Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
Pointing Software User Manual

Earth Observation Mission CFI Software
Code EO-MA-DMS-GS-015
Issue 4.9
Date 23/04/15
  Name Function Signature
Prepared by: Carlos Villanueva Muñoz Project Manager  
Checked by: Carlos Villanueva Muñoz Project Manager  
Approved by: José Antonio González Abeytua Division Head  


Contract Data Classification
Contract Number: 15583/01/NL/GS Internal  
Contract Issuer: ESA / ESTEC Industry X
External Distribution
Name Organization Copies
Electronic handling
Document generator: Doxygen 1.7.1
Electronic file name: eo-ma-dms-gs-015-10

Document Status Log

Issue Change Description Date Approval
1.0 First release
These libraries corresponds to version 4.0 of C libraries.
4.1 Second release - Issue in line with C version
These libraries corresponds to version 4.1 of C libraries.
4.2 Third release
These libraries corresponds to version 4.2 of C libraries.
4.3 Fourth release
These libraries corresponds to version 4.3 of C libraries.
4.4 Fifth release
These libraries corresponds to version 4.4 of C libraries.
4.5 Sixth release
These libraries corresponds to version 4.5 of C libraries.
4.6 Seventh release
These libraries corresponds to version 4.6 of C libraries.
4.7 Eighth release
These libraries corresponds to version 4.7 of C libraries.
4.8 Ninth release
These libraries corresponds to version 4.8 of C libraries.
4.9 Tenth release
These libraries corresponds to version 4.9 of C libraries.



ANX Ascending Node Crossing
AOCS Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
CFI Customer Furnished Item
CS Coordinate System
DRS Data Relay Satellite
ESA European Space Agency
ESTEC European Space Technology and Research Centre
GPL GNU Public License
GPS Global Positioning System
GS Ground Station
IERS International Earth Rotation Service
I/F Interface
LOS Line Of Sight
LUT Look-Up Table
OBT On-board Binary Time
OSF Orbit Scenario File
RAM Random Access Memory
SBT Satellite Binary Time
SRAR Satellite Relative Actual Reference
SSP Sub Satellite Point
SUM Software User Manual
S/W Software
TAI International Atomic Time
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
UT1 Universal Time UT1
WGS[84 World Geodetic System 1984


CFI A group of CFI functions, and related software and documentation. that will be distributed by ESA to the users as an independent unit
CFI function A single function within a CFI that can be called by the user
Library A software library containing all the CFI functions included within a CFI plus the supporting functions used by those CFI functions (transparently to the user)

Notes in Terminology

In order to keep compatibility with legacy CFI libraries, the Earth Observation Mission CFI Software makes use of terms that are linked with missions already or soon in the operational phase like the Earth Explorers. This may be reflected in the rest of the document when examples of Mission CFI Software usage are proposed or description of Mission Files is given.


Applicable Documents

[GEN_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. General Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-017. Issue 4.9 23/04/15

Reference Documents

[MCD] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. Conventions Document. EO-MA-DMS-GS-0001. Issue 4.9 23/04/15.
[MSC] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. Mission Specific Customizations. EO-MA-DMS-GS-0018. Issue 4.9 23/04/15.
[EE_COMMON_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. EECommon Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-010. Issue 4.9 23/04/15.
[F_H_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. FileHandling Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-011. Issue 4.9 23/04/15.
[D_H_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. DataHandling Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-012. Issue 4.9 23/04/15.
[LIB_SUM] Earth Observation Mission CFI Software. Lib Software User Manual. EO-MA-DMS-GS-013 Issue 4.9 23/04/15.
[LOS_ALG] LOS Intersection. PE-TN-ESA-SY-0043


Classes Overview

This software library contains the CFI classes with the methods required to perform accurate computation of pointing parameters from and to a satellite for various types of targets. It includes a set of methods to initialize the attitude of the platform and the instruments. The values provided by these methods are later used by all the other methods of the library.
The following CFI classes are included:

and the following auxiliary classes:

For furher information, please refer also to:

Attitude Data Flow

The following figure shows the tipical data flow for the attitude methods. First, the different transformations between the various reference frames are initialised. Then, given the spacecraft position, the attitude is calculated:


Each different transformation can be initialised with different models:


Geolocation Routines Data Flow

The following figure shows the tipical data flow for the geolocation routines functions. First, the attitude should be calculated, and, if needed, the refraction and Digital Elevation Models initialised.


The table below and the diagrams on the next pages describe the various Target::targetXXX methods.

