The inStrumeNt sourcE pAcket toolKit (SNEAK) is composed of a set of command line utilities to extract/manipulate the values of specific ISP fields in L0 RAW files -- DFDL4S is used to access the binary files.
The toolkit currently includes (amongst others) the following tools:
- isp_extractor, extract specific ISP field(s) into a CSV text file
- isp_transform, update specific ISP field(s) according to a timeline
- isp_sequencer, corrects the SSC of a multi-file ISP stream
- isp_crcfix, corrects the CRC of a multi-file ISP stream
- isp_treemk, lists the fields of the ISP(s) stored in a file
- isp_mux, select/reorder/combine the ISPs from multi-file ISP streams
- isp_annotate, prepends an annotation field to all ISPs in a given file
See the documentation for more information.