New mission schemas are available for S2G Data Viewer and DFDL4S library.

The mission schemas can be downloaded through the check for updates mechanism within S2G (Help--> Check for Updates) or obtained from the S2G mission schemas page

New Mission Schemas

  • MetOp-SG-A Ka/X-band v1.1.2
  • MetOp-SG-B Ka/X-band v1.1.1

Overall TM packets supported (CADU, CADU Scrambled, Transfer Frames, Instrument Source Packets), down to the level of decoding ISP primary and secondary headers.


MetOp-SG-A: Include ISP data definitions for NAVATT and UVNS instrument source packets.

MetOp-SG-B: Include ISP data definitions for NAVATT instrument source packets.

Updated Mission Schemas

  • Sentinel-5 Ka/X-band v1.1.1

Changes wrt v1.0.4: Added ISP NAVATT definitions, xs types aligned with MetOp-SG-A definitions, add choice for unknown APID - SID combination