The following is a reference list of GDEMs:

CFI  Support Name Spacial Resolution Coverage Remarks
ACE-2 3 arcseconds
(~90 m)

- Available through NASA SEDAC
- Produced by ESA/ESRIN
- Composed of binary image tiles
- Tiles of 15° latitude by 15° longitude
- The data is 32-bit floating point
- Null value is -32768
- WGS84 for sea surface
- EGM96 for land surface
- Sources: SRTM, SRTM 30, ACE-1, GLOBE, MSS

ACE-2 9 arcseconds
(~270 m)
ACE-2 30 arcseconds
(~1 km)
ACE-2 5 arcminutes
(~10 km)
ASTER GDEM V1 1 arcseconds
(~30 m)
Near Global
(between 83N and 83S)
- Produced by NASA/JPL and METI/JSS
- Acknowledged to be experimental/research grade
- Released 2009
ASTER GDEM V2 1 arcseconds
(~30 m)
Near Global
(between 83N and 83S) 

- Produced by NASA (USA) and METI (Japan)
- Improved horizontal and vertical accuracy wrt v1
- Improved water body coverage and detection
- Released 2011 


1 arcseconds
(~30 m)
Near Global
(between 83N and 83S) 
- Produced by NASA (USA) and METI (Japan)
- Improved horizontal and vertical accuracy wrt v2
- Improved water body coverage and detection
- Released 2019
GETASSE 3.0 30 arcseconds
(~1 km)
Global - Produced by ESA/ESRIN
- Composite of SRTM 30, ACE-1 and Mean Sea Surface
- Reference ellipsoid: WGS84
- Released 2008
  GLOBE 30 arcseconds
(~1 km)
Global - Produced by NOAA
- Released 1999 (pre-SRTM)
  GMTED2010 7.5 arcseconds
(~250 meters)
Near Global
(land areas from 84N to 56S;
from 84°N to 90°S for
several other products)
- Produced by USGS and NGA
- Reference: EGM96
- Released 2010
  GMTED2010 15 arcseconds
(~500 m)
  GMTED2010 30 arcseconds
(~1 km)
  SRTM 3 arcseconds
(~90 m)
Near Global
(between 60N and 60S) 

- Produced by NASA/JPL and NIMA
- Contains voids
- Released 2003

  SRTM 30 30 arcseconds
(~1 km)
Near Global
(between 60N and 60S)

- Produced by NASA/JPL and NIMA
- SRTM averaged to 1km resolution
- Released 2008.

  TanDEM-X 90m  3 arcseconds
(~90 m)

- Produced by DLR, EADS Astrium and Infoterra
- GeoTIFF format
- Varying longitudinal pixel-spacing in function of latitude
- Reference ellipsoid: WGS84 (realization G1150)
- Land mass only coverage; sea areas marked as void

- Note: 1 arcsecond and 0.4 arcseconds versions of TanDEM-X are available as commercial products. These versions are not supported by EOCFI.

  Copernicus DEM

10 m
30 m
90 m


- Produced by Astrium (link)
- Availalbe in 3 resolutions:
 * 10 m (EEA area)
 * 30 and 90 m (Global)
- 30m and 90m versions are free and open
 - Based on TanDEM-X and other data
- Coordinate Reference System:
 * Horizontal WGS84-G1150 (EPSG 4326)
 * Vertical EGM2008 (EPSG 3855)

- Releases: 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022


  Copernicus DEM - EOCFI SW Generic format

30 m

90 m


Based on Copernicus DEM converted to format compatible with EOCFI SW (Generic DEM format)

- Release: 2023

Availability on request:

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