Version of SAMIEdit (SAtellite MIssions 3D visualisation application) has been released and can be downloaded here.

Release Notes are available here.

User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.


New Features

  • It is possible to import ESOV NG mission timelines file (.SCF) to generate time blocks, e.g to display dynamically instrument swath planning segments
  • The display of Nadir direction can be enabled / disabled through the camera menu
  • AzEl2LonLat plugin's code that computes the ground stations mask radius has been updated to support MEO satellites (e.g. GPS, Galileo)
  • Implementation of version checking with automatic update mechanism (Application —> Check for updates) for application , satellite models and mission files
  • Up-to-date mission configuration files and example projects

Bug Fixes

  • Cannot select Earth texture when adding time blocks to the timeline
  • Cannot select orbit/attitude files if only one file in folder
  • Orbit or attitude files that cannot be found during project load prevent the satellites and scenario to be created