Date:                    06/02/2012
Issue:                                4.3

Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
JAVA Libraries. Release Notes - Version 4.3


This note describes the changes introduced in the new release of the Earth Observation CFI software C++ libraries. This note consists of the following sections:


2.1 CFI Software and Documentation Delivery

The new versions of the CFI software libraries are the following:

Library Version Date
EECommon 4.3 06/02/12
FileHandling 4.3 06/02/12
DataHandling 4.3 06/02/12
Lib 4.3 06/02/12
Orbit 4.3 06/02/12
Pointing 4.3 06/02/12
Visibility 4.3 06/02/12

The libraries are available for download at the following URL (registration required):
More information can be found at: <a href=">
The following Software User Manuals have been updated accordingly:

Title Issue
General Software User Manual 4.3
EE Common Software User Manual 4.3
FileHandling Software User Manual 4.3
DataHandling Software User Manual 4.3
Lib Software User Manual 4.3
Orbit Software User Manual 4.3
Pointing Software User Manual 4.3
Visibility Software User Manual 4.3

The documentation is available for download at the following URL:

2.2 Supported Platforms

The following platforms are supported by this release of the CFI:

2.3 Installation Packages

The CFI libraries are provided as zip packages:

DEM datasets are distributed separately and are available for download at the following URL:

2.4 Installation Hints

The CFI libraries can be installed by expanding the installation package in any directory.
For specific hints related to the usage of the libraries, please consult the section 6 "INSTALLATION" of the General SUM and Section 6 "LIBRARY USAGE" of each Library User Manual.
As of version 4.3, dynamic linking to libxml2 external libraries is no longer required.


The following new features/requirements have been implemented (see section "Known Problems" at the end of this document or of each of the SUMs to check limitations of the current release):


The following Software problems have been fixed:

ANR Nr. Description
413 Target:targetRangeRate may fail in some specific contition
415 Definition of time_id validitiy interval to be clarified in SUMs
445 Time transformation functions introduce UTC-UT1 correlation different from zero if UTC=UT1 in all records of TimeCorrelation object
449 Swath::zoneVisTime returns an error if orbit range includes any of the last two orbits in Predicted Orbit File.
450 Wrong result from Swath::zoneVisTime when using a multi-point swath.
452 Swath generation (Swath::genSwath) fails: Could not propagate the state vector
453 OrbitId::osvCompute: when init mode = AUTO, it is not clear if interpolation or propagation is done. Doc update
454 OrbitId (Constructor with input files). Interpolator mode: when two files are given as inputs and they partially overlap, "fresh" (most recently generated shall be used)
461 Increase number of decimal digits from 6 to 9 when writing quaternions in attitude file
462 Segmentation fault when computing OSV for the stop time of restituted orbit file
463 If the source frame in the attitude_id is set to Earth-Fixed, Target::targetInter returns an error (target not found)
467 Segmentation fault / wrong result when num_harmonics < 2 in OSF
479 target::extraMain does not compute the "satellite to target topocentric" parameters
483 Segmentation fault when erasing TimeCorrelation object

Generated on Thu Feb 16 2012 14:01:34 for by  doxygen 1.7.1