &zoneId, const std::string &zoneDBFile, long projection) const
 Computes groups of visibility segments that cover the visiblity of a zone read from a database.
std::vector< VisibilityList > mapping (long startOrbit, long stopOrbit, long projection, const ZoneRec &zoneRec) const
 Computes groups of visibility segments that cover the visiblity of a given zone.
std::string genSwath (long requestedOrbit, const std::string &dirName, const std::string &swathFile, const std::string &fileClass, long versionNumber, const std::string &fhSystem) const
 Generate a swath template file using the SDF file.
StfFilegenSwath (long requestedOrbit, const SdfFile &sdfFile) const
 Generate a STFFile object using the object SdfFile.
std::vector< GeodeticgetPos (const StfFile &stfFile, const ANXTime &anxTime) const
 Gets the location of a swath at a given ANXTime.
std::string genScf (const std::string &instrument, const std::vector< TimelineInterval > &segments, const std::string &dirName, const std::string &scfFileName, const std::string &fileClass, long versionNumber, const std::string &fhSystem) const
 Generate a swath control file.
VisibilityList zoneVisTimeCompute (AttitudeDef &attDef, SwathId &swathId, ZoneInfoList &zoneInfoList, VisTimeInterval &searchInterval) const
 Compute zone visibility segments using input zone type.
VisibilityList stationVisTimeCompute (AttitudeDef &attDef, SwathId &swathId, StationInfoList &staInfoList, VisTimeInterval &searchInterval) const
 Compute station visibility segments using input station type.
std::vector< GeodeticgetPosCompute (SwathId &swathId, VisTime &posTime) const
 Gets the location of a swath at a given input time.
std::vector< VisibilityList > mappingCompute (SwathId &swathId, ZoneInfoList &zoneInfoList, VisTimeInterval &searchInterval) const
 Computes groups of visibility segments that cover the visiblity of a zone read from a database.

Detailed Description

Class to make operations involving a swath for zone and station visibility.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EECFI::Swath::Swath (  ) 

Default constructor.

EECFI::Swath::Swath ( const OrbitId orbitId,
const std::string &  swathFileName 

Class constructor with parameters for STF file.

EECFI::Swath::Swath ( const OrbitId orbitId,
long  orbitNum,
const std::string &  swathFileName 

Class constructor with parameters for SDF file.

Member Function Documentation

VisibilityList EECFI::Swath::celestialBodyVisTime ( const SatNomTransId satNomTransId1,
const SatTransId satTransId1,
const InstrTransId instrTransId1,
long  startOrbit,
long  stopOrbit,
long  celestialBody_type,
const LinkData linkData,
double  minDuration 
) const

Calculates the visibility segments for which a Communication Terminal of a celestialBody object: moon/sun is visible from a FOV of a source satellite.


The Swath::celestialBodyVisTime method computes all the orbital segments crossing with some celestial body as sun or moon.
An orbital segment is a time interval along the orbit, defined by start and stop times expressed as seconds elapsed since the ascending node crossing.
Swath::celestialBodyVisTime requires access to the orbitId (OrbitId class) providing the orbital data of source satellite. For orbitId initialization please refer to [ORBIT_SUM].

Note: if the orbit is initialized for precise propagation, the execution of the visibility function can be very slow. As alternative, a POF can be generated with the precise propagator (function OrbitFunc::genPof) for the range of orbits the user usually needs, and use this generated file to initialize the orbit id. The execution time performance will be much better for the visibility function and it will not have a big impact on the precision of the calculations.

The time intervals used by Swath::celestialBodyVisTime are expressed in absolute orbit numbers. To transform from relative to absolute orbits, RelANXTime::toAbsolute can be used. This is valid for both:
  • input parameter "Orbit Range": first and last orbit to be considered.
  • output parameter "Target Satellite Visibility Segments": time segments with time expressed as {absolute orbit number , number of seconds since ANX, number of microseconds}

The segments will be ordered chronologically.
Users who need to use processing times must make use of the conversion routines provided in EO_ORBIT ANXTime class (ANXTime::timeToOrbit and ANXTime::orbitToTime methods).
The Swath::celestialBodyVisTime function considers the following sources of occultation, which can be configured through xv_link_data input struct:
  • Earth plus a minimum tangent height.
  • Satellite inclusive and exclusive masks, which are zones of azimuth and elevation where visibility is possible (inclusive mask) or not possible (exclusive mask). These masks can be used to model constraints (e.g. mechanical) or occlusion of the field of view.

In the following figure, the behaviour of the mask is explained. The four mask combinations are represented:
  • Inclusive mask disabled, exclusive mask disabled.
  • Inclusive mask enabled, exclusive mask disabled.
  • Inclusive mask disabled, exclusive mask enabled.
  • Inclusive mask enabled, exclusive mask enabled.

In every case, the full field of view is represented. The internal rectangle represents the inclusive mask and the internal ellipse represents the exclusive mask. In every case, the zone in orange colour background is the field of view allowed by the enabled masks.

Notes about definition of masks:
  • The masks are defined as closed zones.
  • These zones are defined in the input LinkData object with arrays of azimuth and elevation points that define a polygon in the azimuth-elevation plane (last point in array is closed with first point in array internally).
  • It must be distinguished between azimuth = 0. deg and azimuth = 360. deg, since they are considered different in the azimuth-elevation plane; this has been done to make the definition of masks easier.
satNomTransId1 Satellite nominal attitude of source satellite.
satTransId1 Satellite attitude of source satellite.
instrTransId1 Instrument nominal attitude of source satellite.
startOrbit First absolute orbit, segment filter; segments will be filtered as from the beginning of first orbit. First Orbit for the orbit initialization will be used when absolute orbit is set to zero.
Allowed range: =0; or >=start_osf.
stopOrbit Last absolute orbit, segment filter. For orbitId initialized with orbital changes, when stopOrbit = 0 the stopOrbit will be set to the minimum value between:

  • the last orbit within the orbital change of the start_orbit.
  • startOrbit+cycle_length-1 (i.e. the input orbit range will be a complete cycle)

Allowed range: =0; or >=start_osf.

celestialBody_type Target celestial body (enumeration XVTypeCelestialBodyEnum).
linkData Link data between satellite and celestial body. Minimum tangent height and masks for visibility are configured.
minDuration Minimum duration for segments; only segments with a duration longer than minDuration will be given as output [s]. Allowed range: >=0.
Visibility segments.

