The list of documents related to the development of End-to-End Performance Simulators currently applicable in the EOP is given below.

Document Title Document Number Version Download
Generic E2E Performance Simulator and L1/L2 Processor Requirements PE-TN-ESA-GS-402 2.0
ESA generic E2E Simulator ICD PE-ID-ESA-GS-464 1.4.2
E2E Reference Architecture - ARCHEO E2E GMV-ARCHEO-E2E-TN-002 3.2
White Paper on E2E mission performance simulation chains PE-RP-ESA-GS-0754 1.2
Guidelines for SCCDB mapping to GS files Noref. 1.2
Guideline for use of the ESA Generic E2E ICD 2024-09-17 1.0