Target::targetXXX method Description
Target::targetInter / Target::multiTargetInter It calculates the intersection point(s) of the line of sight defined by an elevation and an azimuth angle expressed in the input Attitude frame, with a surface(s) located at a certain geodetic altitude(s) over the Earth.
Target::targetTravelTime / Target::multiTargetTravelTime It calculates the point of the line or sight from the satellite (defined by an elevation and an azimuth angle expressed in the selected Attitude Frame) at a given travel time(s) along the (curved) line of sight.
Target::targetGroundRange It calculates the location of a point that is placed on a surface at a certain geodetic altitude over the Earth, that lays on the plane defined by theS/C position, the nadir and a reference point, and that is at a certain distance or ground range measured along that surface from that reference point. This reference point is calculated being the intersection of the previous surface with the line of sight defined by an elevation and azimuth angle in the input Attitude coordinate system.
Target::targetIncidenceAngle It calculates the location of a point that is placed on a surface at a certain geodetic altitude over the Earth and that is seen from the S/C on a line of sight that forms a certain azimuth angle in the input Attitude frame and that intersects that surface with a certain incidence angle.
Target::targetRange It calculates the location of a point that is placed on a surface at a certain geodetic altitude over the Earth, that is seen from the S/C on a line of sight that forms a certain azimuth angle in the input Attitude frame, and that is at a certain range or slant-range from the S/C.
Target::targetRangeRate It calculates the location of a point that is placed on a surface at a certain geodetic altitude over the Earth, that is at a certain range from S/C, and whose associated Earth-fixed target has a certain range-rate value.
Target::targetTangent It calculates the location of the tangent point over the Earth that is located on the line of sight defined by an elevation and azimuth angles expressed in the input Attitude frame.
Target::targetAltitude It calculates the location of the tangent point over the Earth that is located on a surface at a certain geodetic altitude over the Earth and that is on a line of sight that forms a certain azimuth angle in the input Attitude frame.
Target::targetStar It calculates the location of the tangent point over the Earth that is located on the line of sight that points to a star defined by its right ascension and declination coordinates.
Target::targetGeneric The cartesian state vector of the target is taken as an input.
Target::targetTangentSun It calculates the location of the tangent point over the Earth that is located on the line of sight that points to the Sun
Target::targetTangentMoon It calculates the location of the tangent point over the Earth that is located on the line of sight that points to the Moon
Target::targetStation It calculates the most relevant observation parameters of the link between the satellite and a ground station
Target::targetSc It calculates the most relevant observation parameters of the link between one source satellite and anothr target satellite.

As it can be seen from the list of functions, there are some functions that calculate several targets (Target::multiTargetXXX). The number of targets found by the functions is stored in the Target object. In addition to these "user" targets, two other categories of targets can be defined, "LOS" targets and "DEM" targets.

LOS targets

The idea is to get information about all the ray path points computed by a specific target routine along the Line of Sight (LOS) trajectory. For every target method, the Target parameter numLosTarget will store the number of points in the path. It applies when the variable "targetType" is equal to XPCFI_LOS_TARGET_TYPE.

  1. Start point of LOS. The spacecraft position (Instrument CS) shall be considered as the start point for the LOS path.
  2. Stop point of LOS. The stop point for the LOS path will be different depending on the selected target function; nominally it will be the resulting target point.

DEM targets

A DEM Target is defined as the intersection of a line of sight with the Earth Surface defined using a digital elevation model (DEM).
A DEM Target is calculated using as line of sight the LOS targets that has been computed previously with a target routine (Note that such LOS consist in a polygonal line, no necessarily a straight line). Consequently, to get a DEM target it is neccessary to follow these steps:

The digital elevation model of the Earth consists in a set of points defining a grid for which a measure of the altitude over the Earth reference elipsoid is given. The altitude of the points within each cell of the grid is computed by the CFI using a bilinear interpolation with the points of the corner of the cell. Details about the bilinear algorithm used to compute the intersection can be seen in [LOS_ALG].[LOS_ALG]


For a detailed description of the installation of any CFI library, please refer to [GEN_SUM].


Note that to use the POINTING software library, the following other CFI software libraries are required:

Third party libraries:

In order to improve run-time performance, some methods (e.g. Target::extraListVector, Target::extraListMain, Target::extraListAux, Target::extraListEfTarget, Target::extraListTargetToSun, Target::extraListTargetToMoon,Target::extraListSpecularReflection) perform their computations in multi-threading mode. The multi-threading code of the Pointing functions uses the OpenMP API (see OpenMP is not supported in the clang compiler, therefore such functions work in single-thread mode in MacOS.

To use the POINTING software library in an user application, that application must include in its source code the header files where the classes that are going to be used are defined.
To link correctly this application, the user must include in his linking command flags like (assuming cfi_lib_dir and cfi_include_dir are the directories where respectively all CFI libraries and include files have been installed, see [GEN_SUM] for installation procedures):

Note that, as Earth Observation CFI libraries are dynamic, cfi_lib_dir must be included in the path where the system looks for dynamic libraries (LD_LIBRARY_PATH in LINUX, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH in MacOs). For WINDOWS sytem, the executable will look for .dll libraries, not the .lib ones that are used to create the executable, so they must be in the path described by PATH variable.
All the classes described in this document are defined in EECFI namespace, to avoid any possible conflict with classes of other libraries, so the user must choose one of the following two options in order to use the classes:


The error management in C++ POINTING is made throw exceptions, that is, if any error is produced, an exception of type CfiError is thrown and it must be catched putting the code inside a try-catch block.
See [GEN_SUM] to know more about how to handle the CFI errors. For a descripton about the CfiError class and its methods, see [EE_COMMON_SUM].

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