The list of available command line tools and the latest version is given below:
Tool | Version | Mission | Description |
CADU-convert | 5.1 | Generic | CADU-convert is a Perl script to transform CADUs |
NAVIGATOR | 1.1.0 | Generic | NAVatt synthetIc generATOR (NAVIGATOR) is a CLI tool that creates NAVATT packets based on a provided Orbit and Attitude |
nc2bin | 0.1.0 | Generic | Small command-line tool to extract binary data from NetCDF files. |
ZoneOverPass Tool | 2.5.4 | Generic | It calculates the visibility passes of a given satellite or instrument swath over a set of zones of interest or ground sites, within a given time interval |
Instrument Collocation Tools | 1.1.2 | Generic | Set of tools to calculate the collocation (overlap) opportunities between two instrument swaths over a region of interest, within a certain time difference. Also provide the minimum and maximum time difference for the first revisit opportunity. |
GroundSitePass Tool | 1.3 | Generic | It calculates the visibility passes of the instrument swath over a set of ground site or ground site, within a given time interval. Additional information related to the ground site is calculated (e.g. distance to the ground-track, Sun incidence angle) |
AeolusGroundSitePass Tool | 1.4.1 | Aeolus |
It calculates the visibility passes of the ALADIN instrument swath over a set of ground sites, within a given time interval. Additional information related to the ground site is calculated (e.g. distance from the site to the middle of the swath) |
AeolusBalloonPass | 1.1.1 | Aeolus |
It calculates the visibility passes of the ALADIN instrument swath for all balloon positions in a balloon trajectory file, within a given time interval. Additional information is calculated (e.g. time difference between the measurement and the pass) |
TrajectoryOverPass | 1.2 | Generic |
It calculates the visibility passes of a given satellite instrument swath over a trajectory position file, within a given time interval. Additional information is calculated (e.g. time difference between the measurement and the pass) |
GroundSiteNetworkOverpass Tool |
1.2 | Generic | It calculates the visibility passes of a given satellite instrument swath over a set or network of ground sites, within a given time interval. Additional information related to the ground site as well as statistics on the overall network is calculated (e.g. distance from the site to the middle of the swath) |
Transponder Pass Tools | 1.6 | Cryosat-2 | Set of tools to calculate the ground-track points for a set of of visibility time segments over a zone or transponder location, as well as information associated to the point of closest approach within each pass over a transponder |
Station Passes Tool | 2.0 | Generic |
Set of tools to calculate the visibility passes of a given satellite over a set of ground stations |
RevisitTime | 1.3 | Generic |
It calculates, for a set of satellites, the min/max/avg revisit time of each grid point |
OrbitSwath2KML | 2.3.5 | Generic | It displays the contour of an instrument swath for a given orbit or UTC time range |
UTC2LonLat | 1.4 | SMOS | It calculates, for given time, the longitude and latitude of the sub-satellite point and the Sun angles in instrument frame |
UTC2Swath | 1.1 | Cryosat/SMOS | It calculates the longitude and latitude of the swath points defining the instantaneous footprint at a given time |
OSV Data Calculator | 1.4.2 | Generic |
It calculates for a given time period, the orbit state vectors and keplerian elements. It also provides geodetic coordinates and other relevant information. |
GetCompareANXData | 1.8.1 | Generic |
It calculates / compares orbit data at ANX from input orbit files |
GetCompareOSVData | 1.0.2 | Generic |
It calculates / compares orbit state vector data at given time step from input orbit files |
1.4 1.2 |
Generic | It generates a Predicted Orbit Flle (XML EO Ground Segment) from a given Two Line Elements (TLE) file. |
OEM_XML2OrbitFile | 1.0 | CHEOPS | It converts an OEM XML orbit file into an EO ORBPRE XML Orbit Predicted File |
Attitude from Star Tracker File Calculator | 1.0 | Cryosat | It calculates attitude data (expressed as quaternions and pitch, roll and yaw angles) from a given Cryosat-2 Star Tracker File |
Sun Angles Calculator | 1.1.1 | Generic | Set of tools to calculate relevant Sun angles and eclipse flag, either for a given time interval at a given time step or for a subset of orbits, jumping in time. |
Moon Angles Calculator | 1.3 | Generic | Set of tools to calculate relevant Moon angles and eclipse flag, either for a given time interval at a given time step or for a subset of orbits, jumping in time. |
SCEclipseSZACalc | 1.10 | Generic | It calculates the SC eclipse entry/exit times and the SZA up/down times |
StarTrackerConstraints | 2.0 | Generic | It calculates when Sun/Moon in Exclusion angle of Star Tracker |
For technical support, please contact the command line tools helpdesk at