References EECFI::CfiError::addMsg(), EECFI::AzElMask::azimuth, EECFI::AzElMask::elevation, EECFI::LinkMask::exclMask, EECFI::LinkMask::inclMask, EECFI::LinkData::maskData, EECFI::ANXTime::microseconds, EECFI::LinkData::minTgHeight, EECFI::AzElMask::numMaskPt, EECFI::ANXTime::orbit, EECFI::ANXTime::seconds, EECFI::TimeSegment::start, EECFI::AzElMask::status, EECFI::CfiId::status(), EECFI::TimeSegment::stop, and EECFI::CfiClass::throwWarn.

std::string EECFI::Swath::genScf ( const std::string &  instrument,
const std::vector< TimelineInterval > &  segments,
const std::string &  dirName,
const std::string &  scfFileName,
const std::string &  fileClass,
long  versionNumber,
const std::string &  fhSystem 
) const

Generate a swath control file.

std::string EECFI::Swath::genSwath ( long  requestedOrbit,
const std::string &  dirName,
const std::string &  swathFile,
const std::string &  fileClass,
long  versionNumber,
const std::string &  fhSystem 
) const

Generate a swath template file using the SDF file.

StfFile * EECFI::Swath::genSwath ( long  requestedOrbit,
const SdfFile sdfFile 
) const

Generate a STFFile object using the object SdfFile.

OrbitId must be set. The atmospheric and refraction model is determined by the AtmosId object. If AtmosId is not set, refraction will not be considered.

requestedOrbit Absolute orbit for which the instrument swath template file will be calculated.
sdfFile Swath Definition File object. It must have been read.
Pointer to StfFile object created.

References EECFI::CfiError::addMsg(), EECFI::SdfFile::sdfRec, EECFI::CfiId::status(), and EECFI::CfiClass::throwWarn.

vector< Geodetic > EECFI::Swath::getPos ( const StfFile stfFile,
const ANXTime anxTime 
) const

Gets the location of a swath at a given ANXTime.

stfFile Object with Swath Template File read.
anxTime Absolute orbit and time where position wants to be calculated.
Coordinates of the points of the swath.

References EECFI::CfiError::addMsg(), EECFI::Geodetic::alt, EECFI::Geodetic::altDer, EECFI::Geodetic::deriv, EECFI::Geodetic::lat, EECFI::Geodetic::latDer, EECFI::Geodetic::lon, EECFI::Geodetic::lonDer, EECFI::ANXTime::microseconds, EECFI::ANXTime::orbit, EECFI::ANXTime::seconds, EECFI::CfiId::status(), and EECFI::CfiClass::throwWarn.

vector< Geodetic > EECFI::Swath::getPosCompute ( SwathId swathId,
VisTime posTime 
) const
std::vector<VisibilityList> EECFI::Swath::mapping ( long  startOrbit,
long  stopOrbit,
const std::string &  zoneId,
const std::string &  zoneDBFile,
long  projection 
) const

Computes groups of visibility segments that cover the visiblity of a zone read from a database.

Referenced by mapping().

vector< VisibilityList > EECFI::Swath::mapping ( long  startOrbit,
long  stopOrbit,
long  projection,
const ZoneRec zoneRec 
) const

Computes groups of visibility segments that cover the visiblity of a given zone.

startOrbit First absolute orbit, segment filter; segments will be filtered as from the beginning of first orbit. First Orbit for the orbit initialization will be used when absolute orbit is set to zero.
Allowed range: =0; or >=start_osf.
stopOrbit Last absolute orbit, segment filter. For orbitId initialized with orbital changes, when stopOrbit = 0 the stopOrbit will be set to the minimum value between:

  • the last orbit within the orbital change of the start_orbit.
  • startOrbit+cycle_length-1 (i.e. the input orbit range will be a complete cycle)

Allowed range: =0; or >=start_osf.

projection Projection used to define the polygon sides as straight lines (ProjectionEnum in VisibilityData.h).
zoneRec Zone definition.
Vector of VisibilityList, one VisibilityList for each mappping found.

References mapping().

vector< VisibilityList > EECFI::Swath::mappingCompute ( SwathId swathId,
ZoneInfoList zoneInfoList,
VisTimeInterval searchInterval 
) const

Computes groups of visibility segments that cover the visiblity of a zone read from a database.


The function Swath::mapping returns groups of visibility segments of a zone within an orbit range introduced by the user. These groups, or mappings, contain a minimum number of time segments needed to cover the zone completely, and fulfil the following conditions:
  • Each mapping only contains ascending or descending segments.
  • The segments are ordered by the track number.
  • Mappings with one segment will be returned if it covers completely the zone.
  • A mapping is searched for each track with segments that only contains left/right coverage in the case of ascending/descending segments, and finishes with a track that only contains right/left coverage.
  • Incomplete mappings are not returned. This could happen if the number of orbits is insufficient to cover the zone.
Note that different mappings could contain a subset of segments in common. For example in next figure there are two possible different mappings:
  • mapping 1: orbits 1, 2, 3, 4.
  • mapping 2: orbits 502, 2, 3, 4.
Different mappings with common segments
The time intervals used by Swath::mapping can be expressed in absolute or relative orbit numbers. This is valid for both:
  • input parameter: first and last orbit to be considered. To transform from relative to absolute orbits, RelANXTime::toAbsolute can be used.
  • output parameter: time segments with time expressed as {absolute orbit number, number of seconds since ANX, number of microseconds}
The Swath::mapping requires access to several data structures and files to produce its results:
  • the orbitId (OrbitId class) providing the orbital data. The orbitId can be initialized with the following data or files (see [ORBIT_SUM]):
    • data for an orbital change
    • Orbit scenario files
    • Predicted orbit files
    • Orbit Event Files
    • Restituted orbit files
    • DORIS Preliminary orbit files
    • DORIS Navigator files
  • the Instrument Swath File, excluding inertial swath files, describing the area seen by the relevant instrument all along the current orbit. The Swath data can be provided by:
    • A swath template file produced off-line by the EO_VISIBILITY library (Swath::genSwath function).
    • A swath definition file, describing the swath geometry. In this case the Swath::mapping generates the swath points for a number of orbits given by the user.
  • Zone Database File: just in case of using a zone from the data base.
swathId Swath Id.
zoneInfoList Zone(s) information.
searchInterval Time interval.
Visibility segments map.

