New Release Announcement - OpenSF v4.4.0
OpenSF v4.4.0 has been released and can be downloaded here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
New functionalities
- Pre-built OSFI packages for Python3, JAVA and MATLAB.
- ANR-299: rewrite of PE edition dialog with a new tree-based UX
- ANR-389: PE now allows parameters to be pasted into a selected group
- ANR-390: openSF parameter visibility dialog UI improvement with checkboxes
- ANR-397: openSF now prompts the user before upgrading a database
- ANR-400: update base platform to Eclipse 2024-03
- ANR-403: database files are now placed in the workspace folder by default
- ANR-404: database export files are now more interoperable between different openSF installs
- ANR-399: different modules using the same LCF in a simulation no longer conflict
Known bugs and issues
- In macOS, table columns stop auto-resizing when their size is manually changed. This is due to a bug in the underlying Eclipse RCP, with Eclipse bug id #564840.
- ANR-339: in Linux, the simulation editor GUI can be unstable, especially while using Wayland-based graphics. A workaround is to launch openSF with the environment variable "GDK_BACKEND" set to the value "x11".
All Release Notes are available here
OpenSF configuration validation tool now available
A stand-alone validation tool for OpenSF XML configuration files is now available. This tool validates an XML configuration file against the specification detailed in section 2.2.6 of the Generic E2E Simulator ICD (PE-ID-ESA-GS-464). This allows to check the validity of an XML configuration without having to invoke the OSFI library.
The tool requires Python 3.8 or newer and is platform-independent. Installation and usage instructions can be found in the README.
The tool is available from the OpenSF download page (registration required) as Python wheel or source distribution package.
Website migration
We have completed website maintenance. The backend software has been upgraded as part of the maintenance activities. If you have issues with your user account, or experience other problems with the website, please let us know at
New Release Announcement - OpenSF v4.3.0
OpenSF v4.3.0 has been released and can be downloaded here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
New functionalities
- ANR-366: close all views on database or application mode changes
- ANR-368: output files can use subpaths inside the simulation folder
- ANR-372: save multi-execution information to the group folder
- ANR-374: redesign of the iteration sequence editor
- ANR-378: reorganize folder preferences and fix interactions with
- ANR-380: ask for confirmation when closing a multi-execution view
- ANR-381: allow exporting a database with only simulation templates, not results
- ANR-383: raise an error on simulation execution if the destination folder is not writable
- ANR-385: Windows Python module runner now defaults to "py.exe"
- ANR-393: keep the example simulator packaged until use
- ANR-394: improvements for workspace creation and initialization
- ANR-395: warn if a configuration file contains groups without parameters (PE only)
- ANR-367: fix "export module" functionality
- ANR-373: remove duplicated error dialogs in PE inline parameter edition
- ANR-377: correctly enable buttons in the databases dialog when there are no databases
- ANR-380: confirm before closing a multi-simulation execution view
- ANR-382: stop simulation scripts when a module completes with error
- ANR-384: PE edition dialog is now modal
- ANR-386: remove broken "run from here" functionality
- ANR-387: fix executions elapsed time not being fully stopped under certain circumstances
Known bugs and issues
- Forcing E2E_HOME to an invalid value (e.g. to an unwritable folder) may cause the application to stop responding. While the "folder preferences" settings page will prevent such a change, it may be caused in other ways. In that case, the following solutions are available, from less to more invasive:
- Use the "folder preferences" settings page to set both E2E_HOME and the executions folder (which depends on the former) to valid values: existing, writable folders.
- Manually put a correct value back into the env.E2E_HOME setting inside of workspace_dir/
- Launch openSF with a different workspace folder, like an empty folder. If the "select workspace" dialog does not appear because of the "do not ask again" option being selected, you can still do so by calling openSF as follows:
- Linux/Windows: path/to/openSF_install_dir/openSF -data path/to/new_workspace
- macOS: open -a path/to/openSF_install_dir/ --args -data path/to/new_workspace (note that paths must be absolute here)
- Delete the workspace folder. Note that you will lose any data contained in it, including existing settings in
- In macOS 14 Sonoma, the splash screen background is mirrored. This is due to a bug in the underlying Eclipse SWT framework, with SWT issue id #772.
- In macOS, table columns stop auto-resizing when their size is manually changed. This is due to a bug in the underlying Eclipse RCP framework, with Eclipse bug id #564840.
- ANR-339: in Linux, the simulation editor GUI can be unstable, especially while using Wayland-based graphics. A workaround is to launch openSF with the environment variable "GDK_BACKEND" set to the value "x11".
All Release Notes are available here

New Release Announcement - EOCFI v4.26
Earth Observation Mission CFI Software v4.26 has been released!
The latest version can be downloaded here with the detailed release notes available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
The following is a summary of new features and problems solved in this release.
New Features & Improvements
- Support ANX longitude drift (limited to ORBSCT) in gen_osf_* tools
- Added API support for longitude drift
- Changes in explorer_visibility to support longitude drift
- Support for Mac ARM processors
Bug Fixes
- xd_xml_validate is not thread safe
- Leap second handling in Restituted Attitude File
- Segmentation fault when using file containing multiple covariance matrix elements
- xo_orbit_init_file: error codes not matching documentation
- Station visibility outputs negative number of seconds
- Station visibility segmentation fault if number of mask points > 360
- Error "Input mean eccentricity < 0" when using ORBPRE modelling circular orbit
- Error during EOCFI orbit initialisation and interpolation
- Error/warning table incomplete for xp_target_altitude
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