Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
DataHandling Software User Manual

EECFI::TleRec Class Reference

Class for containing data structure for Two Line Elements. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TleRec ()
 Empty constructor.
 TleRec (string noradSatCat, long satNumber, char classification, string intDes, double time, double nlst, double n2nd, double bstar, int ephemerisType, int index, int checksum1, double i, double ra, double e, double w, double m, double n, long absOrbit, int checksum2)
 Constructor with parameters.
 ~TleRec ()

Public Attributes

string noradSatcat
 Satellite name consistent with the NORAD SATCAT.
long satNumber
 NORAD Catalogue number.
char classification
 Classification: U=unclassified, S=secret data.
string intDes
double time
 reference time for the element set (UTC processing days MJ2000).
double n1st
 First Time Derivative of the Mean Motion.
double n2nd
 Second Time Derivative of Mean Motion.
double bstar
 BSTAR drag term .
int ephemerisType
 Ephemeris type.
int index
 Element number.
int checksum1
double i
 Inclination [Degrees].
double ra
 Right Ascension of the Ascending Node [Degrees].
double e
double w
 Argument of Perigee [Degrees].
double m
 Mean Anomaly [Degrees].
double n
 Mean Motion [Revs per day].
long absOrbit
 Revolution number at epoch [Revs].
int checksum2

Detailed Description

Class for containing data structure for Two Line Elements.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EECFI::TleRec::TleRec (  ) 

Empty constructor.

References absOrbit, bstar, checksum1, checksum2, classification, e, ephemerisType, i, index, intDes, m, n, n1st, n2nd, noradSatcat, ra, satNumber, time, and w.

EECFI::TleRec::TleRec ( string  noradSatCat,
long  satNumber,
char  classification,
string  intDes,
double  time,
double  nlst,
double  n2nd,
double  bstar,
int  ephemerisType,
int  index,
int  checksum1,
double  i,
double  ra,
double  e,
double  w,
double  m,
double  n,
long  absOrbit,
int  checksum2 

Constructor with parameters.

EECFI::TleRec::~TleRec (  ) 


Member Data Documentation

Revolution number at epoch [Revs].

Referenced by TleRec().

BSTAR drag term .

Referenced by TleRec().

Checksum (Modulo 10) (Letters, blanks, periods, plus signs = 0 minus signs = 1).

Referenced by TleRec().

Checksum (Modulo 10) (Letters, blanks, periods, plus signs = 0 minus signs = 1).

Referenced by TleRec().

Classification: U=unclassified, S=secret data.

Referenced by TleRec().


Referenced by TleRec().

Ephemeris type.

Referenced by TleRec().

Inclination [Degrees].

Referenced by TleRec().

Element number.

Referenced by TleRec().

International Designator: (Last two digits of launch year) (Launch number of the year) (Piece of the launch).

Referenced by TleRec().

Mean Anomaly [Degrees].

Referenced by TleRec().

Mean Motion [Revs per day].

Referenced by TleRec().

First Time Derivative of the Mean Motion.

Referenced by TleRec().

Second Time Derivative of Mean Motion.

Referenced by TleRec().

Satellite name consistent with the NORAD SATCAT.

Referenced by TleRec().

Right Ascension of the Ascending Node [Degrees].

Referenced by TleRec().

NORAD Catalogue number.

Referenced by TleRec().

reference time for the element set (UTC processing days MJ2000).

Referenced by TleRec().

Argument of Perigee [Degrees].

Referenced by TleRec().

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