New Release Announcement - OpenSF v3.9.5
OpenSF v3.9.5 has been released and can be downloaded here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
Removed incorrect delimiter (single quote) around scalar string parameter values in XML configuration files
All Release Notes are available here
New Release Announcement - OpenSF v3.9.4
OpenSF v3.9.4 has been released and can be downloaded here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
New Features
- Added guarantee that modules start as soon as possible when executed in Iterated/Perturbed-Combined mode
- Enabled Timeline editor as a standalone dialog
- Added "Choose…" buttons to select a file in the user interface
- Enabled customization of scripting language interpreters (e.g. Python, JS)
- Homogenized tab style throughout the application
- Homogenized the behaviour of "Modules" and "Simulations" dialogs
- Upgraded parameters handling to use typified values in both PE and openSF
- Upgraded file parsing to allow all XML attributes to be retained when updating a configuration file
- Updated License related text in the About dialog
Corrected loss of connection to DB when deleting DB instance
All Release Notes are available here
New Release Announcement - SAMIEdit v1.4.0.6
Version of SAMIEdit (SAtellite MIssions 3D visualisation application) has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
New Features
- It is possible to import ESOV NG mission timelines file (.SCF) to generate time blocks, e.g to display dynamically instrument swath planning segments
- The display of Nadir direction can be enabled / disabled through the camera menu
- AzEl2LonLat plugin's code that computes the ground stations mask radius has been updated to support MEO satellites (e.g. GPS, Galileo)
- Implementation of version checking with automatic update mechanism (Application —> Check for updates) for application , satellite models and mission files
- Up-to-date mission configuration files and example projects
Bug Fixes
- Cannot select Earth texture when adding time blocks to the timeline
- Cannot select orbit/attitude files if only one file in folder
- Orbit or attitude files that cannot be found during project load prevent the satellites and scenario to be created
New Release Announcement - ESOVNG v2.6.4
Version 2.6.4 of ESOVNG (Swath and Orbit Visualisation tool) has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
New Features
- Consolidation of instrument panel (remove 'Apply' button)
- Reviewed behaviour of 'Apply' button in Orbit and Map panels ('Apply' button disabled until a parameter in the panels has been edited)
- Support for Orbit Files compliant with version 3 of File Format Standard (FFS)
- Added at start-up a pop-up window to check for for availability of updated missions files
- Extended mechanism to check for updated mission files to detect new missions
- Allow multiple selection in Zones / Stations panels to remove zones/stations from list added to scenario
- ANR-459: Logical operations: Return a message when the resulting number of segments is zero to inform the user that no time segments have been found as result of the logical operation
- ANR-467: Inconsistencies in Map Legend Settings
- ANR-469: Command Line Interface sometimes raises exception while the execution of the same Esov scenario file is successful from desktop application
- ANR-487: Internal Improvements regarding POF/ROF file type detection (use xo_orbit_get_mode) and retrieval of file validity for POF/ROF with GEO_MEAN_2000 frame (e.g Aeolus)
- ANR-491: Station copy mechanism does not work as expected
- ANR-494: Sort list with mission names when creating new scenario
Updated Mission Files
- Up-to-date orbit and instrument swath files
New Release Announcement - S2G v2.5.2
Version 2.5.2 of the S2G Data Viewer has been released and can be downloaded here.
Release Notes are available here.
User registration is required. Please find detailed instructions here.
New Features
- S2G has been built using the latest DFDL4S v1.61 library
- Internal changes have been performed in S2G to adapt to DFDL4S API
- Option to "Copy Path"/"Copy Value” to the clipboard has been added to the data fields context menu
- An horizontal slider has been added to the Packet List panel
- Added a progress bar with percentage of evolution for data transformation and report generation
- Two new transformations are supported:
- Transformation Annotated ISP --> ISP
- Transformation Annotated CADU --> CADU
- Check for Updates: the new/updated mission JARs are imported automatically in S2G after download, replacing Standard schemas with older version number
- Schema list has been sorted alphabetically
- ANR-221: CADU-->TF transformation parameters: Selection not persistent if input is an Annotated CADU
- ANR-222: Report generated during TF-->ISP Transformation contains error messages which are not consistent with the input / output data
- ANR-235: Linux: Restitute alternate row colors in Data Unit List and Fields panels
- ANR-242c: In plots with APID (hex) selected for the y axis, the correspondence between packet number and APID is not correct
- ANR-245: It is not possible to select and scroll across pages in the Hex view: the selection limited to portion visible in the pane
- ANR-247: The feature to double click on a byte in the Hex view to jump to related data unit does not work
- ANR-251: Search does not seem to work if there are packets with 'Unable to retrieve value' on that field
- ANR-252: Generating report with padlock locked does not limit the check to top unit level
Updated Mission Schemas
- Aeolus X-Band
- EarthCARE X-Band
- MetOp-SG-A Ka-Band
- MetOp-SG-B Ka-Band
- Sentinel-2 X-Band
- Sentinel-3 X-Band
- Sentinel-5 X-Band
- Sentnel-6 X-Band
- Seosat X-band
- Swarm S-Band
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