Version 1.7.0 of the DFDL4S Java and C++ Libraries has been released and can be downloaded here.

DFDL4S is a generic binary data binding library written in Java and based on the Data Format Description Language (DFDL). DFDL++ provides the same functionality exposing a native C++ API. See more details here.

The following is a summary of the changes in version 1.7.0.

New Functionality and Improvements

  • Added support for DFDL variables (dfdl:defineVariable and dfdl:newVariableInstance)
  • Added support for Reporting capabilities (including CRC/Reed-Solomon)
  • Added support to checking CRC and apply Reed-Solomon Error Correction
  • Aligned implementation of occursCountKind=”fixed” with DFDL standard
  • Added support for paths to array elements

Bug Fixes 

  • Corrected faulty instantiation of DataSize objects (C++ only)
  • Corrected trimming in StorageInFile detected during Transfer Frame to ISP transformation
  • Corrected evaluation of non-integer values in length fields


Release Notes for can be found here.

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