Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
DataHandling Software User Manual
for JAVA


DEM Data Source Types for ACE2 9secs. More...


static long EECFI::EnumDataHandling.XDCFI_DEM_ACE2_SOURCE_SRTM0 = 0
 Pure SRTM (above 60 deg N pure GLOBE data, below 60S pure ACE [original] data).
static long EECFI::EnumDataHandling.XDCFI_DEM_ACE2_SOURCE_SRTM1 = 1
 SRTM voids filled by interpolation and/or altimeter data.
static long EECFI::EnumDataHandling.XDCFI_DEM_ACE2_SOURCE_SRTM2 = 2
 SRTM data warped using the ERS-1 Geodetic Mission.
static long EECFI::EnumDataHandling.XDCFI_DEM_ACE2_SOURCE_SRTM3 = 3
 SRTM data warped using EnviSat & ERS-2 data.
static long EECFI::EnumDataHandling.XDCFI_DEM_ACE2_SOURCE_SRTM_LAKE = 4
 Mean lake level data derived from Altimetry.
static long EECFI::EnumDataHandling.XDCFI_DEM_ACE2_SOURCE_SRTM_GLOBE = 5
 GLOBE/ACE data warped using combined altimetry (only above 60 deg N).
static long EECFI::EnumDataHandling.XDCFI_DEM_ACE2_SOURCE_SRTM_ALT = 6
 Pure altimetry data (derived from ERS-1 Geodetic Mission ERS-2 and EnviSat data using Delaunay Triangulation and Bilinear interpolation).

Detailed Description

DEM Data Source Types for ACE2 9secs.

Variable Documentation

Pure SRTM (above 60 deg N pure GLOBE data, below 60S pure ACE [original] data).

SRTM voids filled by interpolation and/or altimeter data.

SRTM data warped using the ERS-1 Geodetic Mission.

SRTM data warped using EnviSat & ERS-2 data.

Pure altimetry data (derived from ERS-1 Geodetic Mission ERS-2 and EnviSat data using Delaunay Triangulation and Bilinear interpolation).

GLOBE/ACE data warped using combined altimetry (only above 60 deg N).

Mean lake level data derived from Altimetry.

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