New Release Announcement - OpenSF v4.0.0
OpenSF v4.0.0 has been released and can be downloaded here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
New Features & Improvements
- Upgraded supported platforms to macOS 11 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Upgraded reference build/test tools for OSFI and OSFEG libraries
- All platforms: CMake 3.18, Python 3.7
- Linux: GCC 7.4 (C, C++, Fortran)
- macOS: AppleClang 13.0 (C, C++), GCC 10.3 (Fortran)
- Added new Graphical dynamic execution view
- Added new Graphical simulation processing chain editor
- Enabled file-based rules to customise module parameters visibility
- Enabled copying log messages from both openSF and Parameter Editor
- Enabled copying parameters name, path and value in Parameter Editor
- Enabled clearing log messages in Parameter Editor
- Upgraded MariaDB client to version 3.0.4
- Added new warning on DB export when module/IO paths are not relative to E2E_HOME
- Updated visual design of openSF (splash screen, icons, about dialog)
- Added new tutorial on "How to deliver a E2E simulation" in User Manual
- Added details regarding how to customise openSF branding in User Manual
- Corrected perturbed marked parameters in the simulation parameters table
- Corrected hangup in command-line execution of simulation
- Removed unused XSD-based module validation from openSF
- Corrected "Cancel" and "Save as..." buttons behavior in Parameter Editor
- Corrected behavior handling similarly-named parameters in Parameter Editor
- Corrected customisation of Global Configuration File parameters visibility
- Corrected unusable openSF dialogs in Windows with certain values of screen scaling
- Corrected simulation execution scheduler to handle breakpoints deterministically
- Corrected configuration handling to allow saving perturbations in statistical mode
All Release Notes are available here
New Release Announcement - EOMER v2.0.7
Version 2.0.7 of the EOMER 2D/3D orbit and swath visualisation tool has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
New Features
- Interoperability with other tools / file standards:
- Import / Export of ESOV NG Swath Control Files
- Support for Swath Definition File (fixed swath and nominal attitude sections)
- Support for CCSDS orbit files OEM, OPM, OMM
- Improvements to Report:
- Added the longitude of ascending node for each visibility pass
- Added functionality to estimate on-board recorder occupancy profiles taking into account data-takes planned and downlink plans to ground stations
- Generation of satellite-to-satellite visibility timelines and evolution viewing angles (azimuth and elevation plots), taking into account field-of-view masks
- Dedicated EOMER Help available via Eomer menu Help and online (see link)
- Use ANX longitude and ANX MLST as driving parameters to calculate the ANX UTC time
- Report: Orbit column sorted by orbit number instead of by string
- Start-up error: “Coverage Satellite orbit not valid”
- Earth Map does not display textures
Updated Mission Configuration
- General update of mission configuration file (mission configuration update mechanism triggered by default at start-up)
New Mission Schemas Available: FLEX
New mission schemas are available for S2G Data Viewer and DFDL4S library.
The mission schemas can be downloaded through the check for updates mechanism within S2G (Help--> Check for Updates) or obtained from the S2G mission schemas page
New Mission Schemas
- FLEX X-band v1.0.0
Support includes decoding of (Scrambled) CADU, Transfer Frames and the following Instrument Source Packets:
- FLORIS Instrument Science Packets (decoded up to Data Field Header)
- Satellite Ancillary Packets: INST_TM, SAT_TM, PDHU_HK_TM, ICU_HK_TM (decoded up to Data Field Header)
- Satellite Ancillary Packets: NAVATT (fully decoded)
- GNSS Packets (decoded up to Data Field Header)
New Release Announcement - S2G v2.5.4
Version 2.5.4 of the S2G Data Viewer has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
New Features
- Added support for Biomass CADU unscrambling algorithm
- New parameter in the mission XML (initialization value for the pseudo-random sequence generator)
- A tooltip showing the packet and file offsets of the selected field appears when hovering over the ‘Size’ column of the Unit Fields tree pane
Updated Mission Schemas
- Biomass X-Band
New Release Announcement - EOCFI v4.22
Earth Observation Mission CFI Software v4.22 has been released!
The latest version can be downloaded here with the detailed release notes available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
The following is a summary of new features and problems solved in Version 4.22.
New Features & Improvements
- Updated the EOCFI C++ RPATH to be based on $ORIGIN/@rpath (on Linux/macOS)
- Enabled support for AEM with custom REF_FRAME used by MTG
- Improvements to DEM-related schemas
- Allow up to 6000 rows/columns in Generic Raster DEM configuration
- Make Cache_Type and Cache_Max_Size optional in EO_OPER_INT_DEMCFG - Added missing DEM models to C++ and Java library enumerations
- Multiple documentation improvements
- Specify which DEM-related fields are optional
- Include Mean Keplerian elements for supported missions in documentation
Bug Fixes
- Corrected function xv_gen_scf to generate files compliant with EOFFS V3
- Corrected crash during initialization of ASTER GDEM (accessing height information at poles)
- Corrected crash caused by passing NULL time filter parameters to xp_time_ref_init_file when loading IERS bulletin
- Corrected crash caused by loading SP3 file with non-existing satellite identifier
- Corrected intersection with targets above 9000 meters
- Corrected initialization of time based on overlapping orbit files
- Corrected memory leaks during call to xv_zonevistime_compute
- Corrected handling of Line-of-Sight intersection close to North/South pole
- Removed `using namespace` directives from C++ header files
- Corrected xo_osv_rec::ref_frame value after loading orbit from file
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