References EECFI::CfiError::addMsg(), EECFI::ZoneInfoList::calcFlag, EECFI::VisTime::msec, EECFI::VisTime::orbitNum, EECFI::VisTime::sec, EECFI::CfiId::status(), EECFI::CfiClass::throwWarn, EECFI::VisTimeInterval::tstart, EECFI::VisTimeInterval::tstop, EECFI::VisTime::type, EECFI::VisTime::utcTime, and EECFI::ZoneInfoList::zoneInfo.

VisibilityList EECFI::Swath::multiStationsVisTime ( long  startOrbit,
long  stopOrbit,
const std::vector< std::string > &  staId,
const std::string &  staDBFile,
const std::vector< double > &  aosElevation,
const std::vector< double > &  losElevation,
const std::vector< long > &  mask,
double  minDuration,
bool  extraInfoFlag 
) const

Calculates visibility segments for which a satellite is visible from a set of ground stations.

VisibilityList EECFI::Swath::multiZonesVisTime ( long  startOrbit,
long  stopOrbit,
const std::vector< std::string > &  zoneId,
const std::string &  zoneDBFile,
const std::vector< long > &  projection,
const std::vector< ZoneRec > &  zoneRec,
double  minDuration,
bool  extraInfoFlag 
) const

Calculates visibility segments for which the swath intersects a set of zones on the Earth ellipsoid.

VisibilityList EECFI::Swath::scVisTime ( const SatNomTransId satNomTransId1,
const SatTransId satTransId1,
const InstrTransId instrTransId1,
long  startOrbit,
long  stopOrbit,
const OrbitId orbitId2,
const SatNomTransId satNomTransId2,
const SatTransId satTransId2,
const InstrTransId instrTransId2,
LinkData linkData,
double  minDuration 
) const

Calculates the visibility segments for which a Communication Terminal of a target satellite is visible from a Communication Terminal of a source satellite.


The Swath::scVisTime method computes all the orbital segments for which Communication Terminal of a target satellite (LEO or GEO) is visible from Communication Terminal of a source satellite (LEO).
An orbital segment is a time interval along the orbit, defined by start and stop times expressed as seconds elapsed since the ascending node crossing.
Swath::scVisTime requires access to the orbitId (OrbitId class) providing the orbital data of both satellites. For orbitId initialization please refer to [ORBIT_SUM].

Note: if the orbit is initialized for precise propagation, the execution of the visibility function can be very slow. As alternative, a POF can be generated with the precise propagator (function OrbitFunc::genPof) for the range of orbits the user usually needs, and use this generated file to initialize the orbit id. The execution time performance will be much better for the visibility function and it will not have a big impact on the precision of the calculations.

The time intervals used by Swath::scVisTime are expressed in absolute orbit numbers. To transform from relative to absolute orbits, RelANXTime::toAbsolute can be used. This is valid for both:
  • input parameter "Orbit Range": first and last orbit to be considered.
  • output parameter "Target Satellite Visibility Segments": time segments with time expressed as {absolute orbit number , number of seconds since ANX, number of microseconds}
The segments will be ordered chronologically.
Users who need to use processing times must make use of the conversion routines provided in EO_ORBIT ANXTime class (ANXTime::timeToOrbit and ANXTime::orbitToTime methods).
The Swath::scVisTime function considers the following sources of occultation, which can be configured through xv_link_data input struct:
  • Earth plus a minimum tangent height.
  • Satellite inclusive and exclusive masks, which are zones of azimuth and elevation where visibility is possible (inclusive mask) or not possible (exclusive mask). These masks can be used to model constraints (e.g. mechanical) or occlusion of the field of view.

In the following figure, the behaviour of the mask is explained. The four mask combinations are represented:
  • Inclusive mask disabled, exclusive mask disabled.
  • Inclusive mask enabled, exclusive mask disabled.
  • Inclusive mask disabled, exclusive mask enabled.
  • Inclusive mask enabled, exclusive mask enabled.

In every case, the full field of view is represented. The internal rectangle represents the inclusive mask and the internal ellipse represents the exclusive mask. In every case, the zone in orange colour background is the field of view allowed by the enabled masks.

Notes about definition of masks:
  • The masks are defined as closed zones.
  • These zones are defined in the input LinkData object with arrays of azimuth and elevation points that define a polygon in the azimuth-elevation plane (last point in array is closed with first point in array internally).
  • It must be distinguished between azimuth = 0. deg and azimuth = 360. deg, since they are considered different in the azimuth-elevation plane; this has been done to make the definition of masks easier.
satNomTransId1 Satellite nominal attitude of source satellite.
satTransId1 Satellite attitude of source satellite.
instrTransId1 Instrument nominal attitude of source satellite.
startOrbit First absolute orbit, segment filter; segments will be filtered as from the beginning of first orbit. First Orbit for the orbit initialization will be used when absolute orbit is set to zero.
Allowed range: =0; or >=start_osf.
stopOrbit Last absolute orbit, segment filter. For orbitId initialized with orbital changes, when stopOrbit = 0 the stopOrbit will be set to the minimum value between:

  • the last orbit within the orbital change of the start_orbit.
  • startOrbit+cycle_length-1 (i.e. the input orbit range will be a complete cycle)

Allowed range: =0; or >=start_osf.

satNomTransId2 Satellite nominal attitude of target satellite.
satTransId2 Satellite attitude of target satellite.
instrTransId2 Instrument nominal attitude of target satellite.
linkData Link data between both satellites. Minimum tangent height and masks for visibility are configured.
minDuration Minimum duration for segments; only segments with a duration longer than minDuration will be given as output [s]. Allowed range: >=0.
Visibility segments.

References EECFI::CfiError::addMsg(), EECFI::ANXTime::microseconds, EECFI::ANXTime::orbit, EECFI::ANXTime::seconds, EECFI::TimeSegment::start, EECFI::CfiId::status(), EECFI::TimeSegment::stop, and EECFI::CfiClass::throwWarn.

void EECFI::Swath::set ( const OrbitId orbitId,
long  orbitNum,
const std::string &  swathFileName 

Set values of parameterswith SDF file.

void EECFI::Swath::set ( const OrbitId orbitId,
const std::string &  swathFileName 

Set values of parameters with STF file.

void EECFI::Swath::set ( const AtmosId atmosId  ) 

Set Atmosphere Id, necessary for swath generation.

atmosId Atmosphere Id. The AtmosId object determines the atmospheric and refraction model to be used in the Swath generation
void EECFI::Swath::setScVisTimeStep ( double  timeStep  ) 

Update the time step used internally in the scVisTime function algorithm.

timeStep Time step to be used internally in scVisTime algorithm [seconds].

References EECFI::CfiError::addMsg(), EECFI::CfiId::status(), and EECFI::CfiClass::throwWarn.

VisibilityList EECFI::Swath::stationVisTime ( long  startOrbit,
long  stopOrbit,
const StfFile stfFile,
const StationRec staRec,
long  mask,
double  aosElevation,
double  losElevation,
double  minDuration 
) const

Calculate the visibility segments for which a satellite is visible from a ground station.

startOrbit First absolute orbit, segment filter; segments will be filtered as from the beginning of first orbit. First Orbit for the orbit initialization will be used when absolute orbit is set to zero.
Allowed range: =0; or >=start_osf.
stopOrbit Last absolute orbit, segment filter. For orbitId initialized with orbital changes, when stopOrbit = 0 the stopOrbit will be set to the minimum value between:

  • the last orbit within the orbital change of the start_orbit.
  • startOrbit+cycle_length-1 (i.e. the input orbit range will be a complete cycle)

Allowed range: =0; or >=start_osf.

stfFile StfFile object with STF information. File must have been read.
staRec Station data.
mask Mask used to define visibility (MaskEnum in VisibilityData.h).
aosElevation Minimum elevation to consider at AOS [deg]. Allowed range: >=0.0.
losElevation Maximum elevation to consider at LOS [deg]. Allowed range: >=0.0 ; <=aosElevation.
minDuration Minimum duration for segments; only segments with a duration longer than minDuration will be given as output [s]. Allowed range: >=0.
Visibility segments.

References EECFI::CfiError::addMsg(), EECFI::StationRec::antenna, EECFI::StationRec::azimuth, EECFI::StationRec::descriptor, EECFI::StationRec::elevation, EECFI::StationRec::latMax, EECFI::StationRec::latMin, EECFI::StationRec::longMax, EECFI::StationRec::longMin, EECFI::ANXTime::microseconds, EECFI::StationRec::missionAosEl, EECFI::StationRec::missionList, EECFI::StationRec::missionLosEl, EECFI::StationRec::missionMaskType, EECFI::StationRec::missionName, EECFI::StationRec::numMaskPt, EECFI::ANXTime::orbit, EECFI::StationRec::points, EECFI::StationRec::projLat, EECFI::StationRec::projLong, EECFI::StationRec::purpose, EECFI::ANXTime::seconds, EECFI::TimeSegment::start, EECFI::StationRec::stationAlt, EECFI::StationRec::stationId, EECFI::StationRec::stationLat, EECFI::StationRec::stationLong, EECFI::CfiId::status(), EECFI::TimeSegment::stop, EECFI::CfiClass::throwWarn, and EECFI::StationRec::type.

VisibilityList EECFI::Swath::stationVisTime ( long  startOrbit,
long  stopOrbit,
const std::string &  staId,
const std::string &  staDBFile,
long  mask,
double  aosElevation,
double  losElevation,
double  minDuration 
) const

Calculate the visibility segments for which a satellite is visible from a ground station.

VisibilityList EECFI::Swath::stationVisTimeCompute ( AttitudeDef attDef,
SwathId swathId,
StationInfoList staInfoList,
VisTimeInterval searchInterval 
) const

Compute station visibility segments using input station type.


The Swath::stationVisTime function computes ground station visibility segments, the orbital segments for which the satellite is visible from a ground station located at the surface of the Earth.
An orbital segment is a time interval along the orbit, defined by start and stop times expressed as seconds elapsed since the ascending node crossing.
If more than one ground station is provided, the visibility segments are computed internally for each of them. Those segments are merged and ordered by start time. In the output visibility segments, it is listed the stations from which the satellite is visible in each segment.
In addition, Swath::stationVisTime calculates for every visibility segment the time of zero-doppler (i.e. the time at which the range-rate to the station is zero). It is computed per station, is case several stations are used as input.
Swath::stationVisTime requires access to several data structures and files to produce its results:
  • the orbitId (OrbitId class) providing the orbital data. The orbitId can be initialized with the following data and files, also for precise propagation if applicable (see [ORBIT_SUM]):
    • data for an orbital change
    • Orbit scenario files
    • Predicted orbit files
    • Orbit Event Files
    • Restituted orbit files
    • DORIS Preliminary orbit files
    • DORIS Navigator files
    • TLE files
  • the swathId, which can be initialized with SwathId::SwathId method. It constains the information of the Instrument Swath File, describing the area seen by the relevant instrument all along the current orbit.
  • The Station Database File, describing the location and the physical mask of each ground station.

The time intervals used by Swath::zoneVisTime are expressed in absolute orbit numbers. To transform from relative to absolute orbits, RelANXTime::toAbsolute can be used. This is valid for both:
  • input parameter "Orbit Range": first and last orbit to be considered.
  • output parameter "Station Visibility Segments": time segments with time expressed as {absolute orbit number , number of seconds since ANX, number of microseconds}
The output segments will be ordered chronologically.
Users who need to use processing times must make use of the conversion routines provided in EO_ORBIT ANXTime class (ANXTime::timeToOrbit and ANXTime::orbitToTime methods).
NOTE 1:If Swath::stationVisTime is used with a range of orbits that includes an orbital change (e.g. change in the repeat cycle or cycle length), the behaviour depends on the swath file introduced as input:
  • If a swath template file is used, Swath::stationVisTime automatically will ignore the orbits that do not correspond with the template file (i.e. no visibility segments will be generated for those orbits), since swath template file is generated from a reference orbit with a particular geometry, so it is not valid for a different geometry.
  • If a swath definition file is introduced, Swath::stationVisTime will perform the computations across orbital changes, and will return the visibility segments corresponding to the whole orbital range. Internally, swath template files valid for every orbital change are generated to perform the calculations.

NOTE 2:If a swath template file with the variable header tags Start_Validity_Range and Stop_Validity_Range is used as input, only the segments belonging to that orbit range will be returned.
NOTE 3:If a swath definition file is introduced, it can be also introduced every how many orbits the swath template file must be recomputed (according to the number of regeneration orbits used in swath id initialization). If the orbit_id has been initialized with an OSF file with MLST non linear terms and the number of regeneration orbits is greater than the linear approximation validity, the recomputation of swath template file will be done every linear approximation validity orbits

Usage Hints

Use of input AttitudeDef object

The type field defines how this struct is used, and it can take the following values:
  • XPCFI_NONE_ATTITUDE: no attitude defined in struct. In this case, when the Swath Template File must be computed internally, the attitudes defined in Swath Definition File are used.
  • XPCFI_SAT_NOMINAL_ATT, XPCFI_SAT_ATT, XPCFI_INSTR_ATT: the attitudes defined in the structure are used in internal Swath Template File generation. The type field in this case indicates the target frame for the computation.

Use of input StationInfoList object

The station or stations to be used in algorithm are passed to Swath::stationVisTimeCompute function with the struct StationInfoList. It contains the following fields:
  • calcFlag: it can take the enumeration values XVCFI_COMPUTE or XVCFi_DO_NOT_COMPUTE. This flag indicates if the extra information regarding the stations (zero doppler time) must be computed or not.
  • stationInfo: description of the stations to be computed. Every position of the array is a StationInfo object . The value of type field indicates the type of zone data:
    • If type is equal to enum value XVCFI_USE_STATION_FILE, then the station stationId is read from stationDbFilename station file. If AOCS, LOS and mask are not defined in the file, the values are taken from the fields defaultAos, defaultLos and defaultMask
    • If type is equal to enum value XVCFI_USE_STATION_FILE_AND_MASK_OVERRIDE, then the station stationId is read from stationDbFilename station file. In this case, the values used in computations for AOCS, LOS and mask are taken from the fields defaultAos, defaultLos and defaultMask, not from the information read from station file.
    • If type is equal to enum value XVCFI_USE_STATION_DATA, then the information contained in stationData field is used. If AOCS, LOS and mask are not defined in the struct, the values are taken from the fields defaultAos, defaultLos and defaultMask.
    • If type is equal to enum value XVCFI_USE_STATION_DATA_AND_MASK_OVERRIDE, then the information contained in station_data field is used. In this case, the values used in computations for AOCS, LOS and mask are taken from the fields defaultAos, defaultLos and defaultMask, not from the information read from station file.
  • minDuration: indicates the minimum duration for the segments (seconds).
attDef Attitude definition to be used.
swathId Swath ID with swath data for internal computations.
staInfoList List of stations.
searchInterval Interval to be used for visibility computations.
List of visibility segments.

References EECFI::CfiError::addMsg(), EECFI::StationInfoList::calcFlag, EECFI::AttitudeDef::instrTransId, EECFI::ANXTime::microseconds, EECFI::VisTime::msec, EECFI::ANXTime::orbit, EECFI::VisTime::orbitNum, EECFI::AttitudeDef::satNomTransId, EECFI::AttitudeDef::satTransId, EECFI::VisTime::sec, EECFI::ANXTime::seconds, EECFI::TimeSegment::start, EECFI::StationInfoList::stationInfo, EECFI::CfiId::status(), EECFI::TimeSegment::stop, EECFI::CfiClass::throwWarn, EECFI::VisTimeInterval::tstart, EECFI::VisTimeInterval::tstop, EECFI::VisibilitySegment::type, EECFI::AttitudeDef::type, EECFI::VisTime::type, EECFI::VisTime::utcTime, EECFI::VisibilitySegment::utcTimeStart, and EECFI::VisibilitySegment::utcTimeStop.

VisibilityList EECFI::Swath::zoneVisTime ( long  startOrbit,
long  stopOrbit,
long  projection,
const ZoneRec zoneRec,
double  minDuration 
) const

Calculate zone visibility segments using a zone rec.

startOrbit First absolute orbit, segment filter; segments will be filtered as from the beginning of first orbit. First Orbit for the orbit initialization will be used when absolute orbit is set to zero.
Allowed range: =0; or >=start_osf.
stopOrbit Last absolute orbit, segment filter. For orbitId initialized with orbital changes, when stopOrbit = 0 the stopOrbit will be set to the minimum value between:

  • the last orbit within the orbital change of the start_orbit.
  • startOrbit+cycle_length-1 (i.e. the input orbit range will be a complete cycle)

Allowed range: =0; or >=start_osf.

projection Projection used to define the polygon sides as straight lines (ProjectionEnum in VisibilityData.h).
zoneRec Zone definition.
minDuration Minimum duration for segments; only segments with a duration longer than minDuration will be given as output [s]. Allowed range: >=0.
Visibility segments.

References zoneVisTime().

VisibilityList EECFI::Swath::zoneVisTime ( long  startOrbit,
long  stopOrbit,
long  projection,
const StfFile stfFile,
const ZoneRec zoneRec,
double  minDuration 
) const

Calculate zone visibility segments using a STF object and ZoneRec.

startOrbit First absolute orbit, segment filter; segments will be filtered as from the beginning of first orbit. First Orbit for the orbit initialization will be used when absolute orbit is set to zero.
Allowed range: =0; or >=start_osf.
stopOrbit Last absolute orbit, segment filter. For orbitId initialized with orbital changes, when stopOrbit = 0 the stopOrbit will be set to the minimum value between:

  • the last orbit within the orbital change of the start_orbit.
  • startOrbit+cycle_length-1 (i.e. the input orbit range will be a complete cycle)

Allowed range: =0; or >=start_osf.

stfFile Swath Template File object, it must have been read.
zoneRec Record with the zone information.
projection Projection used to define the polygon sides as straight lines (ProjectionEnum in VisibilityData.h).
zoneRec Zone definition.
minDuration Minimum duration for segments; only segments with a duration longer than minDuration will be given as output [s]. Allowed range: >=0.
Visibility segments.

References EECFI::CfiError::addMsg(), EECFI::ZoneRec::creator, EECFI::ZoneRec::description, EECFI::ZoneRec::projection, EECFI::CfiId::status(), EECFI::ZoneRec::surface, EECFI::CfiClass::throwWarn, EECFI::ZoneRec::zoneDiam, EECFI::ZoneRec::zoneId, EECFI::ZoneRec::zonePoint, and EECFI::ZoneRec::zoneType.

VisibilityList EECFI::Swath::zoneVisTime ( long  startOrbit,
long  stopOrbit,
const std::string &  zoneId,
const std::string &  zoneDBFile,
long  projection,
double  minDuration 
) const

Calculate zone visibility segments using a zone database.

Referenced by zoneVisTime().

VisibilityList EECFI::Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute ( AttitudeDef attDef,
SwathId swathId,
ZoneInfoList zoneInfoList,
VisTimeInterval searchInterval 
) const

Compute zone visibility segments using input zone type.


The Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute method computes all the orbital segments for which a given instrument swath intercepts one or several user-defined zones at the surface of the Earth ellipsoid. An orbital segment is a time interval along the orbit, defined by start and stop times expressed as seconds (and microseconds) elapsed since the ascending node crossing. A user-defined zone can be:
  • a polygon specified by a set of latitude and longitude points
  • a circle specified by the centre latitude, longitude, and the diameter
Note that particular cases of the above can be used to define the zone as:
  • a point
  • a line
Segment Definition Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute

If more than one zone is used as input, the visibilities are internally computed for each zone, and the segments are merged and ordered by start time. In the output visibility list, the zones where the segment has visibility are provided, and also the coverage of the segment for each zone.
Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute requires access to several data structures and files to produce its results:
  • the orbitId (OrbitId object) providing the orbital data. The orbitId can be initialized with the following data or files, also for precise propagation if applicable (see [ORBIT_SUM]):
    • data for an orbital change
    • Orbit scenario files
    • Predicted orbit files
    • Orbit Event Files
    • Restituted orbit files
    • DORIS Preliminary orbit files
    • DORIS Navigator files
    • TLE files
  • the swathId, which can be initialized with SwathId::SwathId method. It contains the Instrument Swath File, excluding inertial swath files, describing the area seen by the relevant instrument all along the current orbit.
  • optionally, a Zone Database File, containing the zone description. The user can either specify a zone identifier referring to a zone in the file, or provide the zone parameters directly to Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute.
The time intervals used by Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute are expressed in absolute orbit numbers. To transform from relative to absolute orbits, RelANXTime::toAbsolute can be used. This is valid for both:
  • input parameter "Orbit Range": first and last orbit to be considered.
  • output parameter "Zone Visibility Segments": time segments with time expressed as {absolute orbit number, number of seconds since ascending node, number of microseconds}
The output segments will be the ordered chronologically.
Users who need to use processing times must make use of the conversion routines provided in EO_ORBIT ANXTime class (ANXTime::timeToOrbit and ANXTime::orbitToTime methods).
NOTE 1: If Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute is used with a range of orbits that includes an orbital change (e.g. change in the repeat cycle or cycle length), the behaviour depends on the swath file introduced as input: If a swath template file is used, Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute automatically will ignore the orbits that do not correspond with the template file (i.e. no visibility segments will be generated for those orbits), since swath template file is generated from a reference orbit with a particular geometry, so it is not valid for a different geometry. If a swath definition file is introduced, Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute will perform the computations across orbital changes, and will return the visibility segments corresponding to the whole orbital range. Internally, swath template files valid for every orbital change are generated to perform the calculations.
NOTE 2: If a swath template file with the variable header tags Start_Validity_Range and Stop_Validity_Range is used as input, only the segments belonging to that orbit range will be returned.

Swath Definition

The swath file is generated using the Swath::genSwath function, within the EO_VISIBILITY library. There are 3 different types of swaths:
  • earth-observing instruments ("nadir curve", "nadir point" or "area swaths")
  • limb-sounding instruments ("limb", narrow or wide)
  • limb-sounding instruments observing inertial objects ("inertial")
The following sub-sections provide some details on the various swath definitions.

Earth-observing Instruments Swath Definition

The term swath must be clearly defined to understand the explanations in this document:
  • instantaneous swath: the part of the earth surface observed by an instrument at a given time
  • swath track: represents the track made on the earth surface by the instantaneous swath over a period of time
For instruments observing the surface of the earth, the instantaneous swath is constituted by the point/curve/area on the ground observed by the instrument at a given time. It is calculated taking the earth ellipsoid as a reference for the earth surface. The wider the field-of-view of the instrument, the wider the swath on the ground.
When the satellite moves over a period of time, this point/curve/area defines a band on the earth surface. This constitutes the swath track.
See vollowing figure for an illustration of these definitions. Note that the terms curve or point are an idealized view of the instrument FOV, which usually have a thickness.
Earth-observing instrument: swath definition

Limb-sounding Instruments Swath Definition

For limb sounding instruments, the concept can be generalized to define a "thick swath". This is obtained by defining a minimum and a maximum altitude, and considering the tangent points to these altitudes as the edges of the swath. Two cases have to be considered:
  • deterministic (narrow) azimuth field of view (e.g. MIPAS sideward-looking): the swath projection on the earth surface is similar to a regular sideward-looking swath, with the lower altitude defining the further swath edge and the higher altitude defining the closer swath edge. See following figure:
    Limb sounding instrument: swath definition (1)
  • non-deterministic (potentially wide) azimuth field of view (e.g. MIPAS rearward-looking): due to the potentially wide azimuth field of view, each altitude defines a swath projection on the earth surface. Depending on the altitude, these swaths are of different width across-track, and also at different distance from the satellite. See following figure:
    Limb sounding instrument: swath definition (2)
For these, 2 Instrument Swath Files are provided:
  • one at the highest altitude
  • one at the lowest altitude
The user must handle both swath himself to determine his required visibility time segments.

Limb-sounding Instruments Inertial Swath Definition

This type corresponds to the observation of inertial targets (e.g. Gomos occultation mode and Mipas Line of Sight mode in Envisat). For the CFI class method SwathStar::starVisTime the FOV direction in inertial coordinates must be available. Therefore for these instrument modes the direction in inertial space, for a given tangent altitude, is given in the swath template file.

Swath Definition for Envisat

Following table lists all instrument modes and the relevance of the swaths for Envisat-1. It shows also:
  • the prefix to be used when generating the swath template file name
  • the different types of algorithms to be used by Swath::genSwath (this is transparent to the user)
Instrument Mode File Prefix = swath Swath geometry (table 59) Swath Type Remarks
RA - RA_2__ POINTING (1 point) Nadir point Modeled as sub-satellite track
MERIS Averaging / Direct & Averaging MERIS_ POINTING (3 points) Nadir line -
ASAR Image Modes (IS1... IS7) SARxIM (x=1...7) ASAR Nadir line -
Alt. Polarization (IS1... IS7)
Wide Swath SARWIM
Global Monitoring
Wave (IS1... IS7) SARxWV (x=1...7) Modeled as a continuous swath anywhere within the image swath
GOMOS Occultation GOMOIL
INERTIAL Inertial direction IFOV much smaller than swath. IFOV Very dependent on star availability.
2 swaths defined:
  • 1 for high altitude (GOMOIH)
  • 1 for low altitude (GOMOIL)
Occultation GOMO_H
LIMB Limb wide Same mode as above, now swath defined as Earth-fixed location. IFOV much smaller than swath. IFOV Very dependent on star availability.
2 swaths defined:
  • 1 for high altitude (GOMO_H)
  • 1 for low altitude (GOMO_L)
SCIAMACHY Nadir / Nadir of Nadir & Limb SCIAN_ POINTING (3 points) Nadir line Continuous Nadir swath modeled
Limb / Limb of Nadir & Limb SCIALH
- Limb wide Same mode as above, now swath defined as Earth-fixed location. IFOV much smaller than swath. IFOV Very dependent on star availability.
2 swaths defined:
  • 1 for high altitude (SCIALH)
  • 1 for low altitude (SCIALL)
POINTING (3 points) Nadir line 2 swaths defined:
  • 1 for nadir swath
  • 1 for forward swath
MWR - MWR___ POINTING (1 points) Nadir point Modeled as sub-satellite track
LIMB Limb narrow 2 swaths defined:
    1 for high altitude (MIPN_H)
    1 for low altitude (MIPN_L)
Special Event Mode (across) MIP_X_ LIMB Limb narrow Modeled as an across track swath, in the middle of the MIPAS SEM acquisition scan.
Special Event Mode (rearward) MIP_RH
LIMB Limb wide IFOV much smaller than swath. 2 swaths defined:
  • 1 for high altitude (MIP_RH)
  • 1 for low altitude (MIP_RL)
Rearward MIPIRH
INERTIAL Inertial direction 2 swaths defined for rearward mode:
  • 1 for high altitude (MIPIRH)
  • 1 for low altitude (MIPIRL)
Sideward MIPIXH
3 swaths defined for sideward mode:
  • 1 for high altitude (MIPIXH)
  • 1 for back mode (MIPIXB)
  • 1 for forward mode (MIPIXF)

Zone Borders and Projection

When defining a polygon zone, the user is assumed to wish polygon sides as straight lines. But on the earth surface, a straight line is, at best, a confusing concept.
The only way to define unambiguously straight lines is to work in a 2-dimensional projection of the earth surface. There are many possible projections, each having advantages and drawbacks.
Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute can handle zone borders in 2 different projections:
  • rectangular projection, using longitude and latitude as the X and Y axis; this is appropriate to express zones where (some of) the edges follow constant latitude lines, and provide a reasonable approximation for straight lines at low-medium latitudes
  • azimuthal gnomonic projection, where great circles are always projected as straight lines; this is better for high latitudes, where the rectangular projection suffers from too much distortion and the singularity at the poles.
Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute allows the user to specify which projection he wants to work in, i.e. in which projection the polygon sides will be represented by Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute as straight lines. The user is assumed to be aware of how the polygon sides behave on the Earth surface.

Zone Definition

The user-defined zone can be either:
  • a point
  • a line
  • a polygon
  • a circle
A zone is defined by the area of the earth surface enclosed by the zone borders:
  • in the case of a circular zone, the area inside the circle
  • in the case of a polygonal zone, the area which is always to the right of any polygon side; if the polygon is defined as a sequence of N points, each polygon side is considered as a line from point i to point i+1; this unambiguously defines the right side of the polygon sides.
Zone definition Zone_num Zone_long
Zone_diam Description
Circular Zone 1 [0]: centre point yes
zone_diam > 0.0
The zone is represented as a circle, around the centre point
Point Zone 1 [0]: Point yes
zone_diam = 0.0
The zone is defined by the point. Resulting segments will have a zero duration. The zone will always be completely covered by the swath.
Line Zone 2 [0], [1]: Line no The zone is defined by the line from point [0] to point [1].
Polygon Zone >2 [i] no The zone is defined by the area right of the line from point [i] to point [i+1].

For the gnomonic projection, a side of a zone is always smaller than a half great circle, because two polygon points are considered to be joined by the shortest line.
For the rectangular projection, two consecutive points of the zone are also joined by the shortest line; so the difference in longitude must be less than 180 degrees.
The polygon zone can be closed (i.e. the first and last points are the same) or not. If the zone is not closed, Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute closes it by joining the last point with the first one in its internal computations.
See next figure for examples of zone definitions.
Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute will issue an error on the zone definition if the polygon has intersecting sides ("butterfly" zone)
Zone examples

Intersection Definition

The Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute intersection times between the instrument swath and the user-defined zone are defined as the first and last occurrence, in chronological order with respect to the satellite direction, of the geometrical super-position of any point belonging to the instrument swath with any single point belonging to the zone (including the zone border).
The entry and exit times for each intersection are given as elapsed seconds (and microseconds) since the ascending node crossing.
Next figure shows some typical intersections:
Intersection examples

Intersection Algorithm

The intersection of a swath and a user-defined zone is to be performed on the Earth projected to a map plane in one of the following projections:
  • Rectangular projection
  • Gnomonic projection
Although the projections are quite different, the intersection rules are identical. The algorithm can however be different, in order to take advantage of a particular feature of a projection.
The purpose of the CFI function ZONEVISTIME is to obtain quickly, accurate intersection segments with a low precision (1 second).
The algorithms assume that the polygon zones are closed and expects a wrap around between the first and the last point. Thus ZONEVISTIME must first close the polygon if necessary. For ZONEVISTIME the following swath types are defined:
  • point swath: instantaneous swath is a point.
  • segment swath: instantaneous swath is a segment.
  • multi-segment swath: it can be open or closed.
  • inertial swath: not used by ZONEVISTIME
The main concept in the algorithm is the transition, defined as the change in coverage of (part of) the swath and the zone (e.g. edge of the swath crosses one polygon side).

Intersection with a point swath.

The vertices of the polygon defining the area are connected by straight lines in the chosen projection, along track swath points are also connected by straight lines in the same projection.
Transitions are located by linear intersection of the zone sides and the swath along track lines. A transition is only valid if the intersection occurs inside both line segments. The polygon side from <i> to <j> is defined in a clockwise manner inclusive point <i> but exclusive point <j>. The swath line from time <k> to <l> is defined inclusive the template point at <k> but exclusive the template point at <l>.
The fraction of the swath along track line determines the precise timing since time <k> of the intersection. Also the determination if the transition is a on- or off-transition is quite trivial. First a vector is defined, perpendicular to the along track swath line, such that the vector points left. Then, the dot product of the polygon side and this vector is calculated. If the dot product is positive, the transition is on, i.e. the swath enters the zone. If the result is negative, then the swath leaves the zone. If the result equals zero then the transition can be ignored (polygon side and swath overlay, a proper transition will be found with another pair of polygon side - swath line.).

Intersection with a segment swath

The left and right side of the swath, are located using the same algorithm as for the point swath. Even left and right time segments can be made based on the left and right hand transitions.
The polygon vertices (and not the sides) are intersected with the along track moving line swath, in order to catch zones smaller than the swath, etc. Swaths for intermediate times between two consecutive times in Swath Template File are considered straight segments, joining an intermediate point of the Left swath line from time <k> to time <l>, with an intermediate point in Right swath line.

Intersection with a multi-segment swath

The algorithm used for segment swath is repeated for every segment of the swath, and the visibility segments obtained in each case are merged with the ones of the other swath segments.
For a closed swath further calculations are done: it is checked if the zone is completely inside the swath area in the interval between contiguous visibility segments, or between the begining of the first orbit and the first visibility segment, or between the last visiblity segment and the end of the last orbit computed. If it is inside, segments must be merged because the zone was visible in the interval.
Swath points

Usage Hints

Limb-sounding Instruments Intersection

In the case of limb-sounding instrument with a potentially wide azimuth field of view, 2 swaths have to be considered (1 for minimum altitude, 1 for maximum altitude). Furthermore, these 2 swaths are offset in time (i.e. their projection on the earth intersect with a given point at different times). To cope with this, the user must do the following:
  • call Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute twice (once for each extreme altitude swath)
  • merge/filter the 2 sets of time segments, depending on what he wants to achieve

Zone Coverage

Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute computes purely geometrical intersections. The resulting zone visibility segments might need some additional filtering by the user. In particular, instrument constraints (e.g. only working outside of sun eclipse) have to be considered by the user.
Furthermore, to help users to deal with zones wider than the swath (i.e. requiring several orbits to cover the whole zone), Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute produces for each zone visibility segment an indication of the coverage type (see next figure);
Swath coverage definition

Combined use of Swath::getPos and the coverage flag

The EO_VISIBILITY function Swath::getPos can be used to refine the work performed with Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute.

Use of input AttitudeDef object

The type field defines how this struct is used, and it can take the following values:
  • XPCFI_NONE_ATTITUDE: no attitude defined in struct. In this case, when the Swath Template File must be computed internally, the attitudes defined in Swath Definition File are used.
  • XPCFI_SAT_NOMINAL_ATT, XPCFI_SAT_ATT, XPCFI_INSTR_ATT: the attitudes defined in the structure are used in internal Swath Template File generation. The type field in this case indicates the target frame for the computation.

Use of input ZoneInfoList object

The zone or zones to be used in algorithm are passed to Swath::zoneVisTimeCompute function with the struct ZoneInfoList. It contains the following fields:
  • calcFlag: it can take the enumeration values XV_COMPUTE or XV_DO_NOT_COMPUTE. This flag indicates if the extra information regarding the zones (coverage) must be computed or not.
  • zoneInfo: description of the zones to be computed. Every position of the array is a ZoneInfo object . The value of type field indicates the type of zone data:
    • If type is equal to enum value XVCFI_USE_ZONE_DB_FILE, then the zone zoneId is read from zoneDbFilename zone file and projection projection (possible values are the following enums: XDCFI_READ_DB, XDCFI_GNOMONIC or XDCFI_RECTANGULAR ) is used.
    • If type is equal to enum value XVCFI_USE_ZONE_DATA, then the information contained in zoneData field is used.
  • minDuration: indicates the minimum duration for the segments (seconds).
attDef Definition of attitudes..
swathId Swath Id.
zoneInfoList Zone(s) information.
Visibility segments.

References EECFI::CfiError::addMsg(), EECFI::ZoneInfoList::calcFlag, EECFI::AttitudeDef::instrTransId, EECFI::ANXTime::microseconds, EECFI::VisTime::msec, EECFI::ANXTime::orbit, EECFI::VisTime::orbitNum, EECFI::AttitudeDef::satNomTransId, EECFI::AttitudeDef::satTransId, EECFI::VisTime::sec, EECFI::ANXTime::seconds, EECFI::TimeSegment::start, EECFI::CfiId::status(), EECFI::TimeSegment::stop, EECFI::CfiClass::throwWarn, EECFI::VisTimeInterval::tstart, EECFI::VisTimeInterval::tstop, EECFI::VisibilitySegment::type, EECFI::AttitudeDef::type, EECFI::VisTime::type, EECFI::VisTime::utcTime, EECFI::VisibilitySegment::utcTimeStart, EECFI::VisibilitySegment::utcTimeStop, and EECFI::ZoneInfoList::zoneInfo